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3/19/2022 2:52:13 PM
So here is a story about me learning D2. I used to complain about nightfalls being too difficult and the champs being OP. I used to never touch crucible or even gambit as I was terrified of the PvP side of the game. I mainly played the game solo so there was little I could do on my own. Raids were never a thing, nor GMs nor exotic missions(presage/harbinger), not even legend/master lost sectors. I claimed it all to be OP and BS that bungie would make sure difficult content for those without people to play with. Then I got a few friends to play, and we learned together. Now I can do anything I set my mind to, and I'm even branching out into LFGs(to an certain extent) to find random people to do the new raid with. Unless you have the friends, it's the only way to get those more challenging things done. If you feel that it's not right, or that you can't, then I'm proof that you're wrong. I may not be the best at what I do, but I've been able to build confidence both with my gameplay, and on a social level. It does get better, don't give up or complain about the difficulty, it's there as the next goal you wish to reach.

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  • i solod entire legend campaign, that was a better example, and without champions. champons are artificial difficulty, they only work in like weeklz legend difficulty, maaaybe master weekly, master wellspring etc. there's not much modifiers for these activities. champions are still ok in grasp of avarice because they are not spammed (only 1 spawns at a time). champions in master raids i disaggreeee, master vog had champion after champion, limiting loadout and weapon element with additional modifiers. in master raids they should just be replaced with a HIGH health target. 1590 is a ridiculous GRIND. last season lasted 6 months, reached +26,+27 on artifact. but under 3 months i can barely get to +20, let alone other's that cannot even get anywhere near that target, being stuck at +10 to +15. unless the dev lead for legend campaign difficulty doesn't redesign the master version i don't even see any loot worth chasing for.

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  • Edited by TheValorous: 3/19/2022 3:09:28 PM
    Honestly, it sounds like you're burning out. You enjoyed the grind but you're seeing less and less reason to keep that grind up. The master/grandmaster content will always be the peak of difficult content, and there are people out there complain the opposite of you, that it's too easy, or that bungie is not creative enough to make it a [i]REAL[/i] challenge. I'm not one for watering content, even if I haven't reached it. If I can't do a GM or master raid, then I need to improve. Making the content easier doesn't make me a better player.

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  • The legendary campaign is how difficulty should be across the game it was actually fun I could use my stuff without it being locked and no stupid champions

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  • Solo legend was interesting, but I wouldn't want it to be the bar to set all content to. I enjoy challenges but part of the campaign seemed kinda bogus at parts. Still a great campaign none the less.

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  • True but it’s a step in the right directions feels a lot more like the d1 difficulty

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  • There will always be a fine line to balance on with PvE content. Those who find it easy want more difficulty. Those who find it hard, want less difficultly. It's a lose lose for bungie either way.

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  • Realistically though it’s better to make it difficult not streamer level difficulty or whatever they want but by making it difficult it just means u gotta improve

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  • Well again, with my initial post, if I can't do content, then that means I need to improve. If Bungie nerfs the content and I then go and beat that content, did I do it because I improve myself, or because Bungie nerfed it?

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  • Because bungie nerfed it realistically isn’t it?

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  • I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. If you can't do a piece of content, then you need to improve. They shouldn't make it easier for you to get it, and then those who did do it at the current difficulty get the shaft because "Oh well sorry, some people couldn't do it"

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  • Yh no that’s what I said that I’d they make it easier it’s that u didn’t improve and that they should keep it harder if u can’t do it then get better

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  • also no matchgame modifier, but shields were still tougher to crack.

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