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Edited by ItsEnrike: 11/20/2020 7:04:47 AM
"Turn vsync on" "lower your monitor hz" You are asking for things that ruins our gaming experience, literally "turn your PC into a console" This problem wasn't there pre-BL with our PC [b]AS IS. [/b] -I play on the lowest settings possible with render 90% only high textures, tried lowering it -Lowered the fov, I have my fps capped always, tried windowed/full screen -I did remove my CPU/GPU overclock, I turned on/off XMP -I've had gamebar disabled since forever -I've removed the cvars, even reinstalled the whole game. -I never have anything open while gaming, discord and DIM I use my phone. -Disabled the new settings for "low-latency" in the cvars -Enabled " force enable multi threaded render" which seems to help, but everything starts glitching. [b] I'm getting lower frame rates everywhere in general, but specially on: -Tangled shore, awful fps, down to 40fps, if I go to spider goes back to 150+fps. -EDZ, dreaming city, those have a weird fog that wasn't there pre-BL, could be related, I get around 60fps from 120-50fps that I used to have. But mainly I have AWFUL stutters(drops to40-50 fps) no matter where I am or what activity I'm playing and ALL of this is exactly after the Beyond Light changes, only gameI have problems so far. [/b] Here's my DXdiag:

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