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4/18/2021 5:03:33 PM
Every team should go up against a Flawless team on the first run on their card as a test to see if they are even worthy of entering the Trials of Osiris.

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  • How worthy were you on March 20th when you lost a win trade on your first card?

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  • [quote]How worthy were you on March 20th when you lost a win trade on your first card?[/quote] Point to the part where I said I was good at PvP. I’ll wait.

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  • Is your eyesight good? Cause I never said anything about your skill level. I'm just requesting further comment on the new information that has just recently come to light. Are you worthy to enter the Trials of Osiris and if not should you be determining the worthiness of other players?

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  • Obviously this would also apply to me as well. The difference is, I’m not trying to get the bar lowered just so I can feel special for being able to participate in Trials. The fact that I’m willing to advocate for something that will negatively affect me shows I’m being unbiased. Something most people here can’t seem to do because they desperately want to be included in the Trials match. It’s just a video game. Imagine getting so worked up over not being able to go Flawless that you want Bungie to make it easier for you to go Flawless. Pathetic.

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  • Okay lemme stop trolling and make my points. There's nothing special about trials, gms or iron banner. All high level activities being carried by weapons made intentionally to be the best in the game. Shadow price is the best precision auto in the game thanks to its low recoil. And so so recoil direction. The messenger is the best because of desperado. An exotic perk on a legendary pulse rifle. Outright top tier. Palindrome? See D1. The Summoner? Better because of ttk potential. I could on and on about the weapons and why they're good. But I can also tell you why trials, the GMs, and Iron Banner isn't.

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  • Trials was literally launched without any protection against ddosing so that's still an issue. Stasis being an overall top tier choice that makes other guardians look like stormtroopers with space powers. Cheaters. No real reason to go after flawless since you still can get shafted with the drops. And in my personal opinion, it's just boring. Grandmasters are just halo laso missions with fan favorite weapons featured as drops. Typical pinnacle source for leveling players. Oh, and the champions are just there to make you pick something you don't want to run. Iron banner has to be the most disappointing mode ever to be featured in Destiny 2. No new armor, reused weapons and a mechanic that causes mercy rules.

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  • Trust me no one wants play these activities. They feel compelled to. To them it's a pile of weapons they would rather use because they do so much better than what they've got. Which isn't much when you check out the collections tab of sunset armaments. There's nothing remotely special about them. They just have the loot we want. That's all.

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  • Edited by SteveOfSteves: 4/19/2021 6:04:01 PM
    [quote]How worthy were you on March 20th when you lost a win trade on your first card?[/quote] Your eyesight must be bad. I didn’t play on the 20th.

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  • Dude. I checked your game history. You were clearly win trading. The game lasted 3 minutes.

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  • [quote]Dude. I checked your game history. You were clearly win trading. The game lasted 3 minutes.[/quote] It’s almost as though we went in with the intention of jumping some cliffs, but the other team had the same idea and beat us to it. If we were win-trading, wouldn’t it make sense to get 7 straight wins for flawless? Instead, there are wins and losses on that day.

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  • Doesn't matter how it was done. It was your first card and you lost. So by your definition, you'd be unworthy to enter the Trials of Osiris. Right?

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  • [quote]Doesn't matter how it was done. It was your first card and you lost. So by your definition, you'd be unworthy to enter the Trials of Osiris. Right?[/quote]

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  • Epic troll post, much good, very edgelord.

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  • Edited by SteveOfSteves: 4/19/2021 1:31:35 PM
    [quote]Epic troll post, much good, very edgelord.[/quote] Just because you disagree doesn’t mean it’s a troll post. People just need to accept the fact that they can’t compete in the major league PvP activities and just need to stick with Little League-tier PvP activities until they get better. The bar doesn’t need to be lowered just so they can compete. Some people aren’t ready to compete in the big leagues and they just need to accept that.

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  • I never said I disagreed. Was just commenting on an obvious troll post that clearly worked judging by the responses.

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  • Edited by SteveOfSteves: 4/19/2021 1:33:35 PM
    [quote]I never said I disagreed. Was just commenting on an obvious troll post that clearly worked judging by the responses.[/quote] What if I told you it wasn’t a troll post, just an unpopular opinion? Trials, especially flawless, is supposed to be for exceptionally good PvP players. People are trying to get that bar lowered just so they can get some Trials gear or a flawless run when in reality, they need to accept the fact that they’re not ready to compete in the big leagues.

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  • Listen, I don't really have a dog in the fight because I rarely play trials because destiny 2 pvp is garbage and has been garbage for a very, very long time. Trials is only the the most recent and, dare I say, bad iteration of it. I've read pretty much all your comments and correct me if I'm wrong but your claim is that the sweats will keep trials alive. This has been proven false by several things. Firstly, destiny 1 trials. This happened. The population dips when the matchmaking/rewards were not good for the average or even below average player. There's literally no reason to play and the population dips as the aforementioned groups leave the playlist entirely. Then the above average players get frustrated as their games get sweatier and sweatier, then they leave. Then all that's left is the top tier pvp players playing each other with fewer and fewer people gong flawless/getting any type of rewards every week. They added rewards bounties for people who couldn't get to 5/7/9 wins. People came back and Bungie was lauded for making trials accessible but still competitive for everyone. There were also problems with matchmaking that they fixed. I'll give you a more recent example. I was actually into pvp back when Redrix Claymore came out. It was damn near impossible to get to fabled to get that gun because the population was so unbelievably low (perhaps the lowest in the comp playlist ever) then came luna's howl and not forgotten, the former very very doable but still very tough. During one or both of these pinnacle weapon periods you had to basically get two wins to cover one loss in glory points. This was before glory subranks and rank floors. They made adjustments every season and while it's gotten easier and easier to hit legend I've still never done it, I've hit mythic 3 a time or two. You go on believing that the playlist won't dwindle and suffer if all the lower skilled players leave because gatekeepers like you think people on their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd match should match people who've already gone flawless that week. You're either delusional, refuse to look at the history of competitive playlists in destiny or can't do math. Perhaps all three. I mean why don't we lock ALL rewards behind the flawless gate if you feel so strongly about it? Only the best right?

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  • I’m all for locking all rewards behind flawless. Bungie doesn’t need to be handing out participation trophies.

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  • And this is how I know you're a troll. Maybe you don't know?

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  • Edited by SteveOfSteves: 4/19/2021 6:58:26 PM
    [quote]And this is how I know you're a troll. Maybe you don't know?[/quote] There used to be a time when seeing someone with the Unbroken title was a little intimidating. Now that Bungie has made it easier to hit Legend, there are a bunch of trash PvP players running around with that title. The title itself has been so diluted with bad players that it’s almost worthless. Lower the bar for Trials, and the same will occur with flawless cards and flawless runs. They will be worthless. Flexing the achievement would be like bragging about completing a normal strike.

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  • Do you have Unbroken?

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  • Huh? You’re saying this like this isn’t already the case.

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  • wow smoothbrains actually do walk among us

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  • Mad cuz bad.

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  • 2
    That sort of thing is why the player pool is so small.

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