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originally posted in: Long time fan, might change
1/21/2021 3:06:23 PM
I wouldn't compare any other titles here but I know Destiny is not going up in popularity as of now. In D1, I had 500+ friends playing destiny. Now I hardly see 5. Clans are dissolving again and chat groups are going silent. Where there was a queue of guardians in chat groups to get the raid done with sherpa, now there aren't enough players to start a raid. Things have changed and eventually all groups will change. Bungie, for once, just admit that it's not us, it's you who is the problem.

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  • And you buy thet if a game is fun to play people play it if its not then its Not people want a community game to be about what its community what it to be and it to have a createer thet r listening to the community and care about the game bungie r Not listening to the community and r not do what tye community want and want destiny 2 to be all about what bungie and Luke Smith want for over 2 years bungie go on and on about what tye destiny community to fell we have control of what happens in game but now bungie want to control How we play the game and what we use do not want us to have freedom to play the way we want and do not respect us and if we say Luke Smith is the wrong man to run destiny 2 or speak out against what he has pland for destiny 2 on the forums the player doing so is punishd for hate speech so how is it not bungies who is the problem how is it not bungies behaveror macking people not want to play destiny 2 destiny 1 has lots of people play raids just a lot of them just play with freinds and clan

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