I have an abusive alcoholic grandmother 😊 seriously though it sucks, my parents try to keep me away from her but its inevitable when we have a family get together. Like when my grandpa died in the summer I had to hang out with her for a while when she was enraged, sad, and drunk. It sucks :(
Anyways, how about you guys! 😄😆
Standard matriarchal nuclear family here. Overbearing and manipulating mother to the point of incurring serious mental illness on certainly me if not my sister as well. And I’m pretty sure she had some form of PND because I don’t have many happy childhood memories of her, they’re pretty much all riddled with some mixture of fear, shame and anxiety brought about by her reactionary childish attitude to conflict and her fake warmth and praise. My sister recently had to have therapy and medical action for anorexia but I haven’t talked to her about it much so I don’t know exactly how that happened, but I can hazard a guess. I was a pretty angry teenager about all that but I’ve since moved out and gained a certain distanced perspective. I was the firstborn, and congenitally disabled, so that must be pretty hard to deal with as a first time mother who’s not used to that sort of thing, as well as obviously having problems of her own to deal with, and when me and my sister got older we very blatantly preferred my dad in most situations so that must be hard to deal with as well. But it bothers me how the relationship she still has with her mother seems to be the same as the one i had with her through my teens, because she obviously doesn’t see the harmful attitude she’s inherited and therefore hasn’t thought about it enough to try and change anything in her own life.