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11/19/2020 12:52:42 AM
Free to play ruined this game. They won't add things like this now because free to play players get rewarded for no cash. Free to play is why vendors don't get updated. Free to play is bad but bungie makes more money off of it. The players that are playing for free spend money at Eververse, some continue to buy expansions. When a game is free you tend to spend more cash in the in game store. You feel better or more content about spending the money. Free to play is the reason for this boring seasonal model. It maxes profit for bungie. It eliminates the need to update vendors and core playlist rewards. Sadly, those rewards are the most important in the game. It's the feel we are missing from D1. Those rewards are the frame of the car or the foundation of the house. One day, maybe bungie will realize that. Maybe they have already and are loving the max profit.

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