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originally posted in: PvP needs new modes and maps badly
4/18/2021 7:45:20 PM
I mean they did make a new mode called gambit and people complained about it so much they ended up nerfing it into a husk of what it was. If I was the devs I wouldn't bother with new stuff since every time they try something new this community complains about it constantly (see stasis and gambit). At this point the game not getting new and interesting modes can be put squarely on the shoulders of the whiners.

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  • I like gambit

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  • Edited by girrafe07: 4/18/2021 11:59:29 PM
    This is a completely ignorant comment that disregards OPs point. Gambit is not pvp, but a hybrid. You're ignorant.

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  • I loved destiny back in the day. It’s why I check in occasionally to see if things are improving. For a little while it seemed things were up with some spooky mission on a ship, but that didn’t last long at all. Too bad. Nothing will come close to original vault of glass or Crota. Just a bunch of crazy mechanics that piss people off. Gambit has always been a bad game mode, just based on the mechanics of having to pick up motes that aren’t there because we run peer to peer. It has always been miserable. Even at its best (for me) when I ran bubble bro, invaded and popped my shield on their big bad enemy (can’t think of the name because it has been two years I believe) is was disappointing at best. Gambit has always been a mess. The game feels great, and has its moments, but it is lacking in something important. I am not a programmer, I work outside in agriculture, so I won’t even pretend to know what it is, but it is enough for me not to want to come back. My guess is they won’t figure it out. It isn’t profitable enough. Too bad, I loved playing rift with armamentarium on. Double suppressor grenades were deadly! If you like gambit, more fun for you. I couldn’t stand it.

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  • Edited by aequus: 4/18/2021 10:24:53 PM
    Stasis was well recieved outside of PvP. It's a really fun subclass, it's just broke inside crucible. Gambit is a good idea in theory, and I know I personally don't enjoy it a lot of people do.. Try again. But lets just say you're right. That's failure on their part, not the players.

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  • There is the main issue then. PvP. All the devs see is people complaining about stasis in pvp so all they'll see is that people don't like stasis. No one ever says they like it in general. I dunno about you but If all I see is people shitting on my new ideas I'm gonna shy away from trying new ideas.

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  • I feel like bungie knows people really like stasis in pve. Otherwise I think the needs going out wouldn’t be pvp only. They have acknowledged that people seem to enjoy it in pve.

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  • then you go out of business.. Do you expect the game to remain the same? If they didn't create new ideas, or new content based on past failures, this game never would've survived. Somethings are well received like forsaken, others are not like curse of Osiris. If they don't create new strikes, new pvp maps, new mechanics etc.. this game dies. What you say makes no sense.

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  • They'll create new content for the PvE aspect since they don't complain but I doubt PvP will get an influx of any new content any time soon. The PvP side of the D2 community is toxic and at this point I doubt the devs even wanna try with them. Everything they release for the PvPers is complained about. Gambit was the last mode they tried to create for PvP that would mesh it with PvE and people hated it. They are still complaining about stasis 3 nerfs later. At this point why bother releasing content for the PvP aspect of the game when nothing pleases them?

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  • If I asked for an apple, you would expect the apple to be fresh, tasty and clean. You wouldn't want a moldy, tasteless apple, right? No you wouldn't. If people are unhappy with what they got, that's a problem.

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  • Gambit has always been terrible, still is today. The only people that like Gambit are the ones that never stop playing it, everyone else just does their 3 games for the pinnacle or because something else they're doing requires it.

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  • I didn't get a chance to get into it when it had the special armors because I arrived as they were removing the items and only got the chance to get the set without ever really using it. Though to me the concept of armor effecting your gameplay on that level in a match was pretty cool. Also I enjoyed the 3 rounds better because it gave more of a chance to come back from a losing match. Gambit was fun before they gutted it into only gambit prime. I never understood the hate it got. It was a novel idea mixing pvp with pve and giving both sides something they wanted.

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  • It was a good idea, but the way it came about wasn't that good. Invading has always been annoying, mainly because of what's the strongest to use. First I saw was Queenbreaker, back when it had twice the aim assist it was supposed to have, making it hit headshots with aimbot-like ease. Then Truth was ultra meta, you'd get 3 rockets when grabbing heavy from mid, and get 3 kills nearly every game. Now it's Eyes of Tomorrow, which is basically Wardcliff with Truth tracking and can hit you over cover. Melting the Primeval was a thing still but not as bad as it is now, used to be nova bomb with Skull of Dire Ahamkara with Tractor Cannon to debuff (back then, the debuff allowed more bonus damage to void damage), and you'd be able to literally remove all health from the boss in one go with all 4 bombs. Now it's stasis debuff with Chaos Reach/Thundercrash with Focusing Lens and Volatile conductor, with Lament or Anarchy depending on if it's meatball. I wish Gambit was as good as it had potential to be, but playing it is the worst experience. Leaving too much would get you a ban, but leaving quickplay or a strike doesn't. Gambit isn't a "comp" level activity, since losing doesn't make you lose score, and matching against stacked 4 mans consistently makes the above scenarios a high possibility. Nobody wants to deal with that all day, so they either avoid the playlist or play in one of said stacked teams. But for people who prefer playing solo like myself, they're almost never playing in a fireteam and match the stacked teams.

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  • Honestly the biggest way I can see to get around the quick loss is to have multiple rounds. Unfortunately like most modes in this game you need to play the meta. I do agree with you that the getting banned for leaving is dumb as well.

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