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originally posted in: Another Garbage TWAB
1/22/2021 6:06:23 AM
[quote]Are you not listening bungo? We want more dungeons more raids more storyline content. No mention of sunset? Title adjustments for cheater titles(Flawless, conquer, and unbroken)? No expectations for seasons? I loved beyond light but that’s a season dlc. It’s not a yearly release. You need to step it up. Destiny is dying and it’s your fault bc you gutted it. Listen to the community. It’s a foresaken dlc yearly with beyond light size stuff quarterly or bust. It’s so frustrating you guys don’t acknowledge it. Stop reusing old content. The moon? Dreaming city? Are you serious? You must really think will play anything. Good luck and thanks for ruining destiny. Bungo for reals[/quote] Spoken like a true immature, entitled, ignorant person who thinks they know it all. Some people actually live in the real world and adjust their expectations accordingly. It’s ok to criticize and to have an opinion, but keep it realistic. Instead of mouthing off about things you don’t fully comprehend. Neither the world, nor anything in it, is perfect. Nothing is ever guaranteed. And everything takes risks, hard work, effort, and resources. Either you enjoy the game for what it is and if you must opine, do so constructively. Otherwise, quit playing. In any case, your post is horse manure.

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  • That comes across as the most self indulgent, entitled rubbish ever.... What a pointless response. Look at you proselytising your life view and opinion, as if anyone cares for that pseudo life-coaching bollocks.

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  • your post is kissing bungies ass we players and the whole community are customers, and they treat us since a while as if we are all idiots which have to asskiss their ongoing bugs, shit and whatever more i dont care what people like you off reality think or dream about the most of the players want content and all what we get since a while is shit ...

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  • Nah. Y'all don't know what y'all want and are terrible to the devs because of your frustrations. Which, I get, but y'all act like 5 year olds. It's a game. You aren't entitled to anything.

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  • This post is a little hypocritical and uses a logical fallacy, try to avoid using an “ergo leave” argument and be sure to follow your own advice in the future Anyways look at this [url=]funny picture[/url]

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  • [quote]This post is a little hypocritical and uses a logical fallacy, try to avoid using an “ergo leave” argument and be sure to follow your own advice in the future Anyways look at this [url=]funny picture[/url][/quote] What’s your point?

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  • Edited by pcln3806: 1/22/2021 3:46:46 PM
    Follow your own advice and don’t use logical fallacies? It ruins your argument Also the picture is funny I thought somebody would like it

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  • [quote]Follow your own advice and don’t use logical fallacies? It ruins your argument Also the picture is funny I thought somebody would like it[/quote] Still unclear.

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  • I mean I could say the same about your post too, if your being sarcastic about it. If it’s unclear you can put time into researching why logical fallacies are bad for arguments, the basic version is that they are arguments that don’t use a logic that is sound, such as saying “if you are X, then you are X”. This isn’t sound logic because it can be used against the person saying this, and it in of itself is not proof enough for proving that someone is this theoretic “x”. Again, hypocrisy is also something of a logical fallacy. Hypocrisy is looked down upon in almost every community, as if someone tries to enforce a rule on someone with the same level of power(and the like) but also does not follow it, it shows that the rule clearly isn’t that important. Why should someone else follow a rule that someone tells them to when the other person doesn’t follow it. Either don’t try to enforce or use the used rule against the opponent to bring them down or follow said rule.

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  • [quote]I mean I could say the same about your post too, if your being sarcastic about it. If it’s unclear you can put time into researching why logical fallacies are bad for arguments, the basic version is that they are arguments that don’t use a logic that is sound, such as saying “if you are X, then you are X”. This isn’t sound logic because it can be used against the person saying this, and it in of itself is not proof enough for proving that someone is this theoretic “x”. Again, hypocrisy is also something of a logical fallacy. Hypocrisy is looked down upon in almost every community, as if someone tries to enforce a rule on someone with the same level of power(and the like) but also does not follow it, it shows that the rule clearly isn’t that important. Why should someone else follow a rule that someone tells them to when the other person doesn’t follow it. Either don’t try to enforce or use the used rule against the opponent to bring them down or follow said rule.[/quote] Nope. Irrelevant. Simply, My point is to keep your opinions and suggestions within the realm of possibility regarding video game development. Also, If you don’t like/enjoy a game, don’t play. Hypocritical? If you say so I guess... Not gonna try and change your point of view.

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  • You said to share opinions constructively, which you did not follow. That’s what I meant by being hypocritical. Again, an ergo leave argument is a logical fallacy, don’t use it. It damages your argument, no matter what it is. I already explained why. Ironically, you yourself are acting the same way you described the original poster, something if an arrogant child. You have been faced with reason as to why you should change your actions and continued dismiss it, which is a very strong example of arrogance. It isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact that logical fallacies are damaging. To act as such is also arrogant. This also leads towards the hypocrisy of the post. I tried to stay constructive throughout this engagement so maybe you wouldn’t be very standoffish, but if you are calling some guy online an arrogant child, you should take a look in the mirror, and accept that you have some traits that you say you dislike and try to fix them, or at least be aware of them so you can make stronger arguments in the future. It’s not even that I completely disagree with your original post, but the way you portray yourself and use arguments is very bad and it’s hard to take someone seriously with the attitude in your posts.

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  • You can argue about semantics, phrasing, form and whatever. The core statement is true: a game needs meaningful and fresh new content. more of the same is simply not enough, essentially if it's stretched like hell, recycled and drip-feed. Sure, Bungie admitted they can't. They said it. So nobody has expectations anymore. Doesn't change the fact that just "more" destiny isn't good enough anymore like Datto (IIRC) said.

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  • [quote]You can argue about semantics, phrasing, form and whatever. The core statement is true: a game needs meaningful and fresh new content. more of the same is simply not enough, essentially if it's stretched like hell, recycled and drip-feed. Sure, Bungie admitted they can't. They said it. So nobody has expectations anymore. Doesn't change the fact that just "more" destiny isn't good enough anymore like Datto (IIRC) said.[/quote] I agree that the game is disappointing to many players. We have expectations. But here is a thought... D2 was not supposed to last this long. There was a D3 planned in the agreement with Activision. Bungie decided not to end D2 and instead end the agreement with Activision. I think the game is going through another difficult period and it’s rough. Growing pains or whatever, but... 🚨Warning⚠️ unpopular opinion ahead ⚠️Warning🚨 I’m gonna continue to play the game and see where it all leads. To each their own. [spoiler]also just dunno if it matters but I do play MANY other games[/spoiler] Ok ✌️

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  • Edited by LittleWitchAuz: 1/22/2021 5:09:29 PM
    That's not why they split. They didn't end it because they didn't feel like making Destiny 3. The reason they wanted out was because they wanted to make Matter and 2-3 other titles. They wanted to be a franchise studio. Activision let them go and keep Destiny because Destiny was not making the expected profits, it allowed them to free up studios that were meant to help Bungie, and believed they could make those studios create more profitable games than Destiny. Links:

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  • Thanks for clearing it up. But still it remains that Forsaken did not meet their financial goals.

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  • Forsaken did meet their financial goals and it wasn’t even Bungie who did forsaken it was activision owned studios. Forsaken was the best thing since D2 launch and it wasn’t even made by Bungie. Go figure. Get your facts straight.

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  • Edited by LittleWitchAuz: 1/22/2021 6:23:36 PM
    I wasn’t refuting your point on Forsaken being a net loss. I was giving the links because the other person asked for them and the convo seemed to be going in the direction of them not believing it to be the case. So, I opted to fix that.

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  • You are correct. That added a gold title for grinding the same content we have been begging to be refreshed. Not actual content.

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  • I mean if people want to play your game more and you make games for a living then why is the commentary bad? Or even unreasonable. We got these expectations from the past. If bungie doesn’t want to hear it anymore and wants us to be happy with what we got then so be it. I’m sure the anthem development team and the avenger development team would love to have someone comment on there games. Or even play them. The horror. Bungie has fans and they want more destiny. Such a hard life for a video game company who trying to make money by selling games. They have customers. Such a hard life. Expectations.

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  • [quote]I mean if people want to play your game more and you make games for a living then why is the commentary bad? Or even unreasonable. We got these expectations from the past. If bungie doesn’t want to hear it anymore and wants us to be happy with what we got then so be it. I’m sure the anthem development team and the avenger development team would love to have someone comment on there games. Or even play them. The horror. Bungie has fans and they want more destiny. Such a hard life for a video game company who trying to make money by selling games. They have customers. Such a hard life. Expectations.[/quote] Yeah no I think I said that having opinions and suggestions is all well and good. And sharing them is even greater! But even those ideas and suggestions must be based within the realm of what’s possible. That’s all I’m saying.

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  • A raid or dungeon quarterly with a few story missions is unreasonable? Did you play destiny in the past? Or start with shadow keep? Shadow keep players seem to think this current destiny lifestyle is ok. You guys would be blown away if you played previously

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  • what a strange argument (based on when people start playing Destiny) - in that case then, clearly [b]you[/b] didn't play Destiny 1. Major release every year, which had 1 raid, NO seasonal content (maybe the odd quest here and there dropped alongside 'events') - but apart from that Destiny was a yearly drop. The Taken King for example (I see so many saying that is what Destiny should be but being negative about the current game). The Taken King was an yearly drop, which had about 8 campaign missions, a few quests and that was about it - the raid content was King's Fall - that was it. Basically the entire expansion was done for me in about 8 hours, then I spent the rest of the year running King's Fall, and strikes (if people want that, ok, sure Bungie would love to only need to release 1 raid, 8 campaign missions and a couple of strikes for a whole year). I feel while I agree with some arguments, nothing can be perfect and people are being led too much (far too much) by what is covered in social media, YouTube, Twitch, Reddit etc. If you actually looked at what forms this game then you may be a little less harsh and judgemental in your criticism. This community has become nothing more than a group of people who moan, complain and act like spoilt children - if anything kills the game it is that kind of behaviour. After the year everyone has just had, dictated to by an international pandemic, while Bungie were late delivering Beyond Light it is a miracle anything was delivered at all - These guys (Bungie) work hard, game development is not easy, it takes time, huge resource and to do it away from a studio at home is not at all ideal. As stated recently by a large streamer/YouTuber "here WE go again ... into the seasonal cycle again : 1st month everyone is hyped : 2nd month everyone exhausts themselves by grinding because they are so hyped : month 3 everyone starts complaining because they have nothing better to do ... Why, Why if people are not enjoying things don't they play something else? Why drag the entire community down in negativity?" For anyone in this community be new to it, a few hundred hours in, Youtube, streamer, no life gamer - it doesn't matter - everyone is entitled to an opinion, and everyone should value the opinion of others, but likewise you need to listen to ALL opinions not just your own personal one. To say this game is "empty" or "there is nothing to do" is ridiculous, personally I have 7000 logged hours in D2, I still have things to do, still have triumphs to finish - so for anyone to say there is nothing to do is very hard to listen to, it is likely more the case people can't be bothered to do what there is to do (because most people nowadays seem to want to log on, not work towards anything but just get everything without having to do any kind of grind or gameplay).

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  • Yeah. See? There ya go again. No accounting for reality. The last thing I’ll say is that you and everyone on these forums are all of us entitled to our opinions. No matter how delusional and bat guano crazy. And we gonna just have to agree to disagree. ✌️

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  • gotta ask, why is Trackstars opinion crazy? what qualifies it as such? what makes you right and trackstar wrong? Why is it unreasonable to ask bungie for simple changes that would make the experience so much more alluring? Why is it unreasonable to ask for no more sunsetting? Why is it unreasonable to ask for raids that take more than 30 minutes to complete?

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  • Edited by TRACKSTAR79936: 1/22/2021 3:28:19 PM
    So what’s reality. Bungie can’t keep up with destiny anymore and should sell the franchise to Microsoft? All this reality stuff. They did this all in the past. We just want the foresaken year back. Or even dlcs like year 1 destiny 2. They made us think that was normal. Now people like you are telling us that’s crazy. So the past was crazy? I don’t get you guys.

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  • [quote]So what’s reality. Bungie can’t keep up with destiny anymore and should sell the franchise to Microsoft? All this reality stuff. They did this all in the past. We just want the foresaken year back. Or even dlcs like year 1 destiny 2. They made us think that was normal. Now people like you are telling us that’s crazy. So the past was crazy? I don’t get you guys.[/quote] Ok fun fact: Activision paid for Forsaken production. Bungie had two other studios deliver that content since Bungie did not have the resources, mainly time. So when Activision bounced, they said it was because of the disappointing figures from forsaken, officially. Simply meaning the investment was not worth it for them. Business-wise. It was great for the players, yeah 100% . But it was also unprofitable. So therein lies the conundrum. Welcome to the endgame.

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