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Edited by Exileant: 8/14/2020 8:52:48 PM
You? You are a nationally ranked debater?! Yeah, RIGHT! What the heck do you debate? No-no, do not tell me, you debate against the fact that Earth is round, and that Fall-Damage is a lie! You are Nationally ranked alright.... But you forgot 'Mast', a 'u', and you need to replace your 'e' with an 'o' in that title. Now THAT was a jab. Haha! Everything I am doing flies in the face of what you are saying. From my style of writing to tactics. Oh sure I step on a few toes and that bruises egos, but the general consensus is high praise for usable information and chuckles delivered. It is not that my first respose was poorly typed, you simply leveled up your coolness factor by catching on the styling a bit better. In your head, you started reading like I intended you to, as though I was sitting across from you... Just a hair higher.... With my hands around your neck, THROTTLING the li--Mm.... Mm-mm.... Um..... What was I saying? OH! And this is why I say, you and may others like you spread "--Fake News" The reality of the situation is most people cannot deal with 110's because they hit so dang hard. It is easier to lie about them and say they are not as effective to discourage usage. The less people use them, the less they are going to encounter them. My main weapon is a 110 rate Heavy Cannon. The only way you lose with a cannon that size is if you are stupid enough to stay in an Auto Rifles stream. Even at mid range you can easily 'Peek' anyone using one to death. People lose with the slower hand cannons because they think tactics are a one size fits all glove. NO. Different weapons call for different TACTICS. My evidence of most of what I have been I was saying this is a video where I fired my Explosive Round Pistol between 2 Guardians and netted a Double.... I eventually backed into a puddle of Blight I had no idea was fired behind me, but hey, anytime you make a movie, it is rare EVERYTHING goes perfectly. At no time is it EVER sane for anyone to NOT equip a perk that can damage more than one target.... SKYBURNER is TRASH to you!?!?!?! You have LOST your mind..... At what point is a MICRO-SNIPER that can fire Homing Explosive Rounds GARBAGE!? I have gotten kills by accident with Skyburner's Oath. NOBODY decent thinks Skyburner is Trash. There are just weapons that were so hard to earn, nobody is going to NOT use one of those over the free drop that is Oath. The fact that you have even ONE of your classes that you do not care about is a tell tale and trail tail you are a newbie.... ALL CLASSES have several things neither of the other two can do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to weapons. And that is why you do not know what is wrong with your Titan. I am not going to tell you either. You changed it a tad and the sucker is still wrong. Ha! I want people to see just how credible you are by means of your builds. The fact you are not fully built is a prime example of a general Raiders slack. You fully depend on your team to get you to through. If you need a Huntress, your Raid is dead. Considering Hunter's have the HIGHEST survival rate of ANY class, and is the most team orientated by means of dropping a BOSS it is the ONE class you should give a crap about as it is the one that WILL save lives after they are lost. (Not to be confused with the War Witch's ability to STOP life loss to begin with, which is always better, UGH!) In a pinch I was able to fill the slot that was needed to keep the raid alive in Destiny Origin, the same is true now. Oh no-no-no... But here was what split me from my Squidlispooch to my coo--Uh.... You get the picture; is what you consider "Alpha Male Dominion" I consider, LOGIC. If you stand in the way of ANY weapon, you will get shot, as a result of being shot, you will die. A + B = C. Cause and effect... And you say you are PUBLISHED!? What looks good on paper is not always what works best. Those same Number geeks you are running up behind will tell you this. All bull and pixel wordplay about more pixels that at the end of the day, serve no purpose but to entertain, numb us to the pain of loss, and pitiful state the world is in aside..... It is always good to care about what is happening in other countries. Adjust that. What happens in other countries affects you. As we found out with China and the world pandemic. As we found out with Trump, who refused to shut down our country and now are spreading it like wild fire.... Last I checked, this crap affects you. Everyone was globally complacent. Not caring about anyone but ourselves is what has us in this mess now. Always care and keep your eyes open, lest when you fall on horrible times via your horrible leaders, others spoon feed you your just and well earned deserts. WEAR A MASK EVERYWHERE YOU GO!!!!!!!! I wear a gas mask.

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