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1/16/2022 2:19:20 PM
I don't view this as an Orb Nerf, but rather a Charged with Light Nerf. 3 seasons of well mods and people are still using the go to charged with light or hybrid/charged with light builds. It is because thier "Well Mods" are horrible. All the time and money in to development and they have to find a way to justify it by showing players are using them, wich the vast majority aren't. So they have to artificially generate conditions in wich "-blamming- Well Mods" are a meh choice because of the game mechanics. Example- Armor affinities can now easily be changed. (Easier to swap 2 seasons of energy specific well mods) Orbs generated by specific energy types via armor slot (sounds a lot like well mods) Orb generation harder to proc through multi Kills. (Sounds like Well Mods well generation on 5th kill) Sounds like they are trying to put Charged with Light on par with Well Mods so players use them more since Energy affinities will now effect both. This is a lazy and disappointing game change to try to upsell a bad product (well mods). I would of been happier with a slow catalyst drip than this.

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  • Ironically, had Sunsetting never gone away the idea of charged with light getting a nerf wouldn’t exist as the armor that could have equipped the mods would have not been able to infuse into higher power levels. Same with Warmind cell mods. I’m not saying Sunsetting is the better method. I’m just saying that it provided Bungie with set end of life dates for these mods and builds. Now we’re back to them having to nerf things in order to get us to try new things or to keep us from creeping too high in power.

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  • Edited by Shaba Anab: 1/18/2022 3:23:13 AM
    True, but also profoundly no. Destiny is trying to be a FPS that is trying to focus on guns with abilities supplementing. When in reality it is an abilities game with guns supplementing. If this wasn't the case your weapons wouldn't have abilities and perks that buff abilities. It would be more of an attachment system. Since it is not any change that can interfere with ability recharge or builds is going to make for very spongy enemies. Mark my words you are going to see people creating guide videos as to where to stand so you can chip away at enemies. Even more so than now, and it will become the meta (boring). What Bungie should of done was increase enemy counts drastically in encounters to proc more orbs and proc abilities. This would of created a faster pace game play that would of been more rewarding to build crafting and gin perks. As of now I see the only 3 perks worth while on every gun being Vorpal, Demolitionist, and Thresh. Simply for the boss dps and finding a way to buff recharge times since orbs will be much harder to get.

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  • SPOT ON SON!! Nailed it.

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