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originally posted in: Unpopular Opinion: Mayhem is Fun
4/20/2021 2:24:15 PM
I absolutely LOVE Mayhem. It's a PVP experience you don't have to take seriously or get all sweaty about. In fact, this mode is what got me playing PVP in the first place. I was a 100% PVE only players for years. After playing Halo 1, 2, 3 , Reach, etc. PvP for so long, my anger started getting the best of me. Lol So after many broken controllers, broken consoles and even one TV screen, I decided to walk away from PVP. When I started playing Destiny 1, I made a choice to only play PVE. All missions or steps involving the Crucible I deleted (This is why I still don't have Dark Drinker or Thorn, etc. 😫) . Same when I started playing D2. So a few months ago one of my good friends I play D1 and D2 with (he rarely plays pvp) told me he jumped into Mayhem and had a really good time. He then continuously bugged me to jump him with him. I told him no, but he was persistent . He knows me and knows how I feel about PVP. After a while, I knew he wouldn't keep pushing me if it was a shitty sweatfest......SOOOOOOOOoo, I gave in. I remember asking him "Oh man what weapons should I use? What stats? What mods? What exotics?"....He told me it did not matter, don't worry about it because you would rarely be using any weapons. A knawing Hunger/ Witherhoard combo would do (ok ,I still dont have the Catalyst for this because of pVP kills, so I'll use this). I main Titan Behemoth, so I just used that. Well...I HAD AN ABSOLUTE BLAST!😀😀😀 This was before the nerf to the statis Titan, so I was literally able to walk down 3 or 4 guys at a time, all shooting at me, didn't matter! I would pop my super around the corner and just slide till I seen red. Lol. It didn't matter if I Died, It was from another Super, of course I'm gonna die. It's all good I thought I could actually get Pinnacles from here now (I main Titan but play all 3) so I went in with my Hunter and Warlock too. We played the entire weekend! 😁 I got my Withoard Catalyst done finally and Pinnacles all around. Now we always play when it comes around. I do wish it was always available but understand why it's not. Once I got a little more comfy with maps and shooting too, I now will even play Clash.😎👍🏻 Eventually I will try comp too. MAYHEM IS ALWAYS FUN.

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