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5/8/2021 1:11:24 AM
Absolutely, yes. I don't get PvE mains at all. What's the point? You spend 30 minutes to an hour on a raid, nightfall, or dungeon, complete it, and then what? You can brag about the fact that you cleared it? None of the PvE content in this game is remotely hard, save a few GM's, and weapon rolls have far less meaning in PvE where most enemies die in 1-2 shots anyway. PvP actually gives me a reason to grind for guns and good armor, so I can build my character and show off my effort against other people. I'm sorry if you are living in denial, but there is a skill gap in this game, and it's fun to see all the time you've invested into good loot net you a sweet kill streak or K/D. If PvP was removed, I'd have no reason to care about loot, and no reason to get on every week. There's plenty of PvE-only games I've played throughout my life, and they always get boring within a few weeks because there's no sense of accomplishment in killing AI's.

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