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1/16/2022 4:03:57 AM
The idea of hinting at a story piece by piece through item descriptions dark souls style is really cool. If only the story was actually a coherent and compelling narrative.

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  • It’s a shame how good the story is….. it just isn’t really explained or shown in the game for the most part

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  • My understanding of the destiny narrative is that it is very much quantity over quality. The universe is huge but the world building is too ambitious for its own good. All of these side stories are introduced but are never tied off and concluded. The worst part is that there is no reason to care about anything; there is no sense of threat, and there is no attachment to any characters. And no, cayde 6 doesnt count, just because he was the only character in the game with any personality doesnt mean we were led to becoming attached to his character or his story. Everytime there is something mildly threatening, the threat is quelled instantly because our characters have absurd plot armour which kills a story. The red war was supposed to be the fall of the last city, we were supposed to have our light taken and we were supposed to experience loss. And what happened? We got our powers back on THE FIRST MISSION and killed this cabal warlord who has conquered entire worlds singlehandedly by the end of the single player campaign. And the forsaken story where we avenge cayde? Again we dispose of every these mighty scorn barons who killed the hunter vanguard over the course of like 3 hours. Its like john wick without the likeable protagonist and even he experienced some low points. Stuff like this just makes me not interested. The antagonists are written into the narrative and are handled in the gameplay in a way that makes them not threatening whatsoever.

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  • Plot armour in a game? Idk man I don’t think that’s really a valid complaint, more specifically in a live service game meant to last a long time. I can get feeing like we’re the gods of the universe tho but it does kinda sound and feel with the lore and coming dlcs that we aren’t going to win something so maybe it’ll be more what you’re looking for

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