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originally posted in: Be Heard - Black Lives Matter
Edited by iMoonchildi: 5/24/2021 4:21:46 PM
Yt people is what’s wrong with the world. A small percentage of POC actually qualify for any kind of government assistance without conditions that require you to be jobless, homeless, a single parent or ill. White supremacy, the lack of empathy, obsession with imperialism, division, reverse victim mentality ect. Is pathetic nothing more nothing less. They ignore the consistent genocides your people have caused, rape culture was invented by white supremacy. Throughout all the hate and division TY people continue to breed over something as stupid as skin color, native tongue, hair ect. I can’t help but feel sorry for people who lack the ability to understand or even the knowledge to speak on the topic correctly. Comparing fairly new and rarely accessed scholarship programs to white privilege where they have easy access to everything with minimal effort is another part of the spectrum of problems in amerikkk. BLM is a slogan and a principle that idiots take as a political campaign. WHY? Because by law slavery is still legal via the 13th amendment targeted toward POC. Why? Jim Crow, lynching laws, did you know YT people would burn black men alive chop off their body parts and auction them on mantles for display? Did you know gynecology is where it is today because a YT mad man would brutalize and operate on black women without anesthesia because he said black women can feel no pain?? Despite their screams of pain? Did you know that cancer research and western medicine advanced significantly from the death of a black woman who was terminally ill? The hela gene. They used this woman’s body for experiments after death without permission from the family. They later found out from a book that was published without their consent. You have MULTIPLE REFERENCES FOR THE CRUELTY AND ATROCITIES YT PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR and they dare to play the victim? Or try to turn their head or gaslight the reality of what it is to be black. Why would the feds feel the need to have Fred Hampton, malcom X, Martin Luther king murdered? Why would they try to silence ashta shakur, Angela Davis, Rosa parks, tamika D mailory, Amanda seales and other present day activists? It is a threat when black people educate themselves, organize and create community care. You saw what happened to George Floyd, rayshard brooks and people Still lack empathy, Rodney king, latasha garlins, tamir rice, breona Taylor who was a decorated emt, Sandra bland I could go on and you still wouldn’t understand because you may not have lived it and felt this kind of hate. My great uncle was a Marine during the Vietnam war, and his experiences and traumas are very real till this day. Do you know they made him eat human body parts “just in case he had to live off the land” why not plants and fruits? BLM was mainly a hashtag that was made political by mainstream media and anti blackness. George suros owns BLM and capitalizes on it every time used. The life of a black person is not politics and shouldn’t be considered as such but the problem is that a large part of a black and POC life is threatened daily by politics. The statistics for jail for instance, how is it that 34% of the prison system consists of black men, women and minors? Most convicted of misdemeanors those who’re privileged get a slap on the wrist or dismissed? My mother got sent to jail for a traffic ticket for 30+ days a single working woman in the medical billing field. Saying BLM is strictly political is just as idiotic as saying anti fascism is a organization when it’s a ideology. Anti blackness and colorism is real and dangerous. All oppression is bad but what black people are saying is what they experience and that they want it to end. Why is it ok for Asian people to do so during the corona virus and black people who’ve dealt with this for generations from all sides and still don’t have anti- black hate crime bills?

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  • Edited by Twin Inferno: 5/24/2021 4:35:36 PM
    Jesus Christ here we go. So it’s clear that your hatred for whites is almost unreal. Now to start off Asians have been mostly kills by blacks, there was the anti Asian brutality movement, ppl think it’s towards white bc POC is is it’s own section but blacks have been found to be the number one reason that movement exists so if your claiming that whites are after blacks well blacks are after Asians. Now for blacks not being able to work in government that’s actually bull -blam- we actually had a black president for two terms, the governor of Chicago is black, ppl in congress are black. That’s the highest form of government, you are an idiot to think that racism is the reason that there are aren’t enough black candidates running for election, now if you’ll see that all the rape victims have been assaulted by blacks, I’m not saying whites are innocent in the slightest but the study shows after illegal immigrants immigrated to other nations, like Sweden you had black immigrants rape a girl so hard her abdamen exploded and she almost died, and there’s a lot more so the crime rate is actually higher due to the black immigration, weather you hate that or not it’s the truth. Now to start off you and others like you use excuses instead solving your own problems. that’s why the lack of self responsibility runs deep in your culture. White privilege was created so it appeared that you are the victim in modern society. You are so delusional that you think that whites have it easier then blacks, as to saying that getting jobs or any place in government comes easier well guess what statistics show that whites are more ambitious so they will work harder, I know this is hard but when trying to get in something as difficult as the government it will be competitive, other very intellectual ppl are going to try and get what you’re after. It’s a question of are you willing to work harder and in this case you believe that’s it’s almost a hand out, you use your race into account for everything bc when something doesn’t go your way you’ll be the first to say “racism” and blame whites and police for your problems. Now it’s probably not your fault, you were raised or convinced that you will never be successful bc of your race, this has always been something the left have pushed. So bc they shoved this mentality in you or others like you will not be successful. Now of course there are [b]a lot [/b] who take self responsibility and they usually end up pretty successful but you can remain the victim of that’s what your pushing. It’s weird how you will only see one side of the coin and bc of that I see no reason as to flip it and show you bc you’ll look away. Therefore there’s literally no reason for this debate. Also George Floyd died by fentanyl and he was a crook, he stole and threatened at gun point a pregnant women but if that’s your role model then fine.

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  • I don’t hate white people in fact I don’t hate anybody but I can definitely say I used to after learning the abuse my family has endured. I feel sorry for anybody who has hate in their hearts tbh. All oppression is bad, the fact that you’re making it your mission to make a problem with something that doesn’t even involve you is another part of the problem. I have Asian and black heritage sooo we don’t have to talk about shit I’m already aware of lol anti blackness is present in both communities. For black people it’s in the form of colorism, the darker you are the more issues or people would make fun and vice versa for those of lighter tone. My Asian family not all but a significant amount were taught that black people are savages, rude, loud, aggressive ect. “Asians have been mostly killed by blacks” is fundamentally untrue, black and POC soldiers mainly fought to free Asians from internment camps when they were being oppressed. I literally have living relatives who have real life stories, real life scars on both ends. Before you speak on what you don’t know or are unsure of re-education is a must. Asian woman are fetishized and belittled just like black women however Asian male experience is vastly different from the black male. I think the anti-Asian bill is great and needed to happen however the same president that said “if you don’t vote for me then you aren’t black” hasn’t even passed the George Floyd bill. Anti-black and murderous hate crimes against black people have been and are still going on and yet no hate bill has been passed? I live in the south and multiple people have been lynched recently. Is that not an issue to you? Trump created the fire for the violent crimes against Asian people with his racist comments and jokes. Before how often did you hear about people blatantly attacking Asian people? People of all races and ethnicities have lost people to covid-19 so it’s not shocking that people of all races and ethnicities have attacked them. It’s sad and it shouldn’t be happening but reality is, a racist bigot fueled a race war unfortunately and has yet to answer for it. Again this isn’t the oppression olympics so what I can understand is why people have such an issue with black people speaking up and advocating for change. Speaking facts about how white supremacy has affected my people on both ends doesn’t mean it’s hate. You can literally research every single thing I referred to. My knowledge comes from real life and generational experience not social media which is controlled by the powers at be. The fact that only 70 to 60 years ago people were still picking cotton on plantations at the mercy of YT people doesn’t point at a issue? Do you know how far that sets a group of people back? Or that Asian woman and woman in general have no say so in what they can and can’t do with something as personal as their bodies???? It’s horrible that a percentage of YT children who end up becoming white supremacists are actually taught to hate. It doesn’t manifest overnight, you strip a child of their innocence that way. That is also a form of oppression, so like I said I don’t hate YT people I feel sorry for those of them who lack the ability to emphasize or close their eyes and look the other way when they know something is wrong. At the end of the day you’re lacking the ability to empathize and utilize moral math here. White supremacy as a fact till this day is responsible for a lot of the blood shed going on in the world that’s real. Stop wasting both your time and my time go educate yourself and unlearn gaslighting.

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  • I guess in the end there is only one race, the human race.

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