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9/18/2020 4:37:20 PM

Weekend Poll: Moderate Moderation in Moderation?

I Would Like to be a Mod


Doesn't Seem Like the Job for Me


Anyone here aspire to be a Ninja? Why do you think you'd be good for the job? If not, why wouldn't you want the job? (Job being a loose term here as they're actually unpaid volunteers) Have a great weekend!

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  • I would be a great moderator because I’m an emblem hoarder!!

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  • I've been a mod and an admin on multiple other forums and I really don't want to deal with that responsibility again.

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  • Any power given to me i will undoubtedly abuse. I will ban the people I dont like, and maybe ban people just for fun. I might hand out bans just to say hello... Good morning, your banned. I would ban all of bnet in but a few minutes. And my career as a moderator would be over before it started. Thats why I think I'd be a great moderator.

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  • Edited by SuperJohnJohn: 9/21/2020 12:44:58 AM
    I wouldn't mind being one. however, I don't like being here all the time and I have great philosophical differences with some of the enforcement interpretations. that being said i can set aside my own beliefs for rule enforcement. one thing I would do is make the moderator who banned you visible and have them send a message of explanation.

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  • Edited by PunishedWolf: 9/19/2020 6:35:38 PM
    I'd be terrible. It's why I've never applied in the whole nine years.

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  • The salt mines would be cleaner.

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  • I’d rather moderate the oni subreddit seems like the easier job

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    3 Replies
    • I'd be great at it because I'm actually down here in Offtopic for more than a day out of the month. I'd also give out those legendary warnings first instead of just bringing the hammer down on silly jokes and such. And I most certainly would not leak the no no words on Ban Bots list, no sir!

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      3 Replies
      • No, I'd be endlessly hounded for things out of my control and I'd also have to be on my best behavior.

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      • i do not belive it to be good to moderate moderation in moderation, do it with an iron fist

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      • No, for the following reasons. • Don’t got time for that shit • Samurai are better • I punt cats for fun • My voice is too sexy • I look down on those who have not yet seen the danger of the Penguin Empire

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      • I would. Then Offtopic would have a mod... from Offtopic!!! No more political/religious posts!

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      • I've never had any sort of power before, but I don't trust myself with it. I have a feeling that power would go to my head if I became a moderator.

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        1 Reply
        • Edited by f3: 9/18/2020 8:35:45 PM
          that’s like asking if I wanna join the chess team no

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          1 Reply
          • I wouldn’t mind The only reason would be to fairly ban things and have no rules for me but not for me

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          • How do be guyto ban ppl Well I wat to clear halo of rtaerds

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          • I’d like it because. 1. I have a rather iconic name for the job, plus I’d get a cool PFP of the character from Good Omens because I’m a diehard fan for that show. 2. I’m rather tolerant of the guys up in the Mines, and know when things get serious, and when they go against the rules. 3. I’m a guy that can interact with people and talk to them. I’m not shy with talking with people, and I’m not sure if there’s a component that says you need to be a secretive boi and only post on Bungie Day or something, but I’d probably just stay at the same level of interaction I do in this forum, and maybe still head over to Help daily like I usually do. 4. I’m not a guy that hates the game. I honestly think it could use some work, but I’m not that guy that slanders Luke Smith for whatever people think he’s doing wrong. Sure, he may have wanted to make a WoW knockoff, or whatever I’ve heard, but I’m not gonna hold that against the guy if I meet him at a GCX(or whatever the convention is called) in the future. 5. I like the camaraderie of the Ninja’s, but I think I’d make them a bit more liked, due to maybe trying to educate people and talk to people. Like Seraphim said, they don’t see the person behind the screen.

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          • I doubt bungie can afford my hourly rate.

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          • I don't care if it happens. I probably won't do anything anyway.

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          • I could be a mod. I’m a stickler for the rules, and am generally pretty good at judging things objectively, putting my biases aside. Would I want to be a mod? Eh, no. For one, they’d probably make me head up to the salt mines. No thank you. But beyond that, I’d have to look at all the weird stuff people post to get my job done, and I usually steer clear of the really weird threads. Not to mention, I’d probably become very unpopular very fast, because as I said, I’m a stickler for the rules.

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          • Nah. I'd quickly see myself become the thing I hate... Someone who bans based off of emotion, personal bias and what [i]they[/i] think is offensive rather than what the rules state is offensive. Basically, I'd be like the mod R3d P0int on Warframe and I hate that -blam!-er.

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            2 Replies
            • -blam!- the My Good Flibberts. They hate fun. [spoiler] HAIL HYDRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/spoiler]

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            • Edited by Shamrock-74: 9/18/2020 9:36:48 PM
              Would rather shoot my self in the foot. On one hand I have to ban people. On the other hand I get to ban people in the salt mines. [spoiler]Not saying I hate the mods. I just know I’m not qualified, at all.[/spoiler]

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            • ... God no, who wants to be an arbiter of bungo's terrible unspecific rules... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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            • I would be a very good guyto ban people But really I would be a terrible mod lol, I don't want to deal with... me... all day

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            • I don’t think I’d be a good ninja because I don’t think I could not ban certain people just because of bias. [spoiler] [/spoiler]

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