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1/13/2022 6:13:07 PM

Orb mods are highly unnecessary and will hurt the game more than help it.

These mods only further amplify an issue introduced with holders tbh. Nobody uses them because there is no room on armor to support the sheer energy cost and their inferiority over scav mods. It’s going to be the same here, nobody wants to remove finders since they are just too superior. If the mod worked for all guns then maybe but they will only work for specific elements which is even worse since MAX 2 guns will make orbs. Although the artefact change is good, it’s another 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the orb nerf…

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  • Just saw that part of the twab. I just don’t understand how Bungie can constantly keep making such bad decisions. Having to use mods for orbs is worse than the situation we were in to begin with. All they had to do was allow exotics to generate orbs on multi kills. That’s it. I honestly don’t think anyone working on this game actually plays it outside of the office.

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    • Edited by WormChi: 1/13/2022 8:06:52 PM
      Lmao - how could they think this was a good idea? Not only do we not have enough mod space available on our armor but kinetic weapons no longer make orbs? Using the same elemental weapons in game while all endgame has match game? Lmao. WTAF! RIP CwL Mods

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      • Orb generation should just be an effect for weapons at this point. Maybe tone done how quickly we can generate them but otherwise there's no reason to make it take a mod slot. Especially since you are right, we just don't have the energy OR the mod space to do it. Like come on, I really don't care that I can't generate orbs with a handful of exotics and to require a cost for every weapon now beyond the basic material requirement is sad.

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      • Ya this is a really bad change imo

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      • Time to drain that power fantasy again.

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      • Why cant we revisit ghosts for these set of mods? It wouldnt be as bad of a choice to drop XP when orbs are necessary.

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        • Um actually it’s literally obvious you people didn’t read the actual TWAB.

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        • Bungie, please, dont do this, 90% of the TWAB was great news, but this just sours it. with Match game the way it is, forcing us to use a single element type, slowing super regen, its just gonna make the game drag on. and how about primary weapons? do we need to take osmosis now? cos that will probably never happen. leave the masterwork to generate orbs, if people want to generate orbs from non-masterwork, then this mod can serve that, but dont penalize those that master work their weapons.

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        • It’s a carefully marketed (masked) nerf by Bungie. They want to reign in orbs and high energy fire. They’re hoping fewer people generate orbs now. It’s absolute crap. Terrible move.

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        • Hopefully it costs either 1 or 0 for armor slot but I’m just setting up myself for disappointment

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          • Edited by Noiztm: 1/14/2022 12:30:16 AM
            What everyone here seems to assume is that the mods will be the only way to drop orbs... now I may have misread something but nowhere did I see them state that MW weapons will no longer drop needing the mod seems very temporary. Personally I simply MW my weapons just for orb sake (I fall into the category of more then will ever use) now, it appears that I will be able to put on the mod to test whether it's worth even MWing. I see it similar to D1 when you had to use a gun to open up everything or you could spend the currency to upgrade it. Now you can pop the mod on in a regular as$ Lost Sector to test your gun while making orbs, I don't see it as an endgame build mod but a way to test stuff until we make a decision or can afford to MW it. All that providing MW weapons still drop orbs. *EDIT my bad, reread it (was at work the first time). Could be worse than I thought. Sorry

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          • I have to assume there's more to the story than we know. Of course they tested builds with ammo finders. That's the first thing that went through most players minds, isnt it ? I guarantee it went through the developers minds also. GOA introduced enhanced armour with extra mod slots, it possible that's just the start and that was experimenting for future development for more armour like this, or even increased energy. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised because, of course, this is a bad idea as presented even though it would make the game more approachable for New Lights without a lot of build materials. Presenting the information in the twab, as they did is probably just marketing, waking the community up to talk about witch Queen doing a favourite indoor sport, complaining. Of course we need to have enough ammo and bungie wants us too because they don't want events taking forever on the servers. 'There's no such thing as bad publicity' Phineas T. Barnum

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          • At first I hated this idea. I masterwork my weapons specifically for orb production as that over whatever masterwork perk you have is more important in pve activities. That said, I run alot of strikes and pve in matchmaking activities and the orbs I produce seem not to be getting used by the other players I'm matched with. Do they not use them, seems they get their super and hold it.. for ever.. sometimes they produce one orb in a strike etc.. to my 40.. so will this really cause issues.. i'm producing orbs for my team that they arn't using. So maybe this won't actually effect the game as much as we think because those orbs arn't actually being used by most of the players they have been generated for. Now.. playing with the clan, high end activities etc.. That is going to cause problems as we now have another mod to add to an already packed mod list of ammo finders etc with the helmet. This really wasn't necessary and is a nerf in my opinion to our supers.. if you can't make orbs, you can't get your super.. This just made end game content more difficult. This change could easily have been put to our Ghost but, then it would be on everyones ghost and not effect change at all aside form having to put the mod on your ghost and remove what.. glimmer capture or xp bonus or chest and material locator etc... its a no brainer.. This is not a quality of life change for the better but, a way for bungie to keep us guardians under thumb.

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            • I use orb mods. Charge of Light upon picking up orb. Damage increase when charged. Charge when breaking elemental. Reduced damage when charged.

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            • I feel like it’s bungie trying to sell the dungeon pack for that extra mod spot on armor. [spoiler]just a thought[/spoiler]

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              • 1 step forward able to have it on all weapons, 4 step backwards slot/energy/limited to element/can't have all 3 with most builds. There is a very easy fix for it keep orbs on masterwork.

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              • Seriously, what is wrong with Bungie? How are they blind to seeing why things would be unpopular? And if they did see that this works be unpopular but know something we don't that makes this not trash, why didn't they just put it in this twab? Why are they like this?

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              • Helmet uses finder, and findet triggers way more often when using a primary, its not a big deal, run one finder and use the primary also, heavy ammo comes way more fron scavenger bricks wich are sloted in boots

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              • Anyone else thinking they don't want to know anything more about WQ? [i]Its sounding oh so good, so far...[/i]

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              • Yep, I agree with this. It’s already hard enough deciding which mods to place on armor, and now they’re just adding to it? It’s too much. Also, who’s been asking for Exotic weapons to produce orbs without catalysts? I sure as hell didn’t. Also, what’s the purpose of masterworked weapons going to be from here on? Are masterworked weapons going away? There’s too much that WASN’T said in the TWAB.

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              • Edited by ImOnlyBleeding: 1/13/2022 8:57:38 PM
                First, there are unanswered questions on this issue. Will there be a mod slot added to the helmet to accommodate these orb-generating mods? How much energy will they cost (3, 1, 0)? There are varying levels of how costly it will be to add these mods in to our loadouts depending on how it restricts our use of other mods in the helmet. One issue I have is that it would dramatically reduce the variety of loadouts. It encourages you to have an energy and power weapon of the same energy type, which reduces our effectiveness in activities that include matchgame. It also becomes an issue if you use the mod for kinetics weapons, as you will then be unable to generate orbs with either of the other two weapon types. Also, right now, the main reason to masterwork legendary gear is for orb generation. What reason, other than the miniscule stat boost, will there be to masterwork legendary weapons? Overall, I do not like this change. The number of exotic weapons that didn't have catalysts wasn't worth what we are giving up. Most of my weapon loadouts include masterworks in all 3 slots, often with different damage types in each slot. The power of those loadouts will go down significantly with this change.

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                • If it was a supplement to Masterworks that might be good (slot the mod and if Masterworked doubles the orb generation) or if it was a 1 energy mod that is "element X + all kinetics" or (best case) "element Y/all kinetics + bonus to Masterworks". If you need a whole separate mod for kinetics though it'll really suck. I feel like they'll have to really make that mod amazing though to not make it feel like a super raw deal and/or make Masterworking weapons god-tier powerful because it's a pretty shitty idea to shift existing Masterwork functions to a mod that has no additional perk benefits. Especially if it takes both helmet slots to have the orb generating functionality we currently have (ie to have all 3 weapon slots generate orbs). Much as I like Arbalest it'll suck if that becomes mandatory for any Match Game activity due to the new mod causing absurd levels of restrictions on what you can equip without gutting your orb generation abilities. What "hard-earned Masterwork materials" are they talking about with weapons anyway? It's not like they require a golf ball (yet) and as long as you aren't a completely resource-strapped newbie it's pretty easy to have more glimmer and legendary shards than you know what to do with. Granted I don't masterwork every weapon in my vault but I have plenty of resources to masterwork what I do want to. I just don't get the logic...

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                • Bungo never misses its cue to grant wishes like a monkey paw. "Bungo, please let us create orbs with all the exotic guns, even if it means adding a catalyst that only does that" - "We hear you loud and clear and we feel just adding empty catalyst is an unexciting way to go about it, so we're gonna remove the possibility of weapons to generate orbs on their own and instead we're gonna ram some more unwanted mods in an extremely crowded gear piece mod-wise like the helmet, -blam!- you and gief money".

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                • Was going to make my own post but I see so many angry people. Yo Bungie, you -blam!- up! Bad idea, don’t do it!

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                • Pve mods should be free of charge, that way we can actually create builds. Bungie just added another tedious thing, not surprised though. Just wait until crafting becomes a thing, I already know it sounds too good to be true

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                • Ok. Do you know how much energy everything is gonna cost? Do you know how many mod slots we’ll have? No? It might actually work to our benefit but you just can’t wait to complain about something you don’t know.

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