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originally posted in: Transgeder Splash Screen
Edited by Stari: 12/7/2021 10:17:41 AM
It's freedom of speech.

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  • We don’t really have freedom of speech on bungies app though they can decide what they want people to be allowed to talk about.

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  • Edited by ZayOsiris Gaming: 12/7/2021 11:03:49 AM
    [quote]It's freedom of speech.[/quote] Freedom of speech does not equal freedom of consequence. The things you say, directly impact the outcome of a situation. You shouldn’t need an example, nor an explanation for this. The ridiculousness of this post only aims to serve his own ignorance. There’s no sign of genuine empathy, or a driven desire to understand that which he fears. The LGBTQ community aren’t a damñ holiday. They’re people, in desperate need of social acceptance & s proper integration into society, as an equal. Same way BLM was in (and still is) despite need of a systematic/communal rework. I don’t wanna hear a darn thing about Veterans Day, Christmas, etc. because Bungie is an international studio. Human rights, community fundraisers, global catastrophes, & other directly human related problems they can face. Not some damń calendar event. And if they did; they’d have to incorporate an emblem for every holiday on the list, for every ethic group, everywhere this game is played. You realize how stupid that would be? And unnecessary? All for what? Say what you want but don’t bìtch out & act surprised, when you get your hand smacked, for being stupid. That’s why I’m just waiting for a mod to delete this whole thread.

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  • Edited by Regret: 12/7/2021 4:22:29 PM

    Lore-meister - old


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  • Op says he accepts them, hello? Get over yourself.

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  • [quote]Op says he accepts them, hello? Get over yourself.[/quote] There’s a difference between acceptance, & being passive aggressive.

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  • There’s a difference between real life and video games.

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  • You do realise that the whole trans movement stems from American progressivism, right? That infact the vast majority of the world does NOT recognise trans-rights and that by spreading this message globally is the exact same thing you are arguing against? [spoiler]just sayin...[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by ZayOsiris Gaming: 12/7/2021 12:27:04 PM
    [quote]You do realise that the whole trans movement stems from American progressivism, right? That infact the vast majority of the world does NOT recognise trans-rights and that by spreading this message globally is the exact same thing you are arguing against? [spoiler]just sayin...[/spoiler][/quote] A great deal of people who make destiny are trans, heterosexual, bisexual, & so on. It doesn’t matter if you, or someone else on the other side of the world disapproves of what they have to say. Quit the game if you must, if it shakes your pure Christian faith. But it’s not going anywhere. And continuing to think this way will only lead to your own disgraceful downfall. The world is changes. People are changing. And shìt ain’t what it use to be back in the 80s. Also can you even prove it was a global message to begin with?

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  • Edited by Twin Inferno: 12/7/2021 2:06:07 PM
    You assume to much, bud. Constantly using the “Christina’s faith” to invalidate an argument is poor and idiotic. You people spend too much time attacking the character on the opposite end and not the point and argument.

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  • They are also American...

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  • [quote]They are also American...[/quote] They’re a lot of things. Despite that; what issue do YOU take with having human rights awareness in destiny? I see no problem with it whatsoever.

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  • No, don't deflect. Your entire point was that destiny is played by more then just Americans which is a moot point now, you have no argument.

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  • [quote]No, don't deflect. Your entire point was that destiny is played by more then just Americans which is a moot point now, you have no argument.[/quote] The -blam!- are you talking about. My point is that Destiny can advertise whatever the hell it wants, and getting up in arms about other peoples lives makes you a bìtch. Do better, is my overall message. Because at the end of the day; you only have yourself to live with, and that hate you carry doesn’t need to spill over and affect the lives of other people.

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  • Edited by Exalted Evil: 12/7/2021 1:27:55 PM
    I'm a bisexual man, i am spewing no hate. I disagree with your dogmatic, cult-like attitude and oppinions and you can't coherently rebutt my argument so you immediately assume I'm a hateful person.

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