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9/2/2020 2:25:36 AM
Only wat to stop this is a pick between cb or sb like with halo. Most newand casuals will choose sb based of previous pvp experience or they wanna have fun and know 50/50 chance. Let streamers and higher level players have there cb. Before i get some bs population aint big enough pnp is almost always well in double digit thousands on a daily bases.

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    Halo evaluated skill and connection simultaneously for every player, but the player got to choose whether skill or comnection had the priority over the other. So the potential pool of players for someone who chose skill wasn't limited to players who made the same choice. Halo's system kept the playerbase together. That's why it worked. Some people want a straight up split between SBMM and CBMM, which is [i]not[/i] what Halo did. That won't work. Splitting the playerbase has more drawbafks than benefit.

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  • I dont see it that way sure there may be problems but atleast you can go into a game where you know its 50/50 vs the cluter -blam!- it is now. Its why most pvp are skill based new players lookn to play a game shouldnt be forced to play players far outside there skill that's not how you improve that's how you say -blam!- it and stop playing. Prioritizing one group of players happiness over anothers is a joke.

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    Your last sentence also applies in the reverse. Forcing strict SBMM prioritizes one over the other, and limiting those who chose one matchmaking style to the people who made the same choice effectively limits the effectiveness of either. So a system like Halo's, where both skill and connection are accounted for, is fine. No 0.5 brand new player is going to match a 2.0. A system that separates the two pretty much reduces the effectiveness of either.

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  • How is it prioritizing one over the other when people are choosing. My goal is to make pvp fun for everyone not just one group. Yet thats exactly what bungie has done by forcing everyone into cbmm with no improvements. Still see lag in 80% of my games. Had a hunter and titan take 2 clips of summoner rounds and brush them off like a morning breeze. How is anything better for players except for streamers and high level players, cause now they have a safe space.

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    Because if people choose between SBMM [i]and[/i] are split, one of the systems will fail. Both are incredibly reliant on population. One side gets what they want, and the other gets an incomplete version of what they want. That is why a system that allows for choice can't split the playerbase. So again, Halo's system is perfect. People choose, but the playerbase is not split. That is the best system.

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  • Player base will always be split you either have streamers crying for easier crucible cause they feel cheated with skill based. Casual community who sick of getting tossed into matches against people who are farmimg them for easy kills. Only fix is to let people choose and sorry but pvp population is well into thousands any given day.

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    And by you would essentially split it 60/40 across three consoles. And that isn't even a problem because once again, the Halo method provides choice but doesn't split the playerbase...

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  • Split is the only way it works otherwise bungie does something stupid like if out of 12 players 8 want cb itll give the game cb. People are sick of cb but bungie wont bring back sb because streamers will cry again. Giving people a choice is the only win that works. Player base has been seperated since they did cross save console far outpaces pc.

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    First off, streamers aren't the only ones who prefer CBMM. That's just regurgitated nonsense. Not true at all. In fact last time I checked, palyer numhers are consistently higher than season than last. Now that probably isn't the case now since the seasom has been going on for so long, but yes. Second, you've misunderstood the Halo system completely. It evaluates connection AND skill SIMULTANEOUSLY, but the player chooses which one has priority. So if you choose skill to be your prioritized criteria, the system will find a pool of players very close to your own skill level, and then select players based on connection and lobby balancing potential. This usually results in matches close in skill, but with a slight variety in connection quality from player to player. If you choose connection to be your prioritized criteria, the system will first find players based on connection quality, and then filter out players outside of your skill range. This usually results in matches with solid connection throughout, but with a slightly wider range of skill levels represented (but no outliers at all). Everyone is in the same pool and everyone can choose to favor connection or skill. Bungie has done that before already with Halo. It is definitely a possible option and much better than splitting the palyerbase. Keeping the playerbase literally benefits everyone.

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  • It all falls down to wether bungie says lets make everyone happy or it stays the course abd they keep pandering to streamers.

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    CBMM isnt just for streamers, but okay.

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  • I find it hard to believe since it was streamers and high level players we're the only ones whining that sb wasn't fair to them. Yet if you go to there games pages it shows vast improvements since sb removal since there getting to face new players getting there easy kills instead of old sb where they had to work like everyone else for wins. You know why games do skill based cause it challenges everyone at a reasonable speed, it's not forcing new players into piss poor matches against people who shouldn't be stacked against them. Thats why halo's setup worked so well it set a line and left players a choice.

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    They certainly weren't the only ones complaining. Plenty of average level players complained. Plenty didn't. Plenty didn't care. Heck. I know some lower skill players that complained because they couldn't play with their higher skilled friends without getting stomped in SBMM. In SBMM, the moment they queued up with a friend that was better than them, they had no chance. Nobody likes not being able to play with their friends.

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  • Theres a difference in being foeced into something and knowing what there getting into. Giving people choice is the only to make everyone happy vs forcing some to suffer just to benefit others. It doesn't matter anyway bungie will ask there boss(Streamers) they'll say no and itll be another Season of the Streamers.

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    Well the last several streamers to talk about matchmaking have suggested a middle grpund between CBMM and SBMM, so no. You're view of streamers has been twisted by the toxicity of these forums man.

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  • My view of streamers is one that falls from what i see and hear. Montage videos have gone up and streamers being toxic have proven there attitudes towards casual players. My last six videos of watching a pvp streamer has him already labeling them cheaters before match even starts. Then him and his friends spend the match accusing him of cheating with no proof except his word. This game is as toxic and failing because of streamers.

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    Cheaters are blatantly obvious from their stats man. Some people have 100% precision accuracy recorded on Trials report. That's sad if you consider that to be toxic. Montages aren't toxic. You're just pointing out all the bad that fits within your narrative while ignoring the good.

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