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originally posted in: Transgeder Splash Screen
Edited by Twin Inferno: 12/7/2021 5:08:31 AM
Well I see individuals who are driven by a preferred way of life along with other desires Movement generally is an act to change our perception due to these desires that most members want. But even if they are in one group they see how it operates and the goals behind it. Some people can take advantage of it because the movement gives them power through influence and use it to gain something basically only having selfish intent, this applies with all people and all movements. There are the other ones who probably seek self fulfillment or social acceptance but merely follow what the movement is doing bc what they are doing is getting them closer to achieving such goals even if the methods aren’t…anyways So basically what I’m saying is that I can separate the two, the people and the movement just like any other because just bc people have the same interests on paper doesn’t mean their goals and desires are the same. So I refer to the individual I don’t speak like I have it figured out, because I don’t. It’s easier to draw out the movement bc the movement has a method and motto. So when I say “movement” I’m mainly referring the idea and group bc movement is always on paper, like law and government. But individuals can’t be spoken for bc it’s not you’re place and more then half the time you are wrong. So I could say I disagree with the organization but saying I’d disagree with the individual is another level or arrogance. So I could base what I know without jumping into too many conclusions, just say “the people I’ve met, and my experiences etc etc.” but I can’t say “all of them are this way” y’know? Like I can’t say that all the trans movement nut jobs with their pronouns in the bio but act like literal dogs on tik tok speak for everyone! That’s like picking up a criminal and saying “this represents the whole family” so I will openly argue at what I know which is the actions and principles of the movement but not the individuals, it’s even idiotic to have an argument based on the character. It’s an objection on the idea! Not the character. That’s how I separate em

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