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originally posted in: DESTINY PVP IS A CESSPOOL NOW
1/24/2021 10:40:09 AM
Shotguns aren’t even the problem tbh they only kill because of positioning,though quick play is ass atm there’s nothing but metaslaves with crimson,last word,and fusion rifles,you’ll see the occasional shotgun and arbalest but yeah,stasis isn’t even that annoying unless you’re aping or getting insta killed by melees. We do need a ton of balances still though,sure there’s always a meta but sunsetting made it even worse,the only thing we need su set are pinnacle weapons. I think a good way to fix all this is to make shotguns have like a range limit and buffing fusion rifles but turning them into a heavy,also high impact pulses are amazing but they’re not as easy as crimson it kills to easily and same goes for last word,I don’t think they need straight up nerfs but they do need reworks i mean people only use last word in pvp because it’s hella op and same goes for crimson,I mean no one uses them for pvp and fusion rifles just shouldn’t be special at this point I mean being able to insta kill at primary weapon range without a single need for crits? Yeah that’s op,le monarque is op too I mean it leaves you like at 1-20 hp in one shot after the poison? Needs to be toned down. We need a ton of balancing and we also need dedicated servers but without the latter no one will be able to take D2 pvp seriously I mean the meta isn’t as horrible as last season but it can definitely be improved I mean they could at least make pvp and pve have separate sandboxes. The pvp in this game is full of potential but the developers seem to treat it as an afterthought even though pvp players makeup around half of the player base if not more,tons of people play for pvp and leave because of it. I mean you can look up anything on destiny and nearly everything will be about pvp,trials is in an abysmal state as well,more so than quick play since we don’t have any real anti cheat or DDoS protection,I personally feel like we could be getting so much more from destiny’s pvp if we just got a real team to work on it,I know tons of people like me who do raids and other endgame activities just to use the loot on crucible. I think we can all agree that pvp needs fixes and they would be welcome,if we had a pvp focuse season that would be amazing specially if they added quests with pvp mixed with raiding and things like that it would push people to do both,.

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  • Shotguns aren't the problem, Felwinter's Lie is ;)

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  • Eh not really,if you take the time to look at stats a base mindbender’s is nearly the same as a felwinters hell a base seventh seraph cqc-12 has far better stats than a felwinters hell a base astral horizon has almost the same stats,the real issue is sunsetting not letting other weapons appear,I mean why grind for another shotgun when felwinter’s is there you know? It’s not sunset and the stats are okay and it’s a static god roll tbh I’d rather have a seventh seraph god roll,hell dude xenoclast has way better stats,the thing about felwinters is consistency I mean aggressive frame+ shot package+full choke+slideshot+opening shot=super tight spread and good damage along with decent range,this makes it very consistent,it’s base stats aren’t too good but the perk combination is godly and you can get things like it still though it is highly unlikely which is why people choose to use it but without sunsetting you’d see a ton of other shotguns competing specially the lightweight frames since they give you extra mobility. The heart of the matter is that yes felwinters is very good in the current sandbox but there is no other shotgun competing with it because of sunsetting and the fact that it needs no grind.

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  • Stats say nothing. I have shotguns with max range and that's 3 meters. It's the weapon, itself.

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  • I legit just explained why it is the way it is,just look at the perk combination for heaven sake it’s not like felwinters is bugged or all the other weapons are inferior legit just look at the stats and perk combinations I’m pretty there’s a destiny youtuber that’s explained it,you also forget that it’s supposed to be what a d1 shotgun was like of course it’s good if you only read what I replied and analyzed it you’d understand. Felwinters isn’t the problem,the problem is sunsetting.

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  • Yeah! He explained the Bungie logic, which you can only understand if you lie to yourself.

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  • Also why are you complaining about felwinters if you’re a meta slave?

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  • I mean it’s and FPLS who doesn’t like to step into the crucible to make big plays with their friends. But tbh at this point I’ve sort of given up on the game’s betterment since the bungie developers say they’re listening but they’re not changing,like damn we need BIG changes not little boring ones,they could give us a rework for the light subclasses so they can compete and balance weapons better,make it so skill matters more than who has the easiest gun I mean I’m pretty sure you put a lame player like me with a last word in front of frost bolt while he uses a bad juju or a malfeasance and I’m sure it wouldn’t be easy,some weapons are incredibly unbalanced and do need reworks.I mean I’d love it if a tarrabah could compete with a crimson or a last word,I’d love it if bad juju was reliable. There’s just so many good changes they could make to have the game keep you using different guns without making the others garbage like damn dude imagine running multiple raids for tarrabah just to find out it’s not good for anything,like damn dude it’s exotic and it’s worse than legendaries. I mean what’s fair about a last word being able to kill everyone so easily with no prerequisite? Or why does jotunn get tracking without having to lock on???why does le monarque do so much damage for something anyone can do with any other bow?? I feel like we need more guns like hawkmoon or no time to explain,having to do good with the gun so you can use it’s exotic perk? Yeah that’s actually great. Last word is easy mode in pvp or arbalest with its free headshots when there’s guns like that the game sucks I mean imagine if there wasn’t any broken guns and all of them needed you to do gimmicky stuff like hawkmoon and tarrabah that would make people learn and get good instead of relying on what’s easiest. That’s just my take on it though,not hating on anyone just stating what my opinion is.

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