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originally posted in: Need friends (PS4)
10/22/2020 6:11:29 PM

Hey Prime Believe it or not I once was in “TheUniform” before I made the switch to Viz so I know that feeling of LFGing for everything and having people not show up, being over the top toxic, and just not having any real friends to play with. However I took a big chance with this clan and applied myself to make friends with these guys and now? These guys are my family, no longer just community or friends but real fam type beat. We stick together and are beyond active with a 300+ member community, we do everything from the lowly strike to flawless raids, but we do it as a team not just a lfg because we are all people playing this game called destiny 2 that we love and the veterans like us cherish and harbor that love like nobody else could imagine so I ask that you give Viz a chance, as a fellow member who was once in your place that didn’t know if he wanted to stay in the destiny community and give the opportunity to you that I was given to find that love you once harbored and be able to experience and cherish that love again. Don’t be afraid to message me my PSN is TheDrusky and If you’ve any questions you can message and talk to me I’d love to hear back from you and see you growing and playing with our community in the near future!

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