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Edited by kellygreen45: 9/1/2022 1:47:50 PM
No personal disrespect. But you are simply getting a small taste of what average players experienced playing against you for the last 3 years under CBMM. You are having to compete now if you want to win matches, rather than being allowed to dominate weaker players. Many of whom had little if any realistic chance to beat you. The difference though is you have the skill to fight back, and the ability to compete. What I’m hearing is that you don’t find this as enjoyable. …and that’s the root issue here. The conflict between two irreconcilable definitions of fun. Those who enjoy competing against players of similar skill, versus those who enjoy dominating players of lesser skill. One is competitive. The other is predatory. The market is such that one game can no longer serve both. Which is why half of the Crucibles player base melted away over the last three years. I’m always amazed at how so many high skill players expect average players to accept conditions that those same high skill players consider unacceptable for themselves.

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  • Money talks and BS walks. This is how the real world works. You forget that this is a money making venture and is not a charity. Also, now that Bungie is under the SONY umbrella they have shareholders that want there bi-yearly dividends. It never ceases to amaze me that people forget that the one signing the check makes the decisions.

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  • Or whoever has the deepest pockets.

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  • What?

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  • You said Bungie will cater to whoever screams the loudest…. …and I added, “Or whoever has the deepest pockets”. This was a business decision. Catering to the top players drove everyone else out of the game…and I’m betting the result was Bungie was losing money on pvp. It was costing them more trying to fix all the problems it was creating than they were taking in as player numbers plummeted. Yet adding back SBMM has resulted in the highest Crucible numbers I’ve seen all year. Bottomline, average players have other SBMM options so they don’t have to play this game. What shooter options do those who don’t want CBMM have?

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  • Another issue of bungie’s is that they DON’T offer any other option. You say that having seperate sbmm and cbmm playlists would kill the cbmm playlist, I say just [i]try it.[/i] Sbmm is REQUIRED. Yeah, you heard me, I actually agree with you. But they have to implement proper team balancing and dedicated servers [b][i][u]FIRST.[/u][/i][/b] This is common sense to any and all gamers who play multiplayer games. The fact they have jumped the gun has led to even more unbalanced games, people leaving, the infuriating lag etc. But no, in typical bungie fashion, they skipped a few steps. Once again, they treat the symptoms, but not the disease.

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  • Dedicated servers...never going to happen. No reason to dump a ton of money into something that is not going to give you a ROI. You want them to upgrade the tech to make the experience better, which is not a bad thing. But, when you pour money into something you want a return. There is no return on that investment. You are not going to buy more from Bungie and players are not going to swarm to Destiny to play PVP.

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  • People are leaving to protect their precious KPD. That's not a server issue, it's not a Bungie issue, it's a bad community one. All I can say is if you have a problem with it, take it up with your sweaty friends. I can imagine it's quite a shock to wake up one day and actually have to try hard to win and realize you aren't king of Space Mountain after all. Boo hooo. SBMM is working great.

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  • They’ve already tried it, and that’s what happened. Everyone but the top players and streamers chose the SBMM playlist. So the CBMM players complained because of the low player count, and the heavily skewed skill distribution towards the top end. I’m sorry, but at EVERY turn, player engagement numbers show a decisive preference for SBMM. The problem is you have a very vocal and high-profile minority of high skill players who bandwagon against it, and people think they speak for the average player. They don’t.

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  • Did you even read what I said? I literally agreed with you lmao. But they have to have proper team balancing and dedicated servers BEFORE they implement sbmm so they avoid all of the problems I already previously communicated to you.

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  • Take your own advice.

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  • So you have no thoughts on them needing to put dedicated servers or team balancing in before sbmm?

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  • No point. They are not going to happen. Not at this point in an 8 year old franchise, with a small pvp player base. So there is no point in going down a counterfactual rabbit hole. The game simply is what it is.

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  • Exactly...might as well burn money in a fire. You get the same result.

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  • Edited by Eatz: 9/1/2022 5:15:33 PM
    And there it is, mediocre players accepting mediocrity. Dedicated servers, something that would help the entirety of the game, isn’t wildly wanted, because nobody knows what they’re talking about.

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  • No. It’s understanding that the networking is an inextricable part of how the game plays. Especially in pve. This is not a dedicated comp shooter, and it is the expectation that it’s should play like one that fuels a lot of self-inflicted discontent.

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  • You keep telling yourself that every time your melee whiffs or a dreg teleports in front of you.

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  • Edited by STiNKyWizLTeaTs: 9/1/2022 7:42:39 PM
    You need to come to the realization that Bungie does not care about this. The ONLY thing that matters is the shareholders. It was the same with MSFT, the same with ATVI, and it is the same with SONY. They don't give a rats -blam!- about your melee. What they do care about is if the board of directors has an issue and some fund wants to unload a million shares because they do not like the direction the company is going.

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  • I don’t take the games pvp that seriously. And I lived with a lot of that in D1….

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  • Yours? Yes! Even if Bungie make two modes choose (CBMM/SBMM) for each and every crucible mode. 90% of player base just go to SBMM matches because they have more fair matchmaking and to players happen to pay against other top players in CBMM.

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  • [quote]You realize I could turn right around and say the opposite in favor of good players, right? The hypocrisy is real.[/quote] You actually can't. If high-skill players leave, literally nothing changes. The remainder become the new upper tier, but the low-skill players mostly stay as they were, playing other low-skill players. If low-skill players leave, well let's hope that the high-skill players get used to the skill adjustments quickly, otherwise they gon' be mad to find that they only have themselves to play amongst... It's basically SBMM anyway...

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  • This is the most sound logic in a nutshell. Finally someone said what I have thought in my head but forget to put it on paper. You are a legend.

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  • Flip that around. SBMM is predatory, while CBMM was non discriminatory. SBMM is just a manipulative algorithm that enforces 50% W/L ratios, making solo and low fireteam play unenjoyable. Casual players getting stomped during CBMM is no different than SBMM forcing them into a losing match because theyre at 55% W/L. Unless you are stacking Legend players, SBMM is worse than CBMM. This is fact and has been proven time and time again on other games.

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  • Boxer who weight's 70kg can't compete against 120kg boxers. That's why box and have weight categories.

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  • Stop comparing real life comp sports with major money on the line to a casual match of control. Did you choose the troglodyte mindset today?

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  • 50%? I won 2 out of 8 matches solo last night. 🙄

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