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8/15/2020 6:04:42 PM
Yup. I've had to choose between coming home and getting an hour long work out or coming home and getting an hour of destiny. I've been choosing destiny way too much and I'm slowly turning into a marshmallow. Bungie seems to think players "time played" ie how long a player sits there mindlessly grinding equals players time being well spent. It's not fun. It's painful and it sucks and it's why I let my beyond light preorder cancel itself... Still no cool team based vehicles, no cool space battles with our ships. No capture the flag game modes. The whole game revolves around your guardian being a low level employee at an Amazon warehouse working his life away for minimum wage. GUARDIANS ARE MINIMUM WAGE WORKERS AT A DEAD END JOB. the power fantasy is why we play which is why they nerf our power or raise the power cap every 3 months. We're all just hamsters running on a wheel. Smh.

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