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originally posted in: Matrix Jubilee emblem
4/14/2021 10:34:11 PM
Hey, I messaged Loot Crate Customer Shpport and received the below: “... Thank you for contacting us! We're getting the emblem codes set up subscribers who ordered crate #1 "Earth" and/or Crate #2 "Europa". We're just finishing up the last details before we can send codes out. This is taking a little longer than we originally anticipated, but we're close. The codes will be sent over by email April 20 - 30th. If you don't see an email from us in your inbox, spam folder, or promotions folder by April 30th please let us know. We'll make sure you get your code. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, please let me know so I can assist you further.” Hopefully this helps. Thanks

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