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originally posted in: PVP Glory system flawed
Edited by DeZevil: 9/25/2020 3:05:09 AM
Glory fails to account for your individual performance, at least in Freelance. That's the main flaw. I've had games where I held the team up yet still got slapped as hard as the others when we ultimately lost because I am not good enough to carry a three man team. Conversively, I've had trash games too, yet my teammates got slapped as hard those times too even though they did most of the work. In my opinion, your [b]individual performance[/b] needs to be a factor too. Players should not be knocked down because of bad matchmaking or fellow players with bad manners. [u]An example could be [b](and numbers are just to explain, exact numbers not thought through):[/b][/u] [i]Player A[/i] has a great game with 25 kills and 10 deaths, but they ended up losing. [b]Player A Glory gains/losses:[/b] +50 for kills, -10 for deaths and -25 for loss = +15 total. His teammate [i]Player B[/i] on the other hand gets blasted into oblivion 22 times while only taking 4 with them. [b]Player B Glory gains/losses:[/b] +8 for kills, -22 for deaths, -25 for loss = -39 total [i]Player A[/i] still gets a little bit of Glory for good effort. [i]Player B[/i] lost a lot because of the bad game. [u]Another example:[/u] [i]Player A[/i] wins a match with 20 kills and 10 deaths, his teammate [i]B[/i] ended up eating it and got just 5 kills to his 15 deaths. [i]Player A:[/i] +40 for kills, -10 for deaths, +25 for win = +55 total. [i]Player B:[/i] +10 for kills, -15 for deaths, +25 for win = +20 total. [i]Player A[/i] gets lots of Glory for great effort while [i]player B[/i] gets some because they did manage to win. Can also add in the other factors like rank-dependant modifiers and the likes. Like I mentioned before, numbers are not definite - they are just to explain. Also, if players leave the match, their teammates should not lose Glory if (or most likely when) they lose.

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