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5/7/2021 6:00:54 AM
What a dumb question to ask. It shouldn't be my way or the highway when it comes to removing pvp. Some of the biggest community members came from destiny pvp (true vangaurd, aztecross, ifrostbolt and zkmushroom just to make a few.) Also don't try to blame pvp players for crippling the game. We never asked for stasis and were hesitant on the idea of freezing and slowing people. But pve players said, it's to early to judge. And that it'll be something new. It's also those same pve players that now refuse to touch pvp, even before stasis came out and now when stasis is in the game. Also don't try the d2y1 argument for stating how pvp ruined the game. We never asked for longer ttk's we actually wanted primary weapons to be buffed towards the end of d1. We also weren't enjoying the special ammo changes which just make everyone use icebreakers and wormwood. We liked the idea of 4v4 for a playlist but not the whole pvp climate. We tried warning you when the d2 beta came out that the game felt boring and may not work out with slow ability regen and increased ttk. All in all. We just want new maps and a renewed focus we never got. That is all. How is pvp taking resources away from the game when we haven't seen a new map or new anything in over a year? No seriously think about it. So stop trying to blame pvp for any short comings in pve. We get it, you don't like pvp. But we don't mind doing endgame activities like nightfalls for quest or any other materials. But heaven forbid you have to step into that dreaded pvp for just a little step most of the time. Just like we look to guides to get better at pve, you can look for guides on how to get better at pvp. Good day.

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