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1/21/2021 6:59:42 PM
Power creep isn’t just having a legendary sword that can melt a boss in 3 seconds. People gravitate to the best weapons. The ones that have the best balance of handling, stability, range, and stickiness. You can get to a point where the only way to introduce a handcannon people will love and use over Spare Rations is to make a handcannon better in nearly every way, including perks. Until eventually we have a handcannon with 100 range/handing/stability/recoil direction, 0 bounce intensity, with kill clip and outlaw. And from there it can only get better with stronger damage perks and faster reload. People won’t farm for something unless it is as good or better than what they already have. We have seen people complain about this, asking why they should be bothered to farm for a weapon that’s worse than one they’ve been using for 2+ years. To fight that kind of creep without sunsetting they would need to rebalance each weapon quite regularly. Not just adjusting entire archetypes, but literally adjusting individual stats and animation for individual guns to bring them down for others to be as viable. We’ve seen this with perks. Some perks are only NOW considered top tier that other perks were knocked down a peg. Now a far more consistent weapon is often preferred to one that is just slightly faster in reload or does just a smidge more damage. I have not been a critic of sunsetting weapons (armor yes), but that doesn’t mean I like it. It is an easy way out for Bungie on a bunch of things. But I’ve also always been able to find new favorite guns I like using. But sometimes I also like pull and old faithful from the vault. It does impact my god roll farming just a bit too. Due to a shorter life span I tend to stop and “good enough” roll and not keep trying for “god roll”. Often focusing more on just getting the two main perks I want. It’s been a little freeing, as The game feels a little less grindy for me. I still find plenty of enjoyment in the game. Even before sunsetting I would stop using older weapons in favor of a newer, prettier, better performing weapon. Honestly, most of the time, I don’t even feel the effects of sunsetting.

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  • For the most part, especially with Exotic weapons being largely safe, I can agree with sunsetting the older pinnacle weapons. I am in the same boat as you where over time, I gravitated towards the newer kits for any number of reasons - I liked the look of that season's guns, I liked the feel of certain guns in crucible, etc. I mainly care about them vaulting armor and going too far with vaulting too many weapons. Reissue aside, the fact that they removed a ton of weapons from the game AND capped the moon/DC weapons meant the loot pool for the entire game was drastically low. It gives you little to no incentive to get any gear by the time you make your way through the story and get to hard cap ish light level

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  • It took so many burdens off the devs. But the cost is they can’t justify it as such and also can’t justify it any other way. They left exotics....they have power creep. They introduced stasis and it’s completely OP. But Stasis sells expansions. The only issue the core, their actual dev responsibility is to keep the players happy aka money flowing into the game. So when they make any move that drives players away in the name of some fake balance in a video game...they made their jobs easier but also closer to obsolete as well.

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  • I agree. I think what they really need to do is completely rework the weapon system. I don't know how they would and understand that my idea would likely not be liked by most people. Give weapons the armor 2.0 treatment and then make them rng. As in your not farming the raid for the posterity but you farming it for a 180 arc hand cannon with that skin. Have the stats at a set value based on the archtype then have rng bonuses for all stats but impact and rpm. Add transmog to legendary weapons and you should have a system that is a bit more future proof without sunsetting as you can easily get a good gun but there will always be a chance you could obtain a better one. By allowing people to freely choose all perks they can more easily balance them instead of not being sure what to balance with a majority of players likely using close enough rolls instead of their ideal rolls

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  • They need to bring back random rolled damage type weapons. And the weapon will have different stats and interactions with perks depending on that damage type. This will bring the much need uniqueness and flexibility back to energy weapons and heavys. Primary's honestly just need new perks and scopes/sights to be added to them. Plus a stat redesign.

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