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8/20/2020 11:51:36 PM
[b][u]Part Two[/u][/b] Everyone is standing around the table. Skye steps up before them and holds out a hand. From it appears a pale blue, glowing orb. It floats up above the table to illuminate a yellowed piece of paper in the center of its surface. It is a hand-drawn map of the laboratory, where Errol is expected to be found. Skye crosses her arms self-consciously. It is quite easy to see how nervous she is. Whether it is because of the situation at hand, or not being used to having a group watching her, or a bit of both, it is difficult to tell. Her eyes drop to her feet as she clears her throat and opens her mouth to speak. “W-well, I just want to… you know, it’s really… I mean…” She pauses to give a steady sigh. Then she rests her hands on the table, and lifts her gaze, a more confident air about her. “I want to begin by saying thank you for being so willing to come here. Most of you offered to help before I could even ask, and none of you… none of you hesitated. I’m genuinely honored to know you. I don’t think I could have asked for a better company. “Now, I’m pretty sure that everyone knows this, but just to clarify, the goal is to disarm Errol and capture him, not to kill him. I… have a better understanding of what to say, and I want to talk to him at least one last time. This is a map of the laboratory he and I drew out a long time ago.” She gestures to the paper in front of her. “I’m going to be honest, I don’t know exactly what to expect from him, or what kind of improvements he’s made to his Atoms. He has worked on his Atoms here…” she points to the room marked with question marks “…and that could be a place to start. But there’s still a possibility he’s somewhere else, so we will have to be on guard.” Her finger glides up to the largest room on the map with a circle in its center. “We have to be careful to avoid the… eh… really-big-core-that-could-explode-room. We have to be careful regardless, but the core in that room is what powers everything there, and as far as we know it’s never been turned off, so it’ll be unstable. “Chiara has a tool that could help us disable the Atoms and leave Errol open.” She nods to the named one. “The rest of us will have to make sure she has the chance to use her Nanotech until we have the opportunity to get close. But other than that, we are basically flying by the seat of our pants. “It’s a six mile walk up to the mountain, so there will be plenty of time to ask questions on the way if you have any. If everyone is ready, we should get moving as soon as possible.” The archer tucks her helmet beneath her arm, hooks her bow over her shoulder, and waits for one last signal from each of her allies to show that they are prepared.

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  • Skye nods and offers a small smile of gratitude and respect. “I have faith, too. And I wouldn’t doubt the determination of a dwarf could be one of the things that helps us through.” Skye herself moves at a quick pace without breaking a stride. The group heads north, entering the forest as the sun climbs above the horizon. Dally is quick to take the lead, while everyone else follows not too far behind. The journey isn’t difficult, as the way is mostly flat, though there are many trees surrounding them and it would be easy for one to be lost if they didn’t know the way through. About five miles are crossed before they break out of the trees, and are met with a vast open field of hills and vibrant green grass in front of a rugged, grey mountain. Skye looks upon it fondly while they continue their way.

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  • *Dain strays a bit behind the faster moving people, after he is one of the shortest and the stubbiest of the group.* “Wait up lass, there’s only so far me legs can stride! Bah, like me great great grandfathers grandfather used to say, I’m wasted on cross country. We dwarfs are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances!”

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  • [spoiler]Aw, man, that made me smile![/spoiler] Skye pauses for a moment to let Dain catch up. She laughs at his quote. “Sorry! We’re almost there, just a mile more and we should be there.”

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  • [spoiler]Good, I really like role playing dwarfs. Just wait until I start singing some war chants...[/spoiler] “Aye, I think I’ll make it. Although me axe may not be as useful when we arrive, bwahaha.”

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  • [spoiler]Aha! You’re making me excited![/spoiler] “We’ll take a few minutes to regain some energy before we enter the lab. There’s a cool breeze coming in... that along with a few sips of water should definitely freshen us up before we face Errol.”

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  • [spoiler]Sadly I haven’t written any songs and chants by myself yet, but I will. but I know a great group who does renditions of dwarven songs and a lot of Tolkien’s work, so I may just paste a link to one of those and have dain say the lyrics. [/spoiler] “Aye, that’ll be nice. The mountain is most certainly nice though. Reminds me of home.”

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  • [spoiler]That would still be great! *laughs excitedly at the thought of having more music to listen to* Sorry for the delay![/spoiler] “It is, isn’t it?” She turns back to the mountain. “Offtopic certainly has some beautiful landscapes, but I missed this.”

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  • [spoiler]No problems. They have some really good music so I’ll use that for now, I’m not too god of a writer or more like epic war poem crafter myself but I’d try some time.[/spoiler] “Aye this is nice. Offtopic be a rattler strange place. Fascinating but nothing like home.”

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  • [spoiler]Id definitely read them, though, if you write any! Please share if possible![/spoiler] Skye nods in agreement, then jerks her head toward the mountain. “We should catch up with the group, are you ready to move on?”

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  • “As ready As I’ll ever be. It ain’t far now!”

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  • Skye continues to jog after everyone else, sure not to leave Dain behind accidentally. Eventually, the team makes it to the side of the mountain. A thick wall of vines climbs heavenward up the cool stone as a refreshing breeze blows through the leaves.

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  • “Aye good to be at a mountain again. Almost seems as if I can feel the stone. Perhaps my skills with it may be useful for finding any traps or hidden doors.”

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  • Skye takes a sip of water from her canteen before she answers. She hooks the container back to her belt, then lays her hands on the vines. “Traps and hidden doors?” She trails along the rock and stone, searching. “Then maybe you can help me find the—“ She is cut off as her hands break through the vines, and she falls into a mouth of darkness with a yelp. A clattering is heard when she hits the ground inside.

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  • “Skye!” *The dwarf tries to grab her before she falls but is too slow. Instead he looks down where she fell with eyes keen at seeing in the darkness to see what happened to her.*

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  • Edited by Gingiebread: 8/21/2020 3:35:37 AM
    The ground had made a steep drop a few feet deep, and at the bottom Skye can barely be seen pushing herself to her feet. She looks up at Dain and thrusts out a thumbs up. “Nevermind, I found the door. Just just forgot this drop was here! Be careful coming down.”

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  • *The dwarf takes a rope from his pack and uses it to help himself down.* “Ye startled me for a moment, though he were hurt.”

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  • Four glowing orbs like the one Skye had created in the house appear around her when Dain’s feet touch the ground. “Sorry about that... to be honest my heart just about stopped, too.” She looks further down the tunnel as she slips on her helmet, and her voice drops to a whisper. “This is it, Errol is somewhere in there.”

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  • “How shall we proceed. I best be stayin’ a good length behind if we hope to take a stealthy approach.”

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  • Skye has already started moving, following Dally, Blaze, and Loot. She glances back at Dain, a faintly worried glint in her eyes. “I don’t think it matters whether or not we take the stealthy path. There should be light on ahead, there’s no reason they should be off. I think he already knew we were coming”

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  • “If he knows we are coming then we best stick close!” *the dwarf keeps up with the rest of the group, lightly patting the flat of his axe as he does.*

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  • The tunnel opens up to a massive chamber filled with desks and old machinery and equipment. The air is almost disturbingly quiet, making it difficult to believe anything alive could be in the lab. Skye ends up following Dally to the left side, toward a hallway. If Dain remembers what the map Skye displayed earlier looked like, he could tell they are heading for the room marked with question marks.

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  • *Dain looks around, taking note of the design of the place and looking for anything that might disturb the still air.*

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  • [spoiler]This definitely won’t be done tonight, will you be okay continuing tomorrow?[/spoiler] There is nothing alive that can be seen, but there is a very faint rattling ahead that doesn’t sound natural for this environment while none of the machinery is active. Skye and Dally have already entered the hallway, and don’t seem to have heard it.

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  • [spoiler]Im fine with that. I shouldn’t have anything to do tomorrow anyways.[/spoiler] *Dain approaches them* “Careful now, I hear something ahead. Rattlin’ of some sorts but none of the durned machines seem to be active.”

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  • [spoiler]Cool beans![/spoiler] Skye and Dally are at the entrance of the room, peering inside. The archer turns to Dain upon hearing his footsteps. Beneath her helmet, her brow furrows. “We hear something like that in this room, too. We have no idea what’s making it, yet.” Loot’s voice is heard from inside the larger room, asking for a light, and Skye sends two of her glowing orbs back in his direction.

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