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originally posted in: Chronicler Title Issue Masterpost
9/13/2020 2:56:08 AM
[quote]There have been many threads about this issue already but they seem to constantly get buried in irrelevant and repeating comments that make no sense. I would like to make a comprehensive thread with all of the usual replies to this topic addressed and countered in an effort to give relevant feedback to Bungie in regards to the requirements for the Chronicler title. Chronicler title will be vaulted with the launch of Beyond Light, leaving many people already in progress for the title unable to acquire it due to certain lore books being time-gated (most notably Truth to Power, but also Marasenna and Most Loyal). Despite The Dreaming City and The Tangled Shore remaining in the game when Beyond Light launches, lore books related to those locations will become unavailable due to the title itself being vaulted. The DCV (Destiny Content Vault) was announced on the 9th of June, meaning people couldn't have known prior to that about some of the content becoming unavailable. In the rush to acquire titles, triumphs and loot from DCV destinations, naturally, people prioritised getting stuff from Io, Mars, Mercury and Titan, as well as activities such as The Reckoning and The Menagerie. Most of the Chronicler title relates to The Tangled Shore and The Dreaming City, destinations not going into the DCV. However, only on the 3rd of September was it announced that the Chronicler title is [i]also[/i] going into the DCV. That is an objectively late announcement, especially for a title which is 90% connected to non-DCV destinations. As I mentioned previously, several lore books are time-gated (and for no good reason anymore), therefore impeding progress on the title artificially and through no fault of the player. We simply have to wait. No amount of effort or grind or time spent playing can speed up the process which is at odds with how every other DCV title functions. Now for FAQ, as in, typical responses to these types of threads and answers to those responses in order to debunk them. [b]1. You had 2 years to get the title.[/b] That is theoretically correct, as the title has been in the game since Forsaken. However, [i]players[/i] have not been in the game since Forsaken. There are plenty of people that joined or returned with Shadowkeep, or even later. This is an asinine and derailing response which fails to acknowledge that not everybody has been playing consistently since launch. [b]2. You should've started earlier anyway![/b] The title requires a lot of busy work and waiting due to time-gated content. If you miss any of it due to whatever reason, it can set you back for weeks. Marasenna requires ascendant challenges: there are 6 of them and they are on a 6 week long rotation. Most Loyal is tied to The Tangled Shore being a Flashpoint location. Finally, Truth to Power is fixed on a 3 week cycle and needs a total of 231 days to complete (if you don't miss out on a week). That's 7 and a half months [i]at best[/i]. [b]3. Just don't miss out on a week, it takes half an hour to do the mission.[/b] Related to the above. Yes, it doesn't take long to complete the mission on curse week. However, people have things called real life. I personally missed out on a week due to being on a trip and not having my PC while travelling. A friend of mine had to move urgently due to the pandemic and had to leave his PC in another country, not having access to it for months. Furthermore, nobody owes anybody an explanation as to why they may not have been able to complete the title already, but needless to say, different people have different priorities and time available to spend gaming, so missing out on a week of Tangled Shore Flashpoint or ascendant challenge week or curse week should be completely understandable. [b]4. Why did you start doing the title last minute?[/b] I didn't. Many people didn't. I started mine at the beginning of the year. Some people joined over the course of the year and only started a few months ago. However, even if they did start it last minute (at least after DCV announcement or even after last week's TWAB), how is that different from people rushing to do [i]any[/i] title last minute? I wasn't worried about titles before the DCV announcement and I have since rushed to get many of them done before they are vaulted. Why should the Chronicler title be held at a higher standard when it requires less effort overall to acquire it as it mostly just features collecting? We can last minute rush every other title, so why not Chronicler? [b]5. If Bungie lifts the time-gates, it will devalue the title for those who already got it the harder way![/b] I personally don't understand this type of elitism, but to each their own. However, this can easily be debunked because Bungie has already done plenty to lift time-gates and excessive grind and RNG elements to content that's being vaulted. Some examples of this: - Changes to raids going into the DCV to make them more easily farmable instead of having weekly locks - Changes to raids to give out exotic items more easily (Luxurious Toast emote becoming a guaranteed drop, for example) - The newest Evacuation quest steps giving out weapons previously locked behind Nightfall RNG just for completing a very simple quest. There are other similar things happening right now due to the DCV that are supposed to give players a chance in acquiring anything they might be missing or anything they want in particular before the locations are vaulted. Why the Chronicler title should be exempt from this is beyond me, and I'm even more baffled by this idea that changing how it is acquired will somehow devalue it. The fact that Zavala is handing out Mindbender's Ambition doesn't devalue Mindbender's Ambition nor does it affect people that might've spent hundreds of hours trying to get it by running the Nightfall. [b]6. You just want handouts![/b] No actually, I don't. I just want the arbitrary time-gate to be removed in order to make the title earnable before it goes into the DCV since the announcement about it going away was far too late. And ofc also because everything being vaulted is currently undergoing ease of access changes to allow people to earn it. I don't care how the change is implemented; they can remove the 3 week wait, they can let us acquire the lore book on each character, they can do both, they can tie the lore book to Blind Well completions or make them purchasable for Dark Fragments. I don't really mind any solution. I don't expect the lore to appear in my inventory for free and I'm not averse to grinding it out (I just completed Reckoner and my 4th Infamy reset [i]this season[/i] so yeah, I don't really care if I have to grind for it). To get Chronicler, you already need to put time and effort in. Most of it is just acquiring collectibles, but there's also stuff like Marasenna which requires completion of the full Wishender quest, running Shattered Throne, running ascendant challenges that are on weekly rotation and running a raid. People that are only stuck on Truth to Power have already put in work into getting the title so there's no handout happening here. It just happens that Truth to Power is locked behind a 3 week wait and there's only 2 more curse weeks remaining before Beyond Light. [b]7. It's unfair![/b] I'm not sure what exactly is unfair besides arbitrarily locking people out of a title that they've been working on for [i]months.[/i] Is it unfair that Shattered Throne is no longer tied to the curse week despite that being the case previously? People had to wait 3 weeks to get their chance to run the dungeon but now they can run it any time. I don't see any uproar about that and that's because there shouldn't be any. It's also unfair that we're time-gated for Truth to Power, an outdated lore book that doesn't even give us the full experience anymore because Mara is no longer in the Court and we're not getting her dialogues anyway. There is literally no logical reason to keep TtP locked behind curse week. [b]8. It's just one title, stop obsessing over it.[/b] It's a matter of principle, really. We've been working on the title for months. DCV-ing the title was announced way too late. Every other title is grindable if you put in the effort and time into getting it. Chronicler is [i]literally the only thing[/i] being vaulted that we are locked out of getting and for no real reason whatsoever since the Dreaming City is staying in the game anyway and removing time-gating is not unprecedented, especially not now that plenty of things have been altered to be easier to acquire. [b]9. There's a glitch to get 2 lore pieces. [/b] We're all aware. If there's no maintenance for the next 2 curse weeks, I'll get my lore book since I'm missing only 4 pieces and I can get them using the glitch. However, there's plenty of people who need more than 4, even if it's only 1 more and they will be locked out of finishing the title due to one lore tab. I don't understand how glitching this content is a proper answer or how glitching this content somehow isn't "devaluing" it. It's getting content in an unintended way. Bungie might as well just do what they did to everything related to DCV and lift restrictions themselves instead of forcing players to glitch the game or just straight up miss out on something they've been working on for months due to late announcements and arbitrary restrictions. -- Conclusion: Everything is currently about preparing players for the DCV and this title should not be held hostage as the only exception, especially given that we literally didn't know it would be unobtainable until last week. [i]Chronicler is literally THE ONLY thing going into the DCV that is unobtainable due to time-gating. All other time-gated activities have been altered to prepare players for DCV.[/i] Thank you for reading and I hope this will bring adequate feedback about the issue to Bungie's attention.[/quote] Who cares its a shitty dumb title

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  • Bad bait

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  • [quote]Bad bait[/quote] Its literally a shit tier title

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  • Plenty of people care :) Those who don't are free to ignore this thread!

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  • [quote]Plenty of people care :) Those who don't are free to ignore this thread![/quote] Its a shit tier title. Only Unbroken and Flawless have any merit.

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  • Bruh I know of multiple people who have paid or been carried to the flawless and unbroken title. Those don't hold any merit either.

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  • [quote]Bruh I know of multiple people who have paid or been carried to the flawless and unbroken title. Those don't hold any merit either.[/quote] Cool. Im sure people pay for lots of things. They are still the only titles with merit

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  • hahahahahaha no.

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  • [quote]hahahahahaha no.[/quote] Says the 0.8kd

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  • Edited by Dante: 9/13/2020 1:56:27 PM
    not really almost 2.0 funny thing coming from a guy with negative kd lmfao u must ve been carried hard for the titles XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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  • Edited by dual_storey0: 9/13/2020 1:57:47 PM
    [quote]not really almost 2.0 funny thing coming from a guy with negative kd lmfao u must ve been carried hard for the titles XDDDDDDDDDDDDD[/quote] Nope your negative and i haven't played a single game of PvP on this account, so i dont see how i could possibly be negative lol. I play on Psn: Rappo000 I was literally the first player in the world to get a 200 comp streak This was a few weeks ago. Literally #1 in Survival. I also have a rumble KD of 4.8 and a win ratio of 98% Trials KD of 2.3 and win ratio of 94% What more do you want lmao I got to make shax really proud today, got a 50 kill streak on meltdown using a sniper and a side arm with no heavy kills and only 4 super kills. Feels good man 26 sniper kills in a single match. My personal best.

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  • K bot

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  • [quote]K bot[/quote] I was literally the first player in the world to get a 200 comp streak This was a few weeks ago. Literally #1 in Survival. I also have a rumble KD of 4.8 and a win ratio of 98% Trials KD of 2.3 and win ratio of 94% What more do you want lmao I got to make shax really proud today, got a 50 kill streak on meltdown using a sniper and a side arm with no heavy kills and only 4 super kills. Feels good man 26 sniper kills in a single match. My personal best.

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  • [quote]Only Unbroken and Flawless have any merit.[/quote] Lol. With the sheer amount of wintraders, hackers, wankers, recoveries and carries, those titles mean jack shit.

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  • [quote][quote]Only Unbroken and Flawless have any merit.[/quote] Lol. With the sheer amount of wintraders, hackers, wankers, recoveries and carries, those titles mean jack shit.[/quote] And yet still mean more than any of the other titles :)

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  • Edited by Rebel Scum: 9/13/2020 2:20:08 PM
    Nah, it's all about the rarity, which is why Reckoner, Shadow, Harbinger, Rivenbane and Blacksmith all mean more.

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  • [quote]Nah, it's all about the rarity, which is why Reckoner, Shadow, Harbinger, Rivenbane and Blacksmith all mean more.[/quote] Don't agree. PvE is easy

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  • ....if someone wants a title let them wear the title no matter how difficult or easy it is any merit? At the end of the day its just a game so no title has any merit in real life

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  • [quote]....if someone wants a title let them wear the title no matter how difficult or easy it is any merit? At the end of the day its just a game so no title has any merit in real life[/quote] Lol

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  • If you say so! Since it's a shit tier title according to you, then you should definitely support the cause because a title with no merit should not be time-gated. Thank you for your support :)

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  • [quote][quote]Plenty of people care :) Those who don't are free to ignore this thread![/quote] Its a shit tier title. Only Unbroken and Flawless have any merit.[/quote] Ha the only title that is worth anything is reckoner

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  • [quote][quote][quote]Plenty of people care :) Those who don't are free to ignore this thread![/quote] Its a shit tier title. Only Unbroken and Flawless have any merit.[/quote] Ha the only title that is worth anything is reckoner[/quote] Ita hard to get, But really because of time investment rather than any measure of skill

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  • Comp has sbmm so unbroken is whatever and you can get lucky for flawless so also a meh title.

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  • [quote]Comp has sbmm so unbroken is whatever and you can get lucky for flawless so also a meh title.[/quote] Lol

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  • Edited by SAPODAC: 9/13/2020 8:55:39 AM
    Yeah but if you think about it Flawless is so easy for anyone because all you would have to do is get carried and you can have it. 3 out of 5 people I have seen with flawless have gotten it from being carried or payed for it so it gives that quite a demerit. And even so if you were a PC player most of the time you would probably meet a hacker in one of your lobbies and would lose if you aren't that good of a player. Even if you were one you would have very low chances of beating them just because of the kinds of cheats I've seen (aim bot, teleport, revive, etc).

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  • [quote]Yeah but if you think about it Flawless is so easy for anyone because all you would have to do is get carried and you can have it.[/quote] Lol PC

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