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8/28/2020 12:45:36 PM

An Adventure Long Overdue

Unknown Space... [i] There’s no time for us... [/i] “Do you think they’ll miss me 666? My daughters I mean.” [i] There’s no place for us.... [/i] “Not sure Boss. All I can say is all...663 of us’ll miss ya. For the about ten seconds before we disappear too.” 666 wipes his eyes. [i] What is this thing that builds our dreams... [/i] “Thanks 666. I appreciate it.” Crowley sits up on the couch, “Well. Should I be scared?” [i] Yet slips away from us? [/i] “Not sure. I’m just a flash Boss. You made me to serve, and that’s all I’ve ever done. I’ve never had to think about death.” 666 blows his nose. [i][b] Who wants to live forever? [/b][/i] A door to the room opens, a blinding white. [i] [b] Who wants to live forever? Ooh [/b] [/i] “Guess the Man Upstairs is ready.” Crowley sits a moment more with his head in his hands. [i] There’s no chance for us... [/i] “Do you think he’ll want me back 666?” [i] It’s all decided for us... [/i] “Well Boss, if Uriel ever needs a replacement, you’ll be perfect. Torching people left and right, and punishing the sinful.” [i] This world only has one sweet moment, [/i] “That’s true.” [i] Set aside for us... [/i] “What do you think?” [i] [b] Who wants to live forever? [/b] [/i] “I’m not sure what to think. I’ve died before, but it’s just a temporary reprieve from returning.” [i] [b] Who wants to live forever? Ooh... [/b] [/i] “Well. I think you’ll do fine Boss. Your daughters will do fine too. Chiara the most.” [i] [b] Who dares to love forever? [/b] [/i] “I bet. She’s strong, stronger then most.” [i] [b] Oh, when love must die? [/b] [/i] “Yep. And she’ll have no issue killing anyone who tries to get near Keria. If Sylver doesn’t kill them first.” [i] PAUSE. [/i] “Heh. You’d think he would kill someone to protect his student, and dare I say it, friend’s daughter?” [i] But touch my tears with your lips... [/i] “Boss, I know he would. He’s a good person, despite being a 20 on a power leveling scale.” [i] Touch my world with your fingertips... [/i] “Well that’s comforting. I wonder what Ikari will think. She’ll probably be like ‘yay he left us’”. [i] And we can have forever... [/i] “Eh. Ikari isn’t that much of a jerk, or cynic for that matter. [i] And we can live forever... [/i] “I hope so. I’m expecting her to take charge while Keria’s off training under Sylver.” [i] Forever is our today... [/i] “I wonder how Keria might go through that. Come out like she was before, or a Grey Lady with *666 does air quotes* ‘principles’” [i] Who wants to live forever? [/i] “Heh. I wouldn’t put it past Sylver to try to teach her some manners.” [i] Who wants to live forever? [/i] “Well. I should be going. Thanks for the couple hundred thousand years of service.” Crowley stands up, and shakes his spectral hand. [i] Forever is our today... [/i] “Into the next great adventure. Death.” [i] Who waits forever anyway? [/i]

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