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originally posted in: Transgeder Splash Screen
12/7/2021 1:03:47 AM
Why people still think that any LGBTQ mention is automatically politics? It's literally people existing....

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  • Yep they exist. We know it already. So why bothering us with that ? Next time lets make a notification to tell people that hetero exists. Or that asian exists, or arabs exists why not ? And real question, as ive seen they were raising money for "trans rights" or something....what is the money for ? Do the trans are starving or need clothes or a logement ?

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  • First only one of this group are not oppressed at all and don't have problem in society. Second not trans people are generally have harder time with getting medication, HRT, therapy. All money from buying the pin goes to non profit organization that is generally hotline for trans people. They might not starve, but they generally have problem with getting help with for example gender dysphoria.

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  • Gender Dysphoria is something that solves itself, what doesn’t help is people making it more main stream and saying kids should be able to make a permanent choice to themselves before they can even do algebra. Alot of people kill themselves because they realize the damage they have done to their bodies and cant return to what they use to be. Its known people who transition have higher suicide rates but its never actually said out load because it’s against the grain. Its unfortunate but thats how it is in the world now. Its extremely hard for someone who has attempted to fundamentally change their body by taking hormone supplements to go to a doctor whos never been taught how to diagnose someone whos done that. Its not a issue of “its hard to get medical help” its a issue of the doctor may be a doctor but when a person with XY chromosomes has breasts that makes the equation a little bit more difficult.

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  • [quote]Alot of people kill themselves because they realize the damage they have done to their bodies and cant return to what they use to be. Its known people who transition have higher suicide rates but its never actually said out load because it’s against the grain.[/quote]

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  • Edited by Meow Fairy: 12/7/2021 11:45:27 AM
    Well lol I will not give my money for that XD. I prefer continuing giving money or a sandwich to homeless people i see on the streets like my parents did when i was young. (And heteros also suffer from LGBT discrimination now so they actually could complain tooo XD)

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  • Edited by Maxine: 12/7/2021 12:05:58 PM
    You are not forced to buy pin. You are not even forced to put code. The emblem is literally free for everyone. Most of young homeless people are LGBTQ, why are they homeless? Because parents don't accept them and they are forced to do bad things just to survive. I'd you think you are oppressed by queer people because you like the other gender. I'm sorry for you. But I'm the one that can't even be legally married to my significant other or even hold hands before someone saying bad things about us.

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  • "Most homeless people are lgbt" Yeah but no XD

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  • [quote]Although research on the percentage of homeless youth who are LGBT varies, analyses suggest that approximately 20 percent to 40 percent of these youth identify as LGBT.[/quote]

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  • US stats, and a weird study honestly X)

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  • Why it's weird? It's actual problem in society that need fixing. Just because it's in US doesn't mean that in other countries might be similar or higher.

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  • Sorry bud. Don’t know where you’re at but hopefully they catch on to equal marriage at some point. I know here marriage is lawful regardless of gender. Only thing being, at least here, the majority of the young homeless are not homeless due to gender orientation or -blam!- preference, but mostly due to drug addiction, mental health issues, or a combination of the two. May be different where you’re from.

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  • That’s fair But I think if these people demand recognition and using a political approach to get it, it does come off as political along with other huge factors. I think we all know that people don’t like being told what to do, we’ve seen that on both sides. But neither are that willing to comprise. So if these particular people, let’s say Bungie for this example try to alter our perception and request recognition for certain people, the mere suggestion will create some controversy because people people don’t want being told especially when it’s a video game, I do think it’s a little blown out of proportion because we don’t have to do it, and could just ignore it. But it still comes off as political bc of bungies approach. Also we now what they prioritize and their values. I mean, remember the Veterans Day controversy on forums? Man that was a -blam!- show. So for summarize a bit, I think it comes off as political because of the approach. Because. [b]A[/b]. It’s an agenda that is found to be pushed by certain means of manipulation in some cases and [b]B[/b]. Because they request or even demand that we contribute, oversee or bend the knee to certain people and their requests. So yeah even if it’s not political at heart, the narrative, stance and approach comes off that way and considering that the trans movement has been used to push certain agendas it’s been made political so we have politicians to thank for that and corporations like Bungie.

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  • Their "agenda" is to not be considered second class citizens, to not be beaten and killed, to not be discriminated against for being different. The idea that they have to fight for these RIGHTS and that there is even one single person that could be against them is disturbing and disgusting. It's pretty sad that an entire game company had to even make a statement about something that isn't in their job description. This -blam!- should not have to be discussed, or debated. You were fed this bullshit "agenda" line by groups to help keep the struggle down and now you're spreading it to more people. Congratulations you're doing their dirty work, and you think you're just railing against "politics" instead of sweeping a group of people under the rug. "Outta sight, outta mind" right?

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  • Edited by Ben: 12/8/2021 12:28:00 AM
    Sorry pal, real world is not Twitter. Do you really honestly believe Bungie did this out of their own good will? It's all virtue signaling and pandering, anybody who isn't living on social media can see that. Even people from the groups Bungie (or [insert company]) "supports" often speak up about how it feels like pandering rather than representation. Do you really think Bungie actually cares about any of these people? Hell nah. It's purely for profit and good PR. Their individual employees might, a community manager might, a dev might, but Bungie as a whole looks at them and sees only purely profit. It's not even necessarily the subject at hand, but the fact that Bungie is actively, agressively pushing X and Y (doesn't even matter in this context) agenda to capitalize on people of these groups, whether these people want it or not. Sucking corpo -blam!- and not seeing through this roster won't do you any good. It's all about trends. If something else would be trending, then Bungie would cater to those people. That's all it is. You can always draw a parallel line with these companies. Regardless of what you think of the current topic, Bungie is capitalizing on this, plain and simple.

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  • I’m not talking about the trans community, I’m referring to the corporations and politicians who seize the identity of the trans community to push political agendas. It’s an on going trend, sometimes when there’s money and support involved people will take advantage of that for financial and publicity reasons.

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  • at least Bungie give profit from sales to organizations then virtue signaling and profiting from it.

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  • Give credit where credit is due

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