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originally posted in: Transgeder Splash Screen
12/7/2021 2:20:35 AM
[quote]The biggest joke is they remove your comments and posts if they are political in any way. Then jam their politics down everyone’s throat for a few virus signal points. This reminds me of the time the blizzard ceo (another great company...) did the press release about them being forced to punish chung lee that heartstone winner because they don’t tolerate politics while the guy talking had a gay pride pin on his shirt. Regardless of my agreement or not I hate when company’s that shouldn’t and claim to not have anything to do with politics stop realizing they are using their medium to push them. This is the same company who lost its grip on Veterans Day. I really want them to be telling me what to think.[/quote] You have to conform to their narrative If not the ninjas will come for you I just laugh that money I gave bungie to play a game was used to make this “content” Jokes on them as they will need to farm someone else’s wallet going forward as this is not the kind of content I am willing to fund

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