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1/15/2022 6:38:03 AM
1. Its not going to ruin the game. 2. What triggered all this was our request to be able to generate orbs with exotic weaons that didn't have catalysts. So your accusation that they "ignore their community at every turn" is a bit off the mark as well.

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  • I think it’s more than just we asked for all exotics to make orbs. There’s more going on. They could have given each exotic that didn’t already have a catalyst some place holder that only generates orbs but provides no other benefits. Chris [somebody] at Bungie tweeted and alluded to weapons having a memory limit and needing this for upcoming changes. Now there could be something very nice on the horizon that make crafted weapons even more powerful. Or it could be just a cover. Something we can’t disprove and need to just take as “well this is how it has to be”. Maybe they could just move orb creation to something else. Like making Master worked Ghosts allow for orb generation on all weapons. Maybe the helmet was deemed to be the location less likely to feel like a nerf. But I bet they could have allowed for weapon orb generation without making us sacrifice an any armor mods. They just chose not to do it, because they took the opportunity to nerf players. Time will tell if the loss of weapons generating orbs themselves will have felt like a worthwhile sacrifice. But to me nothing short of some additional perk/trait will be worth it. Like adding a 5th column, or crafted weapons get imbued with an additional intrinsic trait. Because if they’re not giving weapons more active perks and traits, then claiming “memory” issues just looks like a convenient lie.

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  • Great to see the Bungo Shill is at it again! Wat to go doofus!

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  • I’m sorry that your worldview is so narrow that the only way you can see anyone disagreeing with you is that they’re being paid to do it. I’m sorry that you see what the rest of the world considers to be [i]healthy perspective[/i] as bad intention.

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  • Edited by GreyLightning: 1/16/2022 11:40:58 AM
    They could add an Armor Mod for Orbs from non-MW weapons and still allow MW weapons to generate Orbs (without the Mod). They are independent of each other

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  • Redundant use of what they’ve said is a very limited resource (memory).

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  • Non-sensical answer. They could add a new Helmet mod to generate Orbs on non-MW Exotic weapons without changing the function of existing MW weapons. Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

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  • Lack of understanding ==/== nonsensical. The game still has to operate on the 8GB of RAM that PS4 and XBox 1 have. Those consoles are 8 years old and were considered underpowered even by 2013 standards. But they are still the bulk of the console market.

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  • Yes, but unless weapons will have more and do more than they already do now the excuse is kind of nonsensical. If new weapons in Witch Queen and from crafting having the same weapons frame intrinsic traits, and weapons only have 4 columns for perks, with a single mod slot, and a single master work, We gained nothing.

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  • Why the hell would their conclusion to "want orb generation on all these non catalyst bearing exotics" be let's completely change orb generation system to a needless convoluted system... It makes no sense at all.

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  • No one asked for mods to be added. Talking nonsense as usual.

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  • People asked for the actual catalysts that were vaulted not to do away with the function. Most exotic catalysts are already obtainable in game but people either don’t have time or can’t get it due to the playlist requirements. Orbs in PvP aren’t major function Orbs in PvE however are a huge factor to majority of the charges with light builds. Between the artifact mods taking up to 7 energy and us being capped out at 10.. TEN adding another mod on top of that when we’re barely making it work is stupid. First they destroyed warmind cells not charged with light builds. Smh

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  • Bro read the rest of the post

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  • I did. I just addressed the part that was relevant to your TOPIC.

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  • No, that’s the excuse they used - but we asked for catalyst, not orb generation. Those exotics still don’t have kill trackers too, something else we asked for. Don’t let them fool, the exotic comment they made was bs

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  • Kill trackers are going to be a mod for helmets.

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  • Exactly everybody asked for catalysts on the exotics that didn't have one.

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  • Partly true, they don't fully ignore their conunity, but they DO seriously missunderstand or chose to opose their comunity by making changes that worsen the game. I mean come on... we asked for mote producing help on weapons and intead they will punish aparently all kinetic weapons by not leting them make motes and forcing us to align all our equiped weapons on a single element for a mote making mod, and as a cherry on top, that will cost us a very valuable helmet mod slot... So yeah, they ARE ruining their game... again... with their aparently best of intentions..... So sad... If they keep up, only new players will remain and even they will leave after a short time

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  • Or the community misunderstands and thinks that someone can simply snap their fingers and give them exactly what they want, in the precisely the way that they want. "You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes you just might get what you need."

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  • They are literally taking the most convoluted, complicated, longer path for no reason... It's easier to just deliver catalysts than to completely change a feature.

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  • No reason from YOUR point of view. But then you don’t know how the game has been coded and resources allocated. Former Sandbox Lead got this notion in his head that a Hunter class ability (Hungering Blade) which healed you as you got kills with the Blade Dancer (Arcstrider predecessor) super. He felt it was overpowered and “demoralizing” to have to play against…so he nerfed it. [i]And in the process broke EVERY HEALING PERK IN THE GAME. Class abilities. Armor perks. Lengendary and exotic weapon perks. He broke them ALL.[/i] Because whoever made the change didn’t realize that they all shared common code. So “the simplest way” to fix Blade Dancer changed how every healing ability in the game worked. And the change was permanent. They didn’t go back—probably couldn’t go back—and fix any of it. So unless we know how the code of the game is written and how hardware resources have been allocated, we aren’t in a position to claim any way of doing something is simple… …or what Bungie winds up doing was unnecessary What Hamrick did with the Hungering Blade nerf is a spaghetti code cautionary tale.

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  • All of that is more reason for them to NOT make unnecessary changes, like the proposed one to Orb generation. They always mess them up and under-test and fail to adjust related bounties, quest steps etc.

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  • Edited by Alfalucard: 1/16/2022 4:01:17 AM
    or they just mess it up as usual? And i doubt anybody needs this level of extra complications, i mean whoever thought that was a good idea had to be high as -blam!-... And ive never met any member of the comunity with such counter productive ideas, so clearly, the bad ideas come from bungie, afain as usual. but it's ok, they have their minority of intense zealot fans like youself to come to the rescue with "cute excuses" and song lirics instead of arguments ;)

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  • Plenty of work arounds for this that aren't absolute pains in the -blam!-. Why not just add an extra ghost slot for this mod? Why add the element restrictions? Why make it a helmet mod? It didn't have to be "flip the magic orb generating switch"

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  • This game still has to run on what amounts to a 10 year old laptop. PS4 and Xbox1 were considered underpowered when they released in 2013.

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  • Sure. So why is this the only solution? Why couldn't it have been one of the things I listd? Or something that isn't as restrictive? Or something that only effected exotics?

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