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5/7/2021 4:04:13 AM
I know no one cares, but I do not ever, ever, buy Silver. (I lie, because I do buy a bit when, in a fit of insanity and despair, I buy enough to buy a Season.) So, I trundle around in my peasant's rags having a mediocre time. One thing I do like is helmet cosmetics for the Warlocks. My god, they need them! Has anyone ever seen more ugly, preposterously impractical helmets than Warlock helmets? I suppose Bungie will take note of lil' ol' me and make the durn things available with Silver only. It would figure. Who draws this stuff? On a serious note, what's the player base of D2. I recall in D1 it was eleven million.(?) Now it's what? Two million or so?

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