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10/8/2020 11:54:05 PM
[quote]I looked up co-op gameplay because this is different than the word co-op by itself you idiot.[/quote] And yet the word is right there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean, why even attribute a noun with an adjective if you're not going to acknowledge the definition of the adjective which makes up half of the term? [quote] in destiny you can be playing in a fireteam together working on two different quests so that would not be a common goal, but separate goals.[/quote] Por que no los dos? You can have more than one objective at a time, you know? [quote]PvP isn't co-op and it is that simple.[/quote] You're going around in circles. You've reverted back to square one. [quote]Control is a perfect example.[/quote] Yes, it is :) Let's talk about Control. Please. [quote] plenty of people go into control just for kills and don't take the control points which is the objective, or would be your idea of the common goal.[/quote] Kills are worth more when more zones are taken. It's not an unreasonable strategy to have weaker players focus more on taking zones so that players going for kills earn more points for the team. If the team does not co-operate (there's that word again) and there's not enough focus on taking zones, the team can still lose despite having more kills than the opposing team. [quote]so that ain't co-op, that is PvP.[/quote] Weird how that word still came though, isn't it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In fact, that you even acknowledge that players have a common goal in Control at all only proves my point...

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