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5/7/2021 10:46:57 PM
[quote]I'd actually cheer it (No disrespect to PVP players). The marriage of PVP and PVE in this game has always been a bad marriage, and one that has always kept this game from reaching its potential as a PVE game and as an RPG. Because the entire game is limited to the narrow range of game mechanics that SHOOTER gamers are willing to accept. Also, Bungie----right now---is utterly lost as to how to go about creating a PVP experience that is relevant in 2021....and all the changes they keep making to Crucible in Destiny 2 keeps making the play experience worse. Not better. In short, Destiny PVE and PVP need to get a divorce, for irreconcilable differences.[/quote] Of course you would most bots do

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