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Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 1:47:50 PM
No personal disrespect. But you are simply getting a small taste of what average players experienced playing against you for the last 3 years under CBMM. You are having to compete now if you want to win matches, rather than being allowed to dominate weaker players. Many of whom had little if any realistic chance to beat you. The difference though is you have the skill to fight back, and the ability to compete. What I’m hearing is that you don’t find this as enjoyable. …and that’s the root issue here. The conflict between two irreconcilable definitions of fun. Those who enjoy competing against players of similar skill, versus those who enjoy dominating players of lesser skill. One is competitive. The other is predatory. The market is such that one game can no longer serve both. Which is why half of the Crucibles player base melted away over the last three years. I’m always amazed at how so many high skill players expect average players to accept conditions that those same high skill players consider unacceptable for themselves.

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  • Edited by NoStatsHereMate: 9/1/2022 2:50:02 PM
    Playing matches with 50% win likelihood is the literal definition of a 'fair fight', and yet you've managed to warp that into being 'predatory'?

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  • A match being 50% and your entire match history being forced to around 50% are two entirely different things.

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  • [quote]A match being 50% and your entire match history being forced to around 50% are two entirely different things.[/quote] Yes, which is why I wonder how you're confusing the two...

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  • I think the only one confused here is you. When I refer to 50% W/L, that means the statistic that rounds your entire history of wins and losses. Not hard to grasp.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 2:22:47 PM
    Nope. Call a pig a goat all you want. It’s still a pig. Forcing players of average or lower ability into contests with people who are statistically impossible for them to beat is predatory. Bungie’s own in-house skill tracking data showed that this was happening. That at a certain skill gap, the outcome was determined before shots were even fired….IOW, the encounters were non-competitive. …yet CBMM was routinely exposing people to encounter s where the gap was 50% larger than that. SBMM makes the matches actually competitive..and some of you just don’t like competition. Winning is fun. Competition is work…and carries a risk of failure.

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  • [quote]Nope.[/quote] Yep, its been factually proven. [quote]Call a pig a goat all you want. It’s still a pig.[/quote] Sounds like denial to me. [quote]Forcing players of average or lower ability into contests with people who are statistically impossible for them to beat is predatory.[/quote] This is what SBMM does exactly to force 50% W/L. CBMMs only objective was stable games, not rigging matches. [quote]Bungie’s own in-house skill tracking data showed that this was happening. That at a certain skill gap, the outcome was determined before shots were even fired….IOW, the encounters were non-competitive.[/quote] If a thief told you your posessions were safe with them would you believe it? Bungies objective is to make SBMM look appealing. But lets take them on their word for a second. Is it really much better to go from "before the first shot is fired" to "before the players enter the map"? Because thats modern SBMMs whole goal... thats been proven since Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 introduced it... [quote]…yet CBMM was routinely exposing people to encounter s where the gap was 50% larger than that.[/quote] SBMM does the same thing if you dare go beyond 50% W/L. So I dont see your point. [quote]SBMM makes the matches actually competitive..and some of you just don’t like competition.[/quote] No it doesnt. There is no such thing as matches being competitive under SBMM or CBMM. The only systems that have absolute competitive integrity are systems like CS GOs ranked. Halo Infinite has this, but they mixed it with SBMM and oh look at that, it was ruined.... Also nice assumption. [quote]Winning is fun. Competition is work…and carries a risk of failure.[/quote] Which is why theres a key difference between a casual and competitive playlist. Casual is meant for fun, competition goes to the comp playlists. Shoving predatory skill algorithms into casual modes solves nothing. Its almost as if games like Halo 3 with legitimate skill algorithms fixed this problem. But no, we need... whatever this junk is? It makes no sense. And people like you who dont understand how these systems even work enable companies to get away with this laziness. Congratulations: [url=][/url]

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 4:05:07 PM
    Smh. [i]Rationalizations are the emotional smoke that billows up from emotional fires. You don’t treat rationalizations like reasoned, principled arguments anymore than you try to put out a fire by standing around waving at the smoke. You put out a fire by putting out the fire. If that is not enough, and the fires keep coming back? Then you put out the arsonist.[/i] —-Drew Westren. “The Political Brain” Let me put out the fire: In no other activity that DARES to call itself “competitive” do you see people expend SO much energy arguing that it’s unfair….. …to have to play people at their own level of skill. While defending their RIGHT to play people who literally cannot beat them. 🙄

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  • [quote]Smh. [i]Rationalizations are the emotional smoke that billows up from emotional fires. You don’t treat rationalizations like reasoned, principled arguments anymore than you try to put out a fire by standing around waving at the smoke. You put out a fire by putting out the fire. If that is not enough, and the fires keep coming back? Then you put out the arsonist.[/i] —-Drew Westren. “The Political Brain” [/quote] [i]One of the most stupid things to do is to pretend you are smart. When you pretend to be smart, you are at the height of stupidity.[/i] -Robert T. Kiyosaki "A Quick Google Search" [quote]Let me put out the fire: In no other activity that DARES to call itself “competitive” do you see people expend SO much energy arguing that it’s unfair….. …to have to play people at their own level of skill.[/quote] Allow me to set more fires. What you just said is merely an assumption. Had you actually read what I said, you wouldnt be thinking Im some sweat who wants to stomp on casuals. Seems that is the only defense modern SBMM supporters have... shameful [quote]While defending their RIGHT to play people who literally cannot beat them. 🙄[/quote] Oh so now it is a rights issue? What are you on? Nobody needs to beg to be put up against low skilled players when SBMM already does that when the algorithm needs you to win. You really are an idiot...

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  • I don’t have to pretend to be smart. Which means I recognize when I’m dealing with someone who is arguing emotion and identity. So it’s a waste of my time trying to reason with them. There. I just put out the arsonist.

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  • [quote]I don’t have to pretend to be smart.[/quote] You do in every post you make kelly. [quote]Which means I recognize when I’m dealing with someone who is arguing emotion and identity. So it’s a waste of my time trying to reason with them.[/quote] Arguing against an algorithm that is known to destroy games, while pointing out a solution is arguing emotion and identity? I think you might just be the most braindead person on this forum. Sorry, eh not sorry. [quote]There. I just put out the arsonist.[/quote] You are a horrible firefighter.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 4:34:24 PM
    All you have are insults. Every dev in the industry says that SBMM improves player retention. All of Bungie’s competitors use SBMM. This season is showing the highest daily Crucible numbers all year. Everyday has seen over 400k players. While the last 3 seasons had long stretches where it couldn’t break 300k, and went as low as 250k. Bungie hasn’t thrived in this industry for 30 years by being stupid. You’re not going to win this….. You’re mad. I get that. But the facts of the situation aren’t going to change simply because you don’t like them. Which is why this is pointless. So save us both hours of going around in circles, and you saying something that gets the attention of the mods.

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  • Edited by GIVE EM HELLBOY: 9/2/2022 3:35:23 PM
    [quote]All you have are insults.[/quote] Ignoring the explanation of SBMM I see... insults are the sideshow. [quote]Every dev in the industry says that SBMM improves player retention. All of Bungie’s competitors use SBMM.[/quote] Gee I wonder why. When you force 50% W/L ratios and rig matches, its almost as if that keeps people from progressing. In turn they play more and are more likely to see players that have cool stuff and spent money. So they will be more likely to spend money. Works for CoD and Halo Infinite, so D2 of course would be the next one to adopt it. [quote]This season is showing the highest daily Crucible numbers all year. Everyday has seen over 400k players. While the last 3 seasons had long stretches where it couldn’t break 300k, and went as low as 250k.[/quote] Hmmmm, maybe its because this season just happened to coincide with the Lightfall reveal? Same thing happened when they removed SBMM in Shadowkeep. SBMM isnt the cause of high player counts, and not every playlist has SBMM (yet). [quote]Bungie hasn’t thrived in this industry for 30 years by being stupid.[/quote] The Bungie that made Halo and the Bungie of now are completely seperate entities. Two different teams. Old Bungie made an algorithm that worked, which modern Bungie refuses to utilize for some bizarre reason. The solution was in their face and they still messed up. [quote]You’re not going to win this…..[/quote] I already did the second you felt the need to declare that. [quote]You’re mad. I get that. But the facts of the situation aren’t going to change simply because you don’t like them.[/quote] Amused is a better term. And it will change if more people rally with me to take down this abominable system and have a better one take its place. [quote]Which is why this is pointless. So save us both hours of going around in circles, and you saying something that gets the attention of the mods.[/quote] No its not pointless, I enjoy this. Let the mods come. You are a smoothbrain trogolodyte.

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  • The more you dig in the more you make my point for me. That it’s a waste of time discussing facts with someone arguing from emotion and identity. Unlike you, I don’t enjoy this, and I’ve got better things to do. Cold, hard fact: This is Bungie’s game, and if you don’t like what they’re doing with it you’re free to go play a game that meets your needs. But if that need is CBMM, you’re going to be hard-pressed to find one. Because the entire industry is turning away from it.

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  • And the sauce is spicy but amazing.

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  • Edited by GIVE EM HELLBOY: 9/1/2022 4:54:57 PM
    [quote]The more you dig in the more you make my point for me. That it’s a waste of time discussing facts with someone arguing from emotion and identity.[/quote] I already disproved the emotion and identity hoo ha, try again. [quote]Unlike you, I don’t enjoy this, and I’ve got better things to do.[/quote] Then why are you still here? [quote]Cold, hard fact: This is Bungie’s game, and if you don’t like what they’re doing with it you’re free to go play a game that meets your needs.[/quote] I just wont touch the pvp I once had fun with. Good thing PvE is great. [quote]But if that need is CBMM, you’re going to be hard-pressed to find one. Because the entire industry is turning away from it.[/quote] Never said I wanted CBMM back, its a better alternative but its still terrible and shady. I merely proposed they reintroduce Halo 3s matchmaker that their company created in 2007. But you casually glanced over that to make your baseless assumptions appear to have meaning. Retry Level? Yes No

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  • Some people just can’t take a hint. Go vent your rage somewhere else. Muted.

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  • Ah.... victory

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  • King. 👑

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  • I love you lmao this was hilarious 😂😂😂.

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  • Somebody had to put Kelly in his place for once. Dude runs around like hes Bungies prophet lmao.

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  • You just illogical. Cmon.

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  • Nope, just spitting facts.

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