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5/7/2021 1:13:24 AM
As a pvp player No not really, destiny bread and butter comes from its pve no matter what anyone thinks about the value of pvp. If pvp was to go away though, I have to expect that pve will be far better than what we currently get each season. Abilities across the board will need buffs, weapon archetypes will need buffs, perks in the game will have to get lethal and more powerful. Content would have to be much bigger with many more things to do and no I don’t mean bounties. Im talking about more patrol zones to explore and way more story missions that aren’t just go here, kill something. Missions can be more chaotic with vehicles and maybe even allow players to get on their own ships and go ham on enemies. Way more 6 player modes with yes matchmaking! An in game guild system and a much easier way to customize personal load outs for players. This is what bungie would HAVE to do in order to remove pvp and still save its game, otherwise, the game will die out like anthem.

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