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Edited by BNGHelp6: 6/22/2021 3:16:40 PM

[BNG] PC FPS Issues Megathread - UPDATE June 22

Hey, community. [url=]We're currently investigating FPS issues on PC[/url]. [quote][b]UPDATES [/b] [quote][b]June 22, 2021[/b] Last night, AMD released [url=]Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.6.1[/url] that fixes some Radeon Graphics products that were experiencing lower than expected performance in Destiny 2. AMD users may want to change their [i]Settings > Preferred Software Version[/i] to [i]Recommended + Optional[/i] for future updates.[/quote] [quote][b]June 3, 2021[/b] In our [url=]TWaB blog post[/url], we acknowledged that we made some major engine changes with the launch of Beyond Light - while working from home. Due to the pandemic, we haven't had access to our PC compatibility lab to do in-depth testing. We've been making improvements with each release even though they aren't called out in patch notes, and we're working with our partners to help address these issues and are optimistic about the future. [/quote] [quote][b]January 29, 2021[/b] We have looked over the data post 3.0.2 launch: -- High-end users saw big improvements: we're about halfway back to pre-Beyond Light perf. -- Mid-range systems didn't see much improvement. -- Low-end and laptops didn't see much improvement. We're continuing to investigate and look for solutions toward better performance. [/quote] [quote][b]January 19, 2021[/b] We released[url=] Update 3.0.2[/url] that optimized Lighting on PC GPUs to help increase performance. -- Many folks have mentioned [b]turning off the Shader Cache in the NVIDIA Control Panel[/b]. Does this help with performance?[/quote] [quote][b]December 14, 2020[/b] We believe we found a few issues related to light probes that have led to GPU performance degradation. We're still investigating and hope to have a resolution in January.[/quote][/quote] Please use this thread to help us track down what is causing the issue by: [quote][b]1[/b]. Posting when and where you are having FPS issues in the game [b]2[/b]. Quitting out of all open apps and browsers while playing to see if there are any improvements [b]3[/b]. Posting your PC specs with your DxDiag by following the instructions in the spoiler tag [spoiler][quote]• Press (Windows Key + R) to bring up the Run dialog box, enter this command “dxdiag” without quotation marks. • Click on “Save all information”. • Copy the text and use a text dump website (i.e. [url=][/url]) to paste the information. Please don't use Google Drive, Dropbox, or another similar service. • Create a link and post it here with your PC specs[/quote][/spoiler][/quote] Additionally, below are some suggestions that may help FPS issues: [quote][b]1.[/b] [url=]Verify the integrity of your game files[/url] in the Steam app. [b]2.[/b] [url=]Remove your CVARS.xml[/url] file. [b]3.[/b] Try lowering your graphics settings, capping your FPS, lowering your FOV, and changing your Window Mode to Windowed. [b]4.[/b] Turn VSYNC on and/or off. [b]5.[/b] Lower the clockspeed of your GPU. [b]6.[/b] Lower your hz on your monitor. [b]7.[/b] [url=]Remove the Windows Gamebar[/url]. [b]8.[/b] [url=]Edit your Radeon Gaming Settings and Shader Cache[/url] if you use a AMD Radeon card or Reset/Optimize your game's graphic settings if you use NVIDIA GeForge Experience [b]9.[/b] Check your CPU cooler/fan to see if it's having issues or needs an update. [b]10.[/b] [url=]Manually specify that Destiny 2 should use your GPU in your PC Graphic Settings[/url]. [b]11.[/b] [url=]Go into Windows Audio Settings and change it to 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)[/url]. [b]12.[/b] Use your laptop's Power cable. [b]13.[/b] Disable ALL non-100% essential background apps/services. [b]14.[/b] Disable any CPU/RAM overclock in the BIOS/UEFI. [b]15.[/b] Reduce mouse polling rate to 500ms or below [b]16.[/b] Turn SLI GPUBoost Sync to "No" if you have that option. [/quote]

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  • Edited by Crucio: 1/29/2021 3:13:10 AM
    This is impossible to play pvp with, the stutter is so bad I see people skipping frames. Here is what I have done so far : Cvars - <cvar name="low_latency_mode" value="0" /> {changed from 1 to 0} <cvar name="mouse_smoothing_mode" value="0" /> {changed from 2 to 0} in game : Changed - fullscreen to window and back to fullscreen set : all setting to low or off Reinstalled nvidia drivers. Deleted the game and reinstalled. Closed or disabled all Onscreen overlays I think I'm out of options here. PC specs : ryzen 3700x rtx2070 super.

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  • On my 8700K, the game runs like trash with HyperThreading enabled. I always played with it off and never had major drops. Now I turned it on to test some stuff, and performance is awful. Just setting the affinity to even cores seems to be enough (you can set it permanently with Process Lasso).

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  • So fix for this? you really think 4 more stupid fps is a fix? A WHOLE season with this trash performance f this game until get's fixed.

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  • Soooo. What exactly did this patch “fix”? I’m still getting a solid max 45fps on the tangled shore and now even more stuttering on an R5/3600x and 5600XT.

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  • Update please

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  • So Bungie can we get an update since the patch didnt fix the problem. Its been 3 months, and my season pass wasted.

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    • Edited by loleggs: 1/28/2021 2:08:26 PM
      Just commenting to let you know I'm also experiencing this problem on a recently upgraded computer AMD Ryzen 9 3950X CCX OCd to ~4.4 GHz AMD Sapphire 6900XT (reference card) undervolted and OCd with significant stability testing ~2600MHz 32 GB GSkill 3200 MHz DDR4 1300W PSU All custom water blocked and watercooled Recently upgraded the GPU from a 1080 Ti to the 6900XT. The 1080 Ti didn't get the highest framerate in the world, but was always very playable at QHD. WIth my 6900XT, the utilization never goes above 30%, yet my in game FPS is low most of the time (80-100 FPS) and in some areas drops down to 40-50 FPS (particularly tangled shore and some DSC encounters). I can run 3840x2060 (4K) or 1280x720 and the framerate is essentially identical in both cases. Most crucible maps sit around 60-80 fps, and some get terrible frame timing, freezing the game anytime the smallest change happens. I'm a top 1% crucible player, so this is kinda a bummer. [b]Edit:[/b] Setting "force_enable_multi_threaded_render_submit" = 1 in my CVARS.xml file appears to help. Doesn't totally solve the problem, as I'm hovering around 50% GPU utilization in problem areas (in all my other games, this constantly sits at 95%-100% as it should), which gets an OK framerate. But it comes with the tradeoff of epilepsy-inducing flickering all over the place. Pick your poison... Thanks to @s1laz and @Darkstorm0X53 for insight on this. dxdiag:

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      • Hi, I have been having FPS drops as well, pretty much all over the place except in orbit. I am normally around 150ish fps but I get a 30-50 fps drop suddenly and repeatedly every 10 seconds or so and this causes a stutter. I use gsync and even that don't stop the stutter. All of this started after Beyond Light. Specs are in the link as you asked. I have tried all the popular fixes and nothing works, nothing I change in the game fixes it either. Running the game max graphics in full screen mode, windowed mode makes it worse. Graphics settings lowered will increase fps but I still get the 50 fps drop and stutter. I know you guys and gals love the game and work hard, keep up the great work. Looking forward to a solution to the issue. Thank you.

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      • Bungie another thing. Turning on force_enable_multi_threaded_render_submit fixes the issue but causes bad shadow flicker. Why did you guys think it had something to do with lighting on tangled shore causing the issue? Its a CPU issue. I really hope this message gets to someone. When force_enable_multi_threaded_render_submit is off I get 20-60fps and my CPU does not boost and only 2 cores are used. When force_enable_multi_threaded_render_submit is turned on I get 90-120fps but then I also have horrible shadow flicker but my CPU is boosting correctly and all cores are being used. Proof of Low CPU usage. On - force_enable_multi_threaded_render_submit Off - force_enable_multi_threaded_render_submit Bungie please show this to one of the bug fixing guys!!

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        5 Replies
        • This “update” fixed nothing. Before beyond light with a Ryzen 3600 and a gtx 970 i could get over 200 fps in orbit and close to it in pit of heresy. After beyond light with a 3600 and a 2070 super i barely get 130, and while playing frames jump back and forth from low 100s to 30s. Changing graphic settings does nothing. I get the same fps on low as i do on highest.

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        • Edited by xGodai: 1/27/2021 12:56:44 PM
          Since Launch FPS has been going down hill, for me (Beyond Light Release) it has been more a frametime issue especially when booting the game and starting an activity for the first time. EDIT: Turning Shade Cache off in Control Panel has helped but still get some stutter when booting game

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        • Hey! Just downloaded the update and it appears that in some zones I've gotten a minimal performance increase. Usually Tangled shore was about 40-43 fps, now it's increased to 43-45. Ryzen 3600 Radeon 5700xt

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          6 Replies
          • Hi Bungie, I'm having framerate issues since upgrading to a RX 6800. I had a RX 570 and the game ran smoothly at 1080p/medium, but it runs considerably worse with the 6800. CPU is a Ryzen5 2600 running @ 4.0GHz all cores. While running Destiny 2 I use about 40-60% CPU and 30-60% GPU. Performance is literally within 5 fps variance regardless of rendering at 1080p, 1440p, or 4k; min/max settings change nothing. I'm talking 48-60 fps @ 1080p/minimum settings in the EDZ. I've tried a multitude of fixes: Steam run commands: -high -USEALLAVAILABLECORES Edited cvars, deleted cvars Cleared radeon shader cache Reinstalled windows Updated bios Reinstalled the game Reinstalled Radeon drivers with DDU Process Priority to high With/without CPU/GPU overclocks ...and more that I'm forgetting The thing is, everything else is running beautifully - Witcher 3 runs at 4k/ultra @ 90-100fps and combined 3D Mark Time Spy result is 13,000. I'm bummed because this upgrade wasn't cheap and Destiny 2 was my main game. It's not even a PCMR vs potato thing either, it just feels sluggish to play a FPS with a mouse/keyboard when it keeps dipping to 40fps. Anyway, just wanted to chime in with my experiences. There's a considerable amount of aggression in this thread and I just want you all to know - you are appreciated! Looking forward to the fix!

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            3 Replies
            • It actually fixed one room on Europa for me, the entrance to Clovis Bray facility to around 100FPS from 45fps before. The whole Shore on the other hand is still broken ,_, 47-52FPS So if Bungo can fix one room in 2 months, how long will it take for the whole map of the Shore? o.o Also I've read (not tested) that on 20.4.2 it works much better? So mby get the developers to talk to AMD more abt the patch updates. Cuz I'm not gonna switch to such old drivers just for one game and have other games suffer o.o R5 5600x and RX 5700XT 16GB 3600MHz

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              • I get massive FPS drops in Dreaming City, EDZ, Tangled Shore and Moon. Mainly in the open areas. I usually get 130-140 FPS but whenever I go in open areas of these zones, the FPS goes down to 30-40 FPS and the overall gameplay is really bad!! I got AMD Radeon RX 5700XT, Ryzen 5 3600, 32GB RAM. Latest drivers. I tried the suggestions and they do not fix the problem. Lowering the graphics to minimum does not help at all!! Very disappointed by this!! Hope it gets fixed soon!!

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                7 Replies
                • AMD 5600x + RX 5700 (will update this comment with DxDiag) Performance was unaffected after update 3.0.2. Framerate still reaches low 40s in tangled shore, 50s in trostland and 60s in Eventide whereas I can reach more than twice that in most other areas. CPU and GPU usage remains comically low. Shader cache and cvars file were deleted with no improvement. Rolling back drivers is not an option I'd entertain, specially considering Destiny is not the only game I play. Hopefully iterations of this fix are being considered so I can resume playing more often. Right now performance is too variable to be enjoyable.

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                  • Unplayable at the Moment. I don't care much right now, but I will be pissed If I cant play the new Season. System CPU: 3700x GPU: 6900 XT RAM: 32 Gigs 3600 MHZ Res: 3440 x 1440 Getting from 1 to 340 FPS... Orbit and small areas Work perfect. Most other things just suck. Hoping it get fixed / attention until the new season Starts.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Unplayable right now, in Orbit 30-40 FPS on any location 1-13 gettin kicked from locations to do low fps, through an error code I never heard of "rutabaga" Before this update I was at ultra Settings 120 Fps+ , my GPU is at 0 usage only in Orbit on 30%. This season is ending soon and I am not able to get with this issue the seasonal title. Only way to get Destiny to work is right now going into the cvars data and change: <cvar name="force_enable_multi_threaded_render_submit" value="0" /> to 1 to get at least 60 fps everywhere but with an huge texture flickering where I get an hard headache from. Specs: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x on a Asus ROG crosshair VII Hero with the latest Bios with 16 GB of Ram on CL16 3200 Mhz from G.Skill including a GPU also AMD but in Asus ROG Strix Vega 64 OC edition This makes me curious why you fix Nvidia and give "seems like" a fu on AMD

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                      2 Replies
                      • CPU : 5900x GPU : 6900XT PBO is enabled = it has a low cpu frequency speed in some games. (ex : 1.1 ~ 0.9ghz) OFF PBO, OFF Curve Optimizer it is solved. more improve FPS : OFF SMT

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                        3 Replies
                        • So Bungie lied to us, again. their latest Patch did nothings and January is almost done, they promised a fix but here we go -> nothings. Since Beyond Light i had some drops here and there when alot of shit was going on but it was playable, now i drop down to 24fps when absolutly nothings happen, i can stand in the cosmodrome and out of the sudden my frames drop down and never go up again. i play Red Dead 2 at high settings in 60fps, GTA5 almost maxed out in a full lobby with 60..... what the hell? it's not only fps drops, it also causes heavly input lag without a reason.

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                        • Its unplayable, i cant get beyond 28 fps, even in very low graphic settings.

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                        • my frames dip into the 20's and reach a max of like 35 in Thieves Landing, Jetsam of Saturn, and Soriks's Cut. In Four- Horn gulch my frames are like 35-45, same frame rates in the transition areas between the main areas.

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                        • Started a new topic: My pc specs and the dxdiag thingy

                        • Edited by Koyoyo: 1/25/2021 9:41:56 PM
                          I can't get a stable frame rate in this game and I've tried all methods suggested. This performance is inexcusable and unacceptable with the specs I currently have. There should be no reason I can't get 200 FPS on the lowest settings even when i downgrade to a 1080p monitor and no matter what I do the frame rate remains sporadic jumping anywhere from 60 to 100 FPS. I literally couldn't get any significant change with even the resolution slider at lowest setting still sporadic and I can't justify playing a game that can't give me a framerate my 30 series Nvidia graphics card is worth. [url][/url]

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                        • Edited by DwoodOne: 1/24/2021 5:26:28 AM
                          AMD 5600x with AMD RX 6800 - 32GB DDR4 3800 - SSD Since the last update I'm getting even more stutters and they are worse. FPS drops into single digits/teens, unplayable at times. Tangled shore 50-70fps range where my 3600/2070Super had 120-150fps Not having any issues with any other game I play. Destiny 2 is the only game where my fps dropped when I upgraded my CPU and GPU. 14100 TIME Spy score, this game shouldn't be performing this poorly. Really hope you can figure it out so we can enjoy the game with the proper performance.

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