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4/20/2021 3:28:46 PM
Possible News? I tried out the new Adrenalin 21.4.1 drivers that were released this morning and they didn't seem to improve much for me: Tangled Shore is still 40-50fps on a 6900XT, though it did seem to be in the higher 50s than usual. I thought I'd give the old "force_enable_multi_threaded_render_submit"=1 trick a try, which in the past has resulted in an unplayable, ultra-flickery graphics, and lo and behold, Tangled Shore looked great. I was able to run around and play at +100fps, no flickering whatsoever. This isn't a perfect fix: my ship (High Gravitas - which sits weirdly low on screen btw?) still flickers a bit in orbit, and the tower is a mess (but maybe just due to the present lighting conditions?). Anyways, maybe these new drivers give Bungie something to work with to provide a more broad fix. I'm still holding out hope for those of us lucky enough to have current-gen GPUs that things will improve. Thanks Bungie!

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