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Edited by Exileant: 9/1/2020 8:11:50 PM
You say it is pointless to argue about real world cred. Yet you were the one who brought it up... I did not ask you what you did for a living nor did I care, you volunteered that information after I told you you did not wright your own words after you admitted to seeking help because you were in need of help understanding rather simple phrases. I still would not care but for a nagging fear that in the slim chance you are telling the truth, you may be making money off of bologna and bull, since you are actually peddling any kinetic or otherwise primary weapon that cannot deal damage to multiple targets per round is somehow BETTER than ones that can, by means of a conditional reload booster.... I have not once told you what I did beyond this game, nor do I intend to. I do not need to bring what I do outside of the game into this; what I am saying about the game is more than enough to prove my point. All anyone has to do is inspect me. For those who know what to look for, it is crystal clear who to believe. I implied you do not care about anything because you did not express yourself as well as you should have, which is why you had to come back and "Rephrase". All that said. I am happy you raised some money for the children. I am choosing to believe you are not so low as to lie about that on a forum. Keep on fundraising. I applaud your efforts. Now I am going to address your blatant lies. 1) No it is not easier in 12 Guardian matches. For one, the chaos goes both ways. Many people get between 1 and 5 kills because they wind up getting shot by more than one person at the same time. 2) Against a group is the swiftest way to get yourself killed using Sky's homing affect in Crucible because unless they are right on top of each other, you will start confusing the rounds, much like you can with Black Talon. A round will start going for one, then the other, and wind up going right between them; or start hitting one, then before killing them start going for the other. 3) ANYBODY worth 3 pennies and a sock knows Skyburner's Oath's true power comes from its secondary fire mode. This makes it 2 guns in one, and both guns are for different purposes. 4) Logic dictates, "If you are able to do well with a weapon, it is not crap..... I could add a joke there... But it would be wasted on you. If you completely missed the spelling Jab, I know for a fact you have NO idea where I was headed with that second one, Mr. Published.... I can assure you it was not an "E-Peen Flex" You missed that one and whose it was about. Joke wise it was the opposite, however as a whole, it was a "Brainpower Flex". As far as numbers go, of coarse they are important, however you are focused on the wrong ones and completely overlooking the ones that actually matter. There is a reason Techs and Engineers while devising some of the most lethal weapons in the world, would die pitifully in an actual battle. Numbers on paper leave almost untold amounts of data out. Destiny 2's as well as other game glitches should prove that to you. I am sure on paper, the BETA should have worked perfectly the very first try. And it is for that reason you are wrong about 110's. But hey if you believe it, I am not going to spill to correct you. I will gladly keep the "Why" all to myself. As far as damage values on the scoreboard go, nobody cares about the damage at all in the Crucible, it is all about the Kill. The same goes for a stage. To quote Lord Shaxx: "Your enemy can't kill if the're dead! HAha!" If you have enough damage to drop a large target by yourself in an emergency, you have enough damage potential to do your part on a boss. See? I address your points, you just gotta be quick, I say, YA GOTTA BE FAST on the uptake!!!

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