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8/20/2020 11:51:36 PM
[b][u]Part Two[/u][/b] Everyone is standing around the table. Skye steps up before them and holds out a hand. From it appears a pale blue, glowing orb. It floats up above the table to illuminate a yellowed piece of paper in the center of its surface. It is a hand-drawn map of the laboratory, where Errol is expected to be found. Skye crosses her arms self-consciously. It is quite easy to see how nervous she is. Whether it is because of the situation at hand, or not being used to having a group watching her, or a bit of both, it is difficult to tell. Her eyes drop to her feet as she clears her throat and opens her mouth to speak. “W-well, I just want to… you know, it’s really… I mean…” She pauses to give a steady sigh. Then she rests her hands on the table, and lifts her gaze, a more confident air about her. “I want to begin by saying thank you for being so willing to come here. Most of you offered to help before I could even ask, and none of you… none of you hesitated. I’m genuinely honored to know you. I don’t think I could have asked for a better company. “Now, I’m pretty sure that everyone knows this, but just to clarify, the goal is to disarm Errol and capture him, not to kill him. I… have a better understanding of what to say, and I want to talk to him at least one last time. This is a map of the laboratory he and I drew out a long time ago.” She gestures to the paper in front of her. “I’m going to be honest, I don’t know exactly what to expect from him, or what kind of improvements he’s made to his Atoms. He has worked on his Atoms here…” she points to the room marked with question marks “…and that could be a place to start. But there’s still a possibility he’s somewhere else, so we will have to be on guard.” Her finger glides up to the largest room on the map with a circle in its center. “We have to be careful to avoid the… eh… really-big-core-that-could-explode-room. We have to be careful regardless, but the core in that room is what powers everything there, and as far as we know it’s never been turned off, so it’ll be unstable. “Chiara has a tool that could help us disable the Atoms and leave Errol open.” She nods to the named one. “The rest of us will have to make sure she has the chance to use her Nanotech until we have the opportunity to get close. But other than that, we are basically flying by the seat of our pants. “It’s a six mile walk up to the mountain, so there will be plenty of time to ask questions on the way if you have any. If everyone is ready, we should get moving as soon as possible.” The archer tucks her helmet beneath her arm, hooks her bow over her shoulder, and waits for one last signal from each of her allies to show that they are prepared.

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  • “Should be about as easy as—aye, I can do that!” As she continues to tap keys on the board, there is a faint rattling outside the room. Skye is so focused on computer that she doesn’t seem to notice it.

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  • "Keep going, there's something outside..." Holding his sword in a guard position, he heads to the doorway. He goes cautiously, but not slowly so that he can be ready in case of a fight.

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  • Skye pauses her work, and watches Ring curiously. “There’s something outside? Like what?” The rattling is coming from somewhere a little further down the hall.

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  • "I don't know, some sort of rattling." He steps out into the hall to try and get a better view. He keeps within a few paces of the security room, in case the noise was a distraction to lure him away.

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  • It is difficult to see anything in the dark. The source seems to be coming from just beyond the reach of Skye’s lights. “Wait, rattling? Is there an air vent in the hall?” Her voice is tinted with concern.

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  • He looks up quickly to see if there is. "If there is, that could be good and bad for us..."

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  • Skye taps on the screen, and the lights overhead turn on. There is indeed an air vent in a wall ahead, about a foot below the ceiling. From it Atoms are already beginning to pour out of it, spreading across the floor like water.

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  • "Drat...there's a vent alright, and atoms as well!" He runs back to the security room and leans inside. "Come on, we can't get caught in a closed room!"

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  • Skye continues to type hurriedly at the board for a moment, hesitating to leave her work until she finally consents. She slips back on her helmet heads for the door. Her gaze immediately falls on the Atoms, which are already beginning to fill up the hall’s width. “Oh, no... that’s not good...”

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  • "No, not good at all! Let's go!" Once she exits the room and starts running, he follows beside her. As they go, he occasionally looks over his shoulder to see the atoms behind them.

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  • The Atoms have escaped the vent, and the rattling has been replaced by their familiar, low humming. They pursue after the pair with remarkable speed, rolling through the hall like a dark wave now only a pace or two behind them. “I don’t know if we’ll be able to get away from them in here!”

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  • "Then we'll have to look for an alternative... Next time we round a corner, look for a vent. I don't know how sentient or controlled these things are, but maybe we can escape them via a vent if they don't see us enter it."

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  • “Sentience would be [i]way[/i] too big of an upgrade to give the Atoms in the amount of time Errol has,” Skye points out. “He must have gotten into the cameras. If we do find a vent around the corner, he might see us.”

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  • He quickly notches an arrow to his bow. "Then we blind him." He begins looking for cameras. "If we can stop him from guiding them, maybe we'll find a way to slip by."

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  • “Good plan!” Skye follows Ring’s example and pulls out her bow. As she does, ahead beside the next corner is a small, tinted glass dome attached to the ceiling. It is most likely one of the cameras Errol could be using.

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  • He pulls back and makes his shot. Before the arrow has even hit the camera he notches another arrow to the string and looks for more cameras, or if there were none, for a vent.

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  • [spoiler]Agh! Missed you by an hour![/spoiler] The arrow breaks the glass and pierces the camera. There is another by the opposite corner, and a third just a little further down. Skye already has one of her blue arrows flying to the camera former.

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  • Edited by RingLeader77: 9/2/2020 12:55:25 AM
    Ring lets fly his second arrow at the third and final camera. He looks briefly behind them to see if the atoms had come into view yet then sets up the task of finding and entering the ventilation. [spoiler]And I you by 45![/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]45 hours? Heavens :P I’m so sorry I haven’t be able to respond much, lately. Things have been a little more chaotic than I had anticipated...[/spoiler] The Atoms stall as soon as the final camera is disabled in a small burst of glass shards and sparks. They keep on moving, though slower and in a more “clumsy” fashion. Getting into the vent will be a bit of a climb—and a bit of a squeeze. Ring and Skye will have to move quickly.

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  • [spoiler]That's alright, I hope things get less chaotic for you soon! Chaos is no fun.[/spoiler] As soon as they make it under one of the vents, Ring kneels down and cups his hands so he can boost Skye up to the ceiling. "I'll help you up, then once you're through I can follow!" He remembers his weapon suddenly and loosens it in his scabbard in case they arrive sooner than planned. He then returns to the boost position.

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  • [spoiler]No, it is not! I’m hoping it’ll pass soon, too![/spoiler] Skye is quite nervous about the situation, but she figures there is no time for further discussion. She steps onto Ring’s cupped hands and pulls herself into the vent with a grunt. As she does, the Atoms begin to creep unsteadily around the corner.

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  • [spoiler]I'll pray for you, never hurts! In fact, quite the opposite![/spoiler] He looks back at the approaching atoms and draws his sword halfway. He looks frequently up at the vent, waiting for her to be in position to pull him up, and back at the atoms.

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  • [spoiler]Haha, I agree! Thanks, I really appreciate that! Let me know if there is any way I can pray for you, as well![/spoiler] The Atoms fall flat, spreading across the ground at a brisk pace as though in search. Skye hurriedly crawls through the narrow space, her armor softly clanking against the interior. After a moment’s time her hand is thrust back out of the opening.

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  • [spoiler]Thank you! I guess the same really, chaos and similar problems here as well.[/spoiler] He turns away from watching the insidious atoms and takes Skye's hand. As soon as he reaches the vent he grabs hold of the edge, pulling himself up and into the ventilation. "Now let's hope they don't find us in here."

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  • [spoiler]Ah, of course! The world seems to be in a crazy place right now. Then again, I guess it was always crazy in some measure 🤔[/spoiler] The thousands of beads roll over the spot Ring was standing in just as his feet leave the ground. Skye moves to give Ring room, and backs into a more spacious part of the ventilation where she had been able to turn around. “I don’t think they can detect sound, so from those particular Atoms I think we’ll be fine. I just hope there aren’t more roaming the vents.”

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