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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Violet: 9/9/2020 2:45:42 AM

Celestial Storm - Entry 1.4

Entry 1.4: "Heya guardian. You awake in there?" A voice spoke to me. When I opened my eyes, somehow I was back in the towers hanger. Sat looking out over the land and into the stars by myself. I tried to stand but I couldn't. Something was holding me there. Behind me I heard slow footsteps. I went to turn but as mentioned earlier, I couldn't move. Forced to just wait, as the footsteps became faster and louder, I prepared for impact. This next part is a bit hard to explain so I'll do my best. There was no impact, not a physical one anyway. A humanoid shape passed straight though me and jumped from the towers wall. I couldn't do anything but watch. It looked strange. It was colorless but something about it was still alive. I was forced to just watch as it fell. "Where were you when destiny had arrived at your door? Where did you go in those moments?" Again the voice spoke to me. As I opened my eyes I saw somehow I was in space. Amidst the stars, looking out and into the sea. No ship, no helmet. I was just floating, alone. It was then I saw what looked like a lightning storm coming towards me. As it grew closer, it became practically invisible. Even though I couldn't see it, I could feel it pass through me, and in that moment I lost all control. My light, my lightning boomed out of me. A storm erupted around me and shocked anything and everything around me to the atom. The voice then spoke again. "Your light has remained so strong despite everything you've been through. Imagine what you could achieve, what you could become if you weren't alone.?" The stars around me began to explode as my lightning struck them. Within seconds, all I could see was this white light. For no explainable reason I began to fall and in that very moment, everything went black. I hit the ground. When my head landed, weirdly it felt like I was wearing a helmet. Reaching up I found out I was. After I took it off I could once again see. I was in front of a giant metal, ship? It was the almighty! Before I had crashed into it that is. Without a thought I looked up and to my surprise, a meteor was falling towards the ship. This was when I realized I once again could move with my own free will. So I looked around with the intent of finding some high ground. Luckily there was a small mountain nearby so I quickly ran to the top. While I was running the mysterious voice once again spoke to me. "Why is it that when a hero is needed, it's always you who steps up? You aren't the only powerful hero in our history, so why are you always the chosen one?" As I reached the top of the hill, I discovered it was to late. The meteor was seconds away from impacting the fallen ship. I reached out, clenching my fist so hard I caused my own metal to bend and warp. With that motion though, time stopped. I took a second to look at the falling rock. Unlike normal meteors, it wasn't consumed by flames. Instead it was charged. Electrically I mean. Though if I'm being honest, I was more shocked by what seemed to be my new ability to pause time that I was the electrical meteor. For the fifth time, the voice spoke to me. "Destiny. It seems to always have you as part of the equation. I think I understand why, and I think your ready." It sounded like they were behind me so instinctively I turned, only to be greeted by, nothing. I was in this white void where simultaneously nothing and something was there. In front of me, the warlock, the one from earlier. They just stood there and looked at me. "Go on, ask your questions guardian. I know you have one." They weren't wrong, there was only one question that mattered. I asked them why. Why they'd show me these things, these events that could've happened, or were they yet to happen? They answered my question. "Your confusion is valid guardian. Allow me to explain what you've just seen. The tower, where you sat in the hanger. When you did that you weren't alone were you. What you saw was a symbolic look at what would've happened if what you experienced never happened, if you were never there. The power that's now shared between us would've never seen the light of day. It would've stayed hidden. For the storm in space, if you were never there that storm would've hit a rough mass that would later become a meteor, destined to crash into the wreckage of the almighty. That charge of ark energy would've set off a dormant fuel cell in the ship, causing an explosion which would've destroyed part of the tower. Luckily things didn't play out that way. You met the person who hid these powers for so long, and through nothing but your words you made them believe in you. You saved them from themselves. When you lost control of your light in your ship, that was because you absorbed the ark energy from that storm, pairing that with your already fluxing light, your loss of control was imminent. Finally your fall with your hammers. The heat you produced managed to burn away the fuel before it could ever combust. The meteor would've never fallen but still, it'll never be a problem in the future due to your actions." Their words had me deep in thought. All of this would've happened if I hadn't been there. Looking up again, the warlock took their helmet off. To my utter disbelief, there she was. Astra was the warlock this whole time. More words fell from her mouth. "Surprise. Sorry for keeping this from you guardian. Don't feel bad though, no-one knew. I felt like hiding this power was for the best. This form of light, I call it Celestic for short but it's full name is Celestial. It's light that the Traveler left in space while it traveled. Shortly after I was resurrected I had an encounter with this energy, and managed to 'understand' it lets say. It's a form of light that grown twice as strong when a link between two light wielders is made. We have that link guardian. We are the first Celestial Guardians." In a weird twisted way, everything started to make sense. It all clicked into place. Astra was a guardian this whole time, but she hid it for so long. That could've been why she asked about the stars and what it was like out in space. She never got her chance to adventure out there. One final volley of words came from her mouth. "We haven't got much time left to speak like this Titan. A group of fallen are heading to our location to find out what that giant amount of solar energy was caused by. They may be walking to their deaths but you got to give it to them, it's a brave move. When you wake up I'll be behind you but don't worry about that. Your 'shattered maul' should be ready with a new power installed within it. You'll understand when you see it. Now wake up Guardian, I've been waiting a long time to let my light loose!" With that said, I again opened my eyes. Immediately I looked down to see my maul, only it had completely shattered. Looking over it I noticed what looked like a handle had formed near the bottom. I knew the fallen were coming so I took a chance and just grabbed it. The instant I took the handle, so many things happened. I felt my heart pump which is weird because as I'm an exo and don't really have a normal heart. That doesn't really matter though. When I grabbed the handle, Celestial energy, Pink light flooded down my arm, into the handle and through the shattered pieces of metal. From behind me I heard Astra say, "Now empower your new weapon. Breath new life into it and claim the Cosmic Crack!!" With those word, I pulled upon the handle and held it high above my head. From the shattered pieces of metal came a newly forged whip, held together with strands of Celestial Energy. While the flowing energy holding the whip together was smooth, the shards of metal that weaved between the flow of pink light were sharp, jagged, ready to destroy once again. "Well, what do you think Titan? You think you can handle something like that?" Astra spoke to me in a jokey tone. I replied with a similar comment but then drew attention to the fallen who were visibly running at us. I guess new powers were a tad distracting. She spoke one more time. "Well I would tell you what I know about that Cosmic Whip you have there but for one, I don't think we have the time and two, it's more fun if you find out yourself. As a bonus it'll be entertaining to watch if that counts for anything." All I could do was laugh at her comment. As I took her hand, she started to glow pink. I guessed that was part of her Celestial Powers and to be honest, I thought she looked super cool with the pink glow and glowing eyes. Anyway, after taking her hand, we faced the fallen who were slowly coming towards us. Charging my whip, I raised my hand and cracked it, causing a ripple of pink energy to flow through the sky. The time to show the power of Celestial Light was upon us. ---------- Hey. If you read through this all then Thank you so much. I have the personal goal of one day, hopefully being able to write the perfect story. This is one part of getting there. If you want to, feel free to comment and leave some thoughts, it'd be appreciated but you don't have to, obviously. You can find the previous part here: You can find the next part here:

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