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Edited by Violet: 9/9/2020 2:54:17 AM

Celestial Storm - Entry 1.5

Entry 1.5: By now, the ETA of the fallen was down to about forty-seven seconds, also known as enough time to make a plan.. For a titan anyway... As for making the plan, it went along the lines of, ten seconds were spent talking back and forth about what we wanted to do. Six seconds went by as we evaluated how heavily armed they were, followed by another ten seconds of debating. Five seconds of realizing that between us we only had a single Hand Cannon with little ammo between us continued into two seconds of me deigning it so Astra could use it if needed. Then eight seconds of finalizing the plan happened. With the final six seconds, we let each other go as I cracked the Cosmic Crack three times in quick succession, covering the approaching fallen in small shards of metal and practically making the sky go pink for a time. Just as I was going to charge, Astra whispered into my ear, "You better count your kills Titan cause if I get more of them, you owe me a sum of glimmer." With that and one final crack of my whip, the battle began. Now since this power was new to me then, it's defiantly new to you now. So since I'm a nice Exo, I'll explain somethings as I tell this part of the story. It just makes it easier for all of us. After all, if this notebook ever gets found, not that I want it to be, I don't really want to explain it as well. With that being said though, back to the story. With shrapnel scattered and one liners spoken, I charged the fallen. Not even a second passed and I was amidst the crowd. All around me fallen began to attack. In a spinning motion, I lowered myself to the ground whilst also knocking nearby fallen to the ground with the celestial whip. Once I hand enough space and could move again, I began a sprint from the knelt position I had adopted, dragging the whip behind me almost like a snakes tail. Those fallen who were on the ground didn't get up again. From a sprint to a jump into a glide. Using the air to my advantage I maneuvered myself towards a mound of melted metal. Within moments of landing on said mound, I began to whip dregs and vandals around me. The more of them I'd whip, the more shrapnel, the more metal would leave the whip. That made it lighter and easier to whip at speed. I did exactly that. In the distance I saw Astra using what turned out to be her Celestic melee and grenade. She threw her grenade at a small group of fallen. This grenade didn't explode though. Instead it created this dome that seemed to slow the fallen down to what was practically a stand still. It wasn't just the fallen either, it was literally everything inside that dome aside from Astra. She followed up with a melee that created what she calls a, "linear distortion in space time." It was basically an extremely deadly piece of floating barb wire. Not something you'd really want to walk into if I'm being honest. The thing to knock me out of my amazement was a double fisted punch from a Captain to the back of the head. It was a solid punch to be fair to the Captain as it also made me drop the Cosmic Crack. I didn't know where the whip had landed when I hit the ground. All I knew was that around me but an uncountable number of fallen, all of whom were kicking me. At this time my ghost was still MIA so I wasn't about to die that easily. With a punch directly to a dregs stomack, I figured out what my Celestic melee did. When I pulled my glowing fist away from the dreg, I noticed a number of metal pieces planted on the impact zone. While still being kicked by the unrelenting fallen, I released my grip, causing the dreg I had punched to fly into the air. As their descent began, the dreg began to flash and from my experience, that usually means they're about to explode. With that thought, I braced. Directly on my body the dreg landed, and as I predicted this dreg had turned into a cabal explosive tank. Not literally though, obviously. With the few seconds created by the explosion, I shook off the explosion and got to my feet. Taking one of those seconds to look around, I saw my newly forged weapon through the garden of scavengers. Behind me I heard a number of vandal rifles charging up, from my flanks, a single dreg approaching from both sides and in front of me was a single captain. My first move was to avoid the vandals shots from behind me. Three out of four of them missed and hit the captain in front of me, knocking the captain backwards. The fourth shot however hit my right shoulder. Following the direction my freshly wounded shoulder was taking, I jumped into a spinning dive where I avoided one dreg and kicked the other, killing it. Landing on my back I quickly saw the first dreg jumping towards me and behind them, that vandal charging another shot. Instinctively and precisely, I kicked the dreg with one foot, stopping it in it's tracks. Using my second leg as a hook, I moved the dreg to use as a shield from the vandals shot. It worked. With the momentum I had made from the hooking motion, I slammed the dreg into the ground, finishing it off, only to role over it and onto my feet. Before this next bit I should mention that if I haven't held the whip for a short period of time, when I quickly clench my fist and release it the Cosmic Crack will return to the location that action occurred. I hope that makes sense. After getting to my feet again, I found Astra landing by my side. Before I could get a word in a voice came from behind her saying, "Of course she was a guardian, how didn't I know that. Hmm, can we keep this between us?" It was my ghost Linx. Astra looked at me before floating away, leaving me with a simple slap on the shoulder, yes the one that got shot, and a giggle. As she jumped in front of me, she began to use her Super ability, the Cosmic Winds. Ghost said she told him it started as a Ward like bubble around her, but after a few second, the bubble would burst and release the celestial energy inside built up inside like a wave. To be honest putting it like that simply doesn't do it justice because it was magnificent to watch. If someone does find this notebook then remind me to ask Astra to show you it. I guess it can be a way of keeping them quiet about this, if you get what I mean that is. With that being said, her Cosmic Winds finished the remaining fallen off. This gave us all a moment to talk and catch. Now honestly I'm not to sure how to document the conversation. I remember seeing one of Hawthorns notepads when I was listening to her say that thing she always says. I don't know what she was writing but I think I'll write the next part in that style. Thanks Hawthorn. ---------- Hey. If you read through this all then Thank you so much. I have the personal goal of one day, hopefully being able to write the perfect story. This is one part of getting there. If you want to, feel free to comment and leave some thoughts, it'd be appreciated but you don't have to, obviously. You can find the previous part here: You can find the next part here:

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