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12/4/2021 4:08:56 AM

Theoretically yes, so long as there were a fragment of the guardian and their light left, I believe that they can resurrect us from even a scrap of bone, however our power is limited by what light remains when we perish, if we are completely consumed like in areas with respawn restriction, it is safe to assume that our body, along with our light, are completely assimilated into the hive network of resources, knowledge or conciousness So much so that it's logical that our ghost cannot revive us and either flees or cannot survive the encounter itself Ghosts have one attack however, as seen in one clip, ghost I believe laser beams a knight or captain that is about to kill us, meaning ghosts aren't completely defenceless and Theoretically could fend off a wave of hive all on their own, stemming the darkness and potentially releasing the guardian from its new soul captor One would have to read further into the hives concept of sword logic and both the guardian and the ghosts understanding of it Its possible but not always, hell, the halo Easter egg at the top of the cosmodrome, that's that's guardian that's older than all of us apparently, though I believe lore wise, they gave him a different name

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  • That would be a incorrect interpretation of the no respawn zones and the effects of them. Very incorrect. Main reason is that they exist in some areas where there is no Darkness power, at all. So not reviving isn’t tied to Darkness. There is a lore entry for this. Ghosts aren’t sure either, mostly because they don’t know how the revival process works. The idea in the entry was that revival works by bringing you back from a different timeline where you are still alive in that area. In dangerous areas, no revive zones, it’s so dangerous that no other “you”s survive in the area. I’m not sure where you got that idea from. Sword Logic doesn’t play into revival either

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  • That sounds like a Ret-con by Bungie. In D1 it was tied to the Darkness.

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  • Yeah I always thought it was tied to the fact the Darkness in the area was too strong and was suppressing the Ghost’s ability to revive That’s why they’re called “Darkness zones”

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    That would imply the traveller and the vex having a severely deeper connection than one would assume, that's entirely likely given both "races" general make-up is commonly referred to as just a material I was getting at potential causes for why we cannot be revived within said areas, i remember a few lines within the games stating it was an area of heavy darkness, often why the enemies converge there more often or why there are scannable items in many of them I would assume personally that they are tactical positions or areas where both the light and dark cannot constantly rule This doesn't exactly support the theory behind these areas not being smothered in darkness as it doesn't explain how such areas exist deep within enemy territory, even in races not tied to the darkness directly, least not where these zones appear Its entirely likely that there's some force or mutual agreement to the area too, we may be being followed by some unknown entity that tests us in difficult situations Id like to add note to caydes death, our guardian could have jumped down and easily survived that fall with our jump, crotas pit was evidence for this Assuming the prison can be measured at all lol Anyway, given, in game, that death just puts our ghost floating about in the open, that the reset of progress or lack of revival is due to our ghost perishing as well, so as to say "game over" in a way Id like to think that, that was a teaser of sorts as to what we may learn of the ghosts tactical capabilities in future Fragile little things, these ghosts, a titan could pop one, a hunter dissect and a warlock dismantle, they aren't safe from even us so it's entirely likely that some guardians perished that day from misfire, all sorts of junk One would have to deeply study the paracausal nature of the vex and the traveller in order to properly make such a deduction though, can we even call the vex paracausal to begin with Great point though, gets the brain ticking

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  • What do you mean, the Vex and Traveler would have a deeper connection? What connection are you making there? Some zones are in Darkness areas, others are in areas with neither Light or Dark. Since it’s in areas with no Darkness, that means is another explanation. I haven’t seen anything to suggest there is an agreement, force or third entity. The Voice in the Darkness is a reference to the Winnower. The Vex don’t have paracausal power. Do you think the Vex have to be involved because of the timeline aspect?

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  • The winnower and the voice in the darkness are two different things the winnower is the darkness and the vex and traveler do have a connection the darkness I believe created the vex and it annoyed the light because without the the light or dark in the world the vex destroyed everything

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  • The Winnower isn’t the Darkness. It’s the creator of Darkness power. The Gods and their powers are separate. The Gardner made the law of paracausality as a separate cosmic law that can’t be tampered with. That’s how we were able to access Light when the Traveler was caged. The Voice didn’t come up until the Winnower started speaking to Guardians. It spoke to us first then others to corrupt Guardians. The Winnower didn’t make the Vex. Their creation story is explained in Unveiling. Haven’t you read it? What connection do they have? The Gardner made the law of paracausality so a species would be able to [i]stop[/i] the Vex from assimilating the entire multiverse.

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  • The winnower becomes the darkness and the gardener the light or traveler in the first few lore books of unveiling it looks like the winnower and gardener are not light and darkness but not in t=0 it describes the winnower and gardener as two people fighting

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  • The idea behind separating the source from the Gods was to let the story continue after they are beaten. Yeah, the Winnower was upset about the Gardner making the new law and killed her. It said it won the fight and later in Unveiling called the Gardner a corpse.

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  • The Vex were created when the Gardener departed from the Flower Game.

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  • No the vex made the gardener create a new rule in the flower game because the vex keep destroying everything and the gardener didn’t like it

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    Indeed, the timeline aspect may tie them together in way of creator, we know the vex are what they are as well as the traveller but we don't really know wethet both were built for or by something So much so that their unique timelines are indubitably intertwined in some way shape or form, it all depends on when however

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