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12/22/2020 12:35:31 PM
Because the gear from The Dreaming City is from Year 2 of the game. The gear from The Moon is from Year 3. So while one can argue that the loot pools should have been refreshed (once a century pandemic, working from home), the gear was[b] appropriately[/b] sunset. No other loot game would still let you take gear from TWO expansions in the past, and then LEVEL IT UP to be relevant for current content. That is GAME-BREAKING, and Bungie finally was forced to admit that it was, and stop allowing us to do it.

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  • Two-for-two. I use the analogy that the game is like a home remodel that is in the Demolition phase. IOW, the house is a PITA to live in because there's dirt and dust everywhere....muddy footprints...the kitchen's doesn't work and a bathroom has been stripped down to the studs. But you can't put in the NEW stuff, until you've gotten rid of the old stuff. If you're looking forward to whats can deal with the inconvenience. But if all you see is the "NOW"...and what's missing....the situation is intolerable. (Which is why so many homeowners have MELTDOWNS during this part of a remodel) But the bottomline is that Bungie didn't have a choice. They painted themselves into a corner, and nothing they were going to say or do was going to make people happy or avoid criticism. So when you can't do what's popular...might as well do what's RIGHT and NEEDED...and just take the heat for it and move on. So they made it clear that the matter of Sunsetting was not open for debate.

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  • You're still not completely tracking. An immediate fix they could do, but have yet to acknowledge or say will change, is the fact that most of what remains in the game is pointless to go do. I would have zero gripes or complaints if they just reverted the changes to the gear from Dreaming City, Tangled Shore, and Moon being capped at 1060. Keep it the same loot for all I care, but I should have some kind of reason to run Pit of Heresy or Shattered Throne. None of the gear that is currently obtainable via any activity still left in the game should be useless upon drop. It's as simple as changing the infusion cap on the gear that already drops from those activities and we're all good. But they're refusing to do that, meaning that the game as it is has far less than half the content worth playing. We just did to Dreaming City and Tangled Shore the same thing we had with Mercury, Io, Titan, and Mars: made them pointless to go to. If that was the intent, then why do they still even exist? Why are they [b][i]paid[/i][/b] expansions still? People are paying for stuff that isn't usable, relevant, or worth visiting/revisiting. Make the already existing loot that is currently obtainable relevant in something like the new raid, nightfalls, etc. and we're all good to watch the game rebuild with more content over time. It shouldn't be hard to change that number on something like an Arc Logic from 1060 to at least 1260, if not more. That's it. Long story short, that's all I'm asking for. All gear that currently drops in the game should be usable and not an instant dismantle regardless of stat or perk roll.

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  • He's tracking you just fine. YOu're not listening to him. You are complaining about the state that the game is CURRENTLY in. But are ignoring what impact what you want done would have on the game long term. He's telling you that the reason why teh game is in teh state its in, is because this is a necessary TRANSITION PHASE that has to be endured to take the game where it needs to go in the future. In short, you're mad because you think Bungie is losing at checkers, when the reality is that they are slowly winning at CHESS. Bungie isn't interested in winning today's battle. They're playing to win the overall war of making the game into the kind of game they wish to make....and like a home remodel, this "demolition phase" where things that aren't needed for that future get taken out and replaced. You can't put the new stuff in without ripping the old stuff out first.

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  • Let me try another way. You are saying that you want the current gear from those areas to drop at current power, i think it would be great too. But think about the future. If every area drops the current power, in some years we will be again in the same place before the expansion. So sunset the gear was for nothing as we would be 2-3 years again updating gear from the paid expansions and having again 2-3 years of content usable in the game again, and in MMOs we hardly see someone using the same gear for years and bungie would again be in the wrong. Let me tell you. I too wanted the gear from those areas to be updated, but I can understand why they aren’t. I m not against it, but I don’t think it will change because of what I said.

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  • Very good post 👍

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  • Going to stop you there. You can't tune the entire game for new players, and FTP players. Bungie failed to consider the psychological impact of having loot that is no longer relevant drop in the game...and that was a mistake. One that Joe Blackburn has owned up to...and has committed to fixing. But that is NOT the same as continuing to carry old loot through the game "for the sake of new players". Especially in a game that doesn't require you to play through years of back content (like Warframe does) in order to get to the current content. This game will be six years old by the time it reaches [i]Lightfall[/i] The game was going to become an unmanageable mess trying to load 6 years worth of gear into console memory...and having to quality test 6 years worth of guns every time new content gets added to the game. Once Bungie decided NOT to blow up this game and move on to Destiny 3, they had NO other option to keep this game playable but to finally have to bend the knee to Sunsetting.

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  • Then stop dropping the old sunset gear. Simple. I understand why old gear has to be left behind to keep with Bungie’s efforts in rebalancing the sandbox, but playable expansions that are [b][i]still being sold[/i][/b] should not be dropping utterly useless legendary weapons and armor. Even if all that dropped from the Dreaming City were Enhancement Cores and Infusion Tesseracts, it would be better than Sunset gear.

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  • I totally understand the concept of reducing the game size. But what is left in the game is mostly irrelevant. For new players and old players. I have almost zero reason to visit any destination other than Europa, which is tiny compared to a destination in other games. There's also not a weapon to satisfy every role. What I mean by that is that we don't have a relevant void bow that isn't an exotic, nor do we have a 140 void hand cannon, as just a couple examples. Stop defending them and just acknowledge that a large majority of the game serves no purpose and our weapon loadouts are extremely limited now. It's a shell of what a looter shooter should be. Period.

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  • 👏👏👏👏👏👍

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  • Sunsetting was not necessary makes alot the gear pointless if that is the basis for your argument then forsaken and shadow keep should be free expansions charging customers for an expansion that cant give you any relevant gear at the moment is basically stealing money from customers. The weapons could have been refreshed with a new power cap to give me more options instead of forcing the community to use the weapons Bungie wants you to use. Maybe you will ike it When Luke Smith sunsets your supers to for the light subclass the idea of getting gear at some point that willl not be relevant is Bungies way to controlling the narrative once again and removing player options and player choice its like them saying hey everybody we want you to use these weapons even if you dont really like them and regrind some of your old weapons again with a new cap even though you got god rolls fo those weapons already this is the dumbest developer design i have ever seen in a game

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  • [quote]Sunsetting was not necessary[/quote] Its was not only necessary, it was essential and unavoidable. I said this day was inevitable 5 years ago when Bungie added infusion to the game. No loot game can survive letting you drag loot through the game with you forever. The game self-destructs over time.

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  • [quote][quote]Sunsetting was not necessary[/quote] Its was not only necessary, it was essential and unavoidable. I said this day was inevitable 5 years ago when Bungie added infusion to the game. No loot game can survive letting you drag loot through the game with you forever. The game self-destructs over time.[/quote] D1 turned out okay. At its 3yr end, every single piece of gear from Y2-Y3 was viable. What was so game breaking in D2? Recluse? Change perk (like Final Round on D1 snipers). Too many glove types? They still exist in the game anyway, so no space savings there. I'd like to hear how keeping things relevant would break the game. Because, then we could have a discussion about foreseeing aforementioned breakage with the ability to think 5 minutes ahead of Silver transaction revenue.

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  • They can't possibly change every perk while simultaneously creating new ones. As it stands, legendaries are growing more and more similar to exotics. Thresh is just a mild version of Bad Juju's perk. Wellspring is Monte Carlo combined with the demolitionist perk. How much more powerful can it get?

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  • [quote]They can't possibly change every perk while simultaneously creating new ones. As it stands, legendaries are growing more and more similar to exotics. Thresh is just a mild version of Bad Juju's perk. Wellspring is Monte Carlo combined with the demolitionist perk. How much more powerful can it get?[/quote] When they changed shot package and final round, even changed how field scout actually worked, it affected every old and new gun in D1. So they already did the thing you said it would be impossible for them to change perks across all guns. I believe Bungie's record proves that point. By the way - the coding for this sweeping replacement is quite simple. It's actually easier than reducing all Machine Guns by a percentage of ammo to carry (which they've done already, along with other sweeping changes to countless other items). However, at no point have I ever suggested they change every perk. I can't even remotely see where that came from. Is there a perk on legendaries outside of Recluse that will be affected? Is there still auto-loading? Yup. Is there still Grave Robber? Yup. Is there still Surrounded? Quick draw? Rangefinder? Yup, yup, yup. Is there still cluster bombs? Hip fire grip? But seriously- because I guess I didn't understand your reply - what would have become so game breaking that sunsetting was needed? I mean, perhaps they can't "fix" one glaring anomaly that was Mountain Top. Perhaps they can find a way to simply "remove" it from relevance. SO many ways to "fix" this. Do they have the ability to disable just a single gun? Yup. They did it with Witherhoard just a short while ago. Can they simply sunset a SINGLE gun? Yup. And I personally believe it would have been a LOT easier to only set a max power level of a single item, as opposed to the thousand+ items across all platforms. Perhaps you could tell me what you think would have been "easier" on Bungie. I guess I don't see what they can't change amd what they don't have complete control over.

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  • How do you make a fusion rifle better than Loaded Question? How do you make a heavy Grenade Launcher better than Wendigo? A better Sniper than Revoker? Handcannon better than og Not Forgotten? Mountaintop and Recluse are not the only anomalies.

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  • [quote]How do you make a fusion rifle better than Loaded Question? How do you make a heavy Grenade Launcher better than Wendigo? A better Sniper than Revoker? Handcannon better than og Not Forgotten? Mountaintop and Recluse are not the only anomalies.[/quote] How did Bungie fix: Nirwen's Mercy? Palindrome? Thorn? Vex Mythoclast? Cold Heart? Lord of Wolves? 1000 Yard Stare? Qullim's Terminus? Ice Breaker? Suros Regime? Black Hammer? Uriel's Gift? 600 RPM autos? ALL Machine Guns? 3 round Rocket Launchers? I imagine they could have done what they always did. Do you think they are not capable of changing the effects of current stats, or modifying them completely? They've done this numerous times, and on much greater scale. What you appear to be suggesting is a LOT easier than trying to recreate selections and new weapons altogether. I wish they noticed your list, and simply just provided alternatives or modifications

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  • So what you're saying is, the solution to making a fusion rifle equal to or better than Loaded Question, is to first [i]nerf[/i] Loaded Question? That's what comes to mind with the list you provided.

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  • [quote]So what you're saying is, the solution to making a fusion rifle equal to or better than Loaded Question, is to first [i]nerf[/i] Loaded Question? That's what comes to mind with the list you provided.[/quote] Not even remotely. My apologies, I thought I threw enough references in there to show there are multiple ways to reverse the effect of something that already exists in their universe. There are literally 100s more. I figured the sample was enough. I may have been mistaken.

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  • Kelly still fighting for sunsetting when it wasn’t necessary for D2. If Bungie couldn’t have handled the job, just cull the damn things out of the game instead of playing these dumbass games with us. Not refreshing the loot pool is ridiculous. Oh, but Kelly will say this is merely the beginning for Lukey Smith! LOL. Lukey is single handedly ruining this game with his asinine decisions that weren’t made for a game with this ridiculous sandbox they built for Activision on an old ass engine.

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  • [quote]No other loot game would still let you take gear from TWO expansions in the past, and then LEVEL IT UP to be relevant for current content.[/quote] Yeah, updating existing content 3 years later never took place with ROI 🤦‍♂️

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