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7/7/2022 4:58:56 PM

WTF is up with Lost Sector drop rates??

If I run a dozen PLATINUM clears in a row and get ZERO exotic drops, there’s a -blam!- problem.

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  • Master or Legend?

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    • Run the top level ones and there's no issue. Drop rates are fine for me.

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      • [quote]If I run a dozen PLATINUM clears in a row and get ZERO exotic drops, there’s a -blam!- problem.[/quote] In another post, I came up with an idea for guaranteed loot drops, obviously find it and read it first, but that type of system implemented would stop this bs drop rate. The post I made goes into more detail and I was pretty much brain storming while writing it, jut my idea basically goes along the lines of: -Loot has increased chance to drop after each completion. -A streak system could be implemented to increase the rate at which loot drop rate increases, and would reset if another activity is started, similar to strike,crucible, gambit and dares streaks for reputation. -There could be a reset each Tuesday but this may annoy casual players who can barely play, so this may not be a thing (just thought now that each Tuesday, the drop chance decreases slightly like with comp pvp so it doesn't become super easy to get loot) -There would be different baseline drop chances and drop chance increases for each activity depending on values such as ease to complete, complexity and even how played a specific activity is, just to name a few This is pretty conceptual at the moment and im just throwing ideas out there, even improving and adding upon the original in this post. But in all seriousness, I would not be surprised if bungie did nothing and just left the loot system as is, no matter how many problems or issues are encountered by players...

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      • [quote]If I run a dozen PLATINUM clears in a row and get ZERO exotic drops, there’s a -blam!- problem.[/quote] It's not just lost sectors, it's a systemic issue. For a looter shooter to distribute loot this poorly is an f'ing problem. I really don't even feel like raiding anymore because....what's the point? I'll never get the -blam!- exotics apparently so why bother?

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      • i just want the f'ing mythoclast but after 80+ runs i cant seem to get it and I dont think im gonna get it soon ive probably sunk about 65+ hours of just doing vogs so before yall say skill issue in the reply bungie has a real problem with drop rates some people get the vex there first run and some people dont get it after 150+ clears so bungie needs to have more of a chance to get raid exotics because its annoying otherwise

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      • Ok I don't see it. I made four runs today and got the exotic. I always get the stuff I want from them. So.... Maybe try dying a few times when you run them and the game will feel sorrow for you and give you that lucky loot?

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      • "Here's your Glimmer now stop your -blam!-." - Bungie

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      • I did Skydock IV three times in a row and got three exotics in a row. I say this because I was able to run them in about 3 minutes without dying. I would suggest doing the same one?

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      • Been there done that. I’ve just put a limit on them at this point, if I bother running them at all.

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      • Do master runs , drop rates way better

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        2 Replies
        • Imagine if you got all the exotics for whatever the daily slot is with high stats in just a few hours. It would kind of defeat the purpose of "Exotic" wouldn't it? I heard Xur sells 1 engram per account every weekend that drops a random exotic if the grind in the lost sectors is too slow hahaha!

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        • on my whole experience, got back to the game last week of season of risen, you get an exotic every 3 runs ( My experience of course(

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        • Don't know how everyone get bad luck runs. I usually get an exotic every 3 I finish.

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        • Working as intended. Keep farming.

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        • Working as intended

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        • I always get missing exotics on my first try, I never ever bother to grind out for exotics after that. I highly suggest you stop before you insane, it feels like lost sectors were mostly designed for players to get the new exotics and then be done with it.

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          • You should get 1 every clear you do as their are stat rolls to farm for them too

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          • "working as intended"

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          • I ran the Lost Sector on the moon for the chest piece yesterday. Took 2 tries and it dropped. I usually get the drop in 1-3 clears. Longest I’ve ever gone without an exotic drop is 6 clears. Bungie hates you.

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          • The drop rates have continuously been nerfed into the ground just like all the drop rates for semi casual content. Everything besides flawless trials cards and GM nightfalls for their top 0,01 % elitist neckbeards has abysmal drop rates these days and is an insult to our time.

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            • Yup. I made the mistake of not reading what Exotic the Lost Sector was dropping. I wanted the Seasonal exotic Boots, but this Lost sector was dropping only Gauntlets (I'll learn to read next week). I have all the Exotics for all 3 of my characters, except the new Boots. I did 10 Platinum runs of the K1 Revelations (Ogre Boss - 7 with no deaths and under the time limit too) and the last 5 were glimmer only. Never got a single exotic drop. When I did run the correct Lost Sector (in the Throne World), the Boots dropped for my Warlock on the first run. For this season, my Titan got the new gauntlets first run and it took 3 runs for my Hunter. That is well above normal, as past seasons, it has averaged out to 7 runs before the new exotic drops.

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              • Yeah, and the problem is you! Like can you imagine wanting to get rewards? Get gut Kid.

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              • Doing them in Savathûn's throne world makes me think bungie is waiting till they are ready to change all vendors to be where doing Lost sectors, would eventually be also passively gaining rep for up-to-date vendors on planets.

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              • It is broken. My buddy has been running lost sectors like crazy. something like 20 runs per day just to farm exotics and pick up new ones. He is lucky to get 1 drop in 20 runs. The on the other hand I almost always get an exotic, jumped in the other day to get two warlock gloves I didn't have yet and got 2 new gloves in 3 runs, no joke 2 new exotic gloves in 3 runs. You either have good "luck" or the absolute worst "luck" ever. I put luck in inverted commas because I strongly believe there is no luck in this game, there are weighted averages for every player. You either have a lucky account or you don't. Oh and this buddy in particular took 180 runs in D1 to get pre-nerf hopscotch pilgrim to drop and is currently at 135 VoG full clears with no vex. Unlucky account.

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              • Sadly, kids will defend the drop rate and pretend it works perfectly for everyone They don’t consider they got lucky compared to a lot of us Bungie loves those ppl

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                5 Replies
                • They are terrible and the worst way to farm exotics. If you are doing more than unlocking an exotic you haven’t gotten I wouldn’t bother. Nightfalls have a much higher drop rate especially during double reward weeks.

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