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originally posted in: Transgeder Splash Screen
12/7/2021 10:38:29 PM
Gender Dysphoria is something that solves itself, what doesn’t help is people making it more main stream and saying kids should be able to make a permanent choice to themselves before they can even do algebra. Alot of people kill themselves because they realize the damage they have done to their bodies and cant return to what they use to be. Its known people who transition have higher suicide rates but its never actually said out load because it’s against the grain. Its unfortunate but thats how it is in the world now. Its extremely hard for someone who has attempted to fundamentally change their body by taking hormone supplements to go to a doctor whos never been taught how to diagnose someone whos done that. Its not a issue of “its hard to get medical help” its a issue of the doctor may be a doctor but when a person with XY chromosomes has breasts that makes the equation a little bit more difficult.

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