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2/25/2022 3:44:44 AM
Hello, i have boight all the dlc for destiny 2 including the witch queen but when the witch queen was installed all of my other dlc was removed i cant even find it when i go to "manage game" and ive already reset/changed my mac address it didnt do anything now i dont have "beyond light " shadowkeep" "30th anaversarry" or "forsaken" i would either like a refund for the dlc or just give me back the dlc i already paid for.... thanks

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  • Same here, I've purchased the dlc's then bungie wipes them from use,I am purchasing not renting I want a refund for all dlc's bungie has sold me then removed from the game, no other game does this, I just bought beyond light 2 months ago, now once again bungie wants to take away my purchases and force me to buy new add-ons so I can play a game I've already payed for while they keep taking away the content I've already paid for ,I want a refund for all purchased content that cannot be played or make all my purchased content playable like any other game, I bought it I should be able it anytime I choose, .if I went and bought a car from a dealership then decided to by another car later, the dealership cannot just take the first car I purchased., now i have to considering leaving destiny2 and all bungie products because i dont get to keep what i buy, shame since I've bought all the halos in the past and have been playing bungie games for 22yrs..

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  • I’m in the same boat. ALL my DLCs are gone. Spent about three hours on the phone with Microsoft. Final outcome was it’s a bungie issue. I purchased mine with silver, that was on gamepass. Since bungie is no longer on gamepass, I can’t be refunded through Microsoft and have to wait for bungie to fix the problem or contact me for a refund. Problem is Bungie has no way to report issues other then here. I’ve never had someone actually respond to any of my issues on here regarding refunds. I just dropped $100 on the Witch Queen and I can’t even use my stasis, finish Europa stuff I haven’t completed, it sucks and no answers yet. Come on Bungie and help a girl out. I refuse to drop more money on stuff I already own!!!

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  • They didn’t help you get any refund or anything did they? I’m a new player so someone tells me to start with forsaken so I buy it like a week before witch queen. Barely got to play it then they removed it! Why was it still for sale a week before taking it off? Bungie betttr get it together if they want to keep a solid fan base

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