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6/28/2022 7:25:19 PM
[quote]The past few weeks, trials has been plagued by 3 stacks who just spam reset on 6 wins or 20+ win streak carries. They just his 6 wins and reset their card to stay in the flawless pool even though they have won the past 10+ games. It can be super frustrating to get to 5-6 wins and have your hard earned card ruined by people you have no right matching into. Now I'm no designer so these may no be the best fixes but I feel I at least need to give some input on the situation. Lets say if someone wins 7-8 games in a row they're put in the flawless pool regardless of card progress. I know this isn't even as issue to a lot of people but to people like me who only really care about a weekly flawless or for the people -blam!- struggle in trials (who the flawless pool is directly supposed to help) it can be super demoralizing and can put you off of playing trials for the week altogether. These people are only playing trials to pad their stats and to gatekeep other people and I would really appreciate this being addressed.[/quote] So its demoralizing to lose? Okay so is it fair that because that player is better then you they are forced into a smaller pool that has much more sweaty matches? Well to you its fair because you never have to actually play games in it. If you cant handle losing 1 game and resetting then you are in the wrong mode because losing is part of PvP

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  • Well then they'd have to practice what they preach about getting good wouldn't they? They'd actually have to face players at their skill level or above. That's why they avoid flawless pool because they're scared of losing and effing up their k/d. But we can't have that. As long as they get to pub stomp to their hearts content that's what's important. I can guarantee you the people like me who have seldom gone flawless did not have an easy time of it and it did not feel like a participation trophy getting to the lighthouse. You can scream about getting gud and getting loot handed to you all you want but it is not the case for the average or even above average player.

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  • [quote]Well then they'd have to practice what they preach about getting good wouldn't they? They'd actually have to face players at their skill level or above. That's why they avoid flawless pool because they're scared of losing and effing up their k/d. But we can't have that. As long as they get to pub stomp to their hearts content that's what's important. I can guarantee you the people like me who have seldom gone flawless did not have an easy time of it and it did not feel like a participation trophy getting to the lighthouse. You can scream about getting gud and getting loot handed to you all you want but it is not the case for the average or even above average player.[/quote] They ignore the flawless pool because its sweaty games for not much better loot. Adpets drop rarely from that pool, its just stupid when people say “well they just dont want to play sweaty matches” but well you want them out of your pool so you dont have to o sweaty matches. If you honestly think PvP players care about their KD that much then you are wrong, not even streamers care just go watch their streams. Honestly with the amount of ignorance in your post im bot gonna say anymore

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  • Lol so if the best players don't want sweaty matches that's fine. If mid players don't want them it's git gud. Do you even hear yourself? The logic only ever goes one way. Like I said, going flawless is not easy even if they were somehow forced to go into the flawless pool somehow. It just gives players a better chance at getting matched with players at or just above their skill level. You want people to git gud but when the skill gap is the grand canyon instead of something more manageable how are they ever supposed to do that? There's also no guarantee they won't get matched with the best players anyways on their card. I mean the one time I went flawless and we continued to play into the flawless pool we all got several adept weapons and we played 7 more games games before losing (was the weekend of Sept. 11 2021 if you need to look it up). Sure, maybe the loot incentive isn't great but it's there. My point is that if trials is the end game pvp mode you all want it to be then treat it that way and play the best of the best. If it were about that principle as you claim you wouldn't have a problem with flawless pool. Also I can't believe someone with a .91 overall crucible k/d is trying to lecture me on getting good in trials. Were you carried on all 10 of your flawless runs? Must have friends who are really good and don't want to lose your pub stomping priveledges?

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  • [quote]Lol so if the best players don't want sweaty matches that's fine. If mid players don't want them it's git gud. Do you even hear yourself? The logic only ever goes one way. Like I said, going flawless is not easy even if they were somehow forced to go into the flawless pool somehow. It just gives players a better chance at getting matched with players at or just above their skill level. You want people to git gud but when the skill gap is the grand canyon instead of something more manageable how are they ever supposed to do that? There's also no guarantee they won't get matched with the best players anyways on their card. I mean the one time I went flawless and we continued to play into the flawless pool we all got several adept weapons and we played 7 more games games before losing (was the weekend of Sept. 11 2021 if you need to look it up). Sure, maybe the loot incentive isn't great but it's there. My point is that if trials is the end game pvp mode you all want it to be then treat it that way and play the best of the best. If it were about that principle as you claim you wouldn't have a problem with flawless pool. Also I can't believe someone with a .91 overall crucible k/d is trying to lecture me on getting good in trials. Were you carried on all 10 of your flawless runs? Must have friends who are really good and don't want to lose your pub stomping priveledges?[/quote] Lmao, you went to go check my KD lol, I wasn’t carried i have friends that i play the game with lmao. I haven’t cared about KD in years I usually just run meme stuff and if i die having fun then i die having fun if i wanna use a glaive melee a whole game so be it. Btw your whole 2 paragraphs above that message aren’t really argument one is about you going flawless and how trials is a endgame mode. Kinda a bad argument since GMs are PvE endgame and they aren’t constantly being made eaiser for a group of people who dont play other PvE modes often. Why should it become harder for the die hard playerbase they still want to have fun and sweating every match isnt fun. But hey im only a .91 player what would i know about sweaty matches lmao. Also I dont know how you managed this but you made me sound like a elitist in your first paragraph when you insult me in your 3rd lmao. It really sounds like you haven’t been in the flawless pool, its a way smaller pool with it taking longer to find matches because of that, and when you do you face only sweaty teams. Thats not fun for mid players and they complain so now good players have to deal with it. Also the “good” players are PvP players and “mid” players are “PvE” players. Lets get that right lmao, there is nothing you get from being in that pool that actually is good like drops

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  • Well you said the loot wasn't good enough for the aggravation and if I an average player can get 7 wins post flawless then certainly it can't be THAT bad for people way better than me to get more adept loot. That's why I mentioned it. The only people who complain about flawless pool are the sweats, not the average players. Like I said you don't believe me it's there on trials report and you can look it up for yourself. I don't particularly like pvp in this game hence why I haven't played much trials since then. I can still advocate for it to be a more I'll want to play occasionally.

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